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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate:

Rocio Agundis

Date: February 8, 2015

Grade and Topic:

2nd Grade Social Studies

Length of Lesson: 1 hour for 2 days

Mentor Teacher:

Mr. Joey Weaver

School: University of Memphis IDT 3600


This landforms lesson plan is part of a unit on geographical landmarks and physical features of the Americas. Its
purpose is to expose students to their surroundings and learn from it. These geographical landmarks are part of
the basic knowledge that all students should be familiar with. These learning objectives can be located in the
Social Studies Academic Standards as adopted by the Tennessee Department of Education.
Given a map of Tennessee, students will be able to identify the appropriate landforms for each part of the states
with 100% accuracy. (Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge)
Given a map of the Americas, students will be able to identify the appropriate landforms with 90% accuracy.
(Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge)
Given a list of instruction to complete the lesson, students will follow all directions from the assignment and the
instruction with 100% participation. (Blooms Taxonomy: Application)
Given a map of landforms, students will be able to identify all types of landforms with 100% accuracy.
(Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension).
The goal of this lesson is to teach students about landforms found in their surroundings and
North and South America. They will use this knowledge with other lessons in this subject, other
subjects, and in the future. Students will be apply this geographical knowledge when they learn about
other continents.

State/District, Common Core Standards
TN Social Studies 2.15 Create a map depicting the current boundaries of the United States,
Canada, and Mexico and recognize they are a part of the North American continent.
TN Social Studies 2.17 Locate major cities, bodies of water, mountain ranges, and rivers in the
United States.
TN Social Studies 2.18 Compare physical features of the earth, including islands, lakes,
mountains, oceans, peninsulas, plains, plateaus, rivers, and valleys.
ISTE Standards
3. Research and information fluency: students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
C. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the
appropriateness to specific tasks.
5. Digital citizenship: students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to
technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.

B. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,

learning, and productivity.

Projector with Screen
Access to Microsoft Word
Internet Access to:
National Geographic:
Map of Tennessee:
MapMaker Interactive:
Google Maps View:
The teacher will screen the map of Tennessee and the Americas on the projector. Students will be
working on their assignment on MS Word while these maps are on the screen. The teacher will be
projecting the Google Maps View page on the screen and showing the students different images and
working the 360 photo sphere.


Key Concepts: Students will be able to identify all types of landforms and where they can be found on a map.
They will also be able to identify North and South America on a global map and their appropriate landforms.
Academic language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
This lesson is a continuation of TN social studies standard 2.0.
Students will use the knowledge of landforms to become familiar with places they have never visited. This
lesson will serve as a basis for common knowledge in geography. The lesson can also be used in other subjects
such as English and Economics. This will be used as a guideline when the class move on to other continents in
the globe.
Differentiated activities will be needed when students already have basic knowledge of the lesson in one or
more areas. It can also be modified for students who have very little knowledge of Tennessee and other
continents. Ultimately, the lesson can also be modifies for students with learning disabilities.


The students will become focused and motivated by becoming familiar with the major landforms
before moving on to their main assignments.
Pull up the National Geographic link and select Landforms.
Project the landforms image on the screen and ask for volunteers to read about a specific
landform on the screen.
Engage the students in a discussion about what landforms they are familiar with. (Example:
Which of these landforms do you live close by? Have you seen any other landform while on vacation, in
books, or in the movies? Which of these landforms can be found in our state?)
Finally, explain to students how different landforms can affect the weather, the economy, and the

Activity A 20 minutes Tennessee Landforms
Teacher Procedures:
1. After the introduction, have the students open MS Word.

2. Project the landform map of Tennessee on the screen.

3. Provide instructions on creating the appropriate table of MS Word.
4. Monitor and assist as needed. (If there are not enough computers for the

classroom, students make work in pairs. Also students with disabilities and those students who
are not familiar with the technology can work in pairs with another student who is
knowledgeable. If computers in classroom do not work, then the handout can be printed off by
the teacher and filled in by the classroom).
Student Procedures:
1. Open MS Word.
2. Title the page Tennessee Landforms.
3. Below the title, insert a three-column 2-row table.
4. Add the following names: West; Middle; East
5. Identify landforms that apply to each specific section of the state.
6. Go to Insert at top of MS Word.
7. Click on Online Pictures and type in an image that would go with a landform.
8. Repeat steps 6-7 for the other columns.
9. When done, double check for spelling errors and accurate landforms.
Activity B 20 minutes North and South American Landforms
Teacher Procedures:
1. Project a landform map of North and South America on the screen. (There could
also be the option of projection just Central and South America).
2. Provide instruction on creating the appropriate table on MS Word.
3. Monitor and assist as needed. (Show students towards the end of the lesson on
how to save and send their assignment to the Dropbox)
Student Procedures:
1. Underneath the last table insert the title: North and South American Landforms
2. Below the title insert a two-column 2 row table.
3. Add the following names: North America; South America
4. Identify the landforms that apply to each continent as shown in the map on screen.
5. Go to Insert at the top of MS Word.
6. Click on Online Pictures and type in an image that would go with a landform
7. Repeat steps 5-6 for the other column.
8. When done, double check for spelling errors and accurate landforms.
9. Save the document with both tables and deposit in the Dropbox for the
appropriate classroom teacher.

Activity C 20 minutes Google Maps View

Teacher Procedures:
1. Open up the Google Maps: Views Link
2. Have a discussion with the students about different landforms that they learned
about. (Example: Which landform seemed the most interesting to you? If there one you would
like to explore in particular?)
3. Insert the name of a landform (Example: Amazon River, Rocky Mountains)
4. Select an image with Photo Sphere.
5. Give all students the opportunity to see a landform on the screen.
Student Procedures:
1. Raise your hand to be called on by the teacher.
2. Sit patiently and look at all of the landforms on the screen.
3. Ask appropriate questions pertaining to the lesson at the end.

Closure: Students will fill out an exit card with a landform, its definition, and location in the maps covered in
the lesson. There will also be a discussion between the teacher and students about what they learned, where they
would like to travel to, and how the lesson applied to other subjects they have previously reviewed.


Activity A Tennessee

Did not participate

in the identification
of landforms, filled
out some of the MS
Word document.

Had minimal
participation in the
identification, filled
in most of the MS
Word document.

Activity B North and

South America

Filled out some of

the MS Word

Filled in most of the

MS Word

Participated in the
discussion about
landforms, filled in
the MS Word
document, and was
missing some
Filled in the MS
Word document but
was missing some

engagement and
participation in the
completed the MS
Word document
with images.
Completed the MS
Word document
with all images.

Activity C Google
Maps View

Did not participate

the activity.

participation in the

Provided some
answers and
suggestions in the

Full participation in
the activity and
provided a high
amount of

I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those
ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this
particular lesson.

Tennessee Landforms (SAMPLE)






North and South American Landforms (SAMPLE)

North America
Great Plains
Great Lakes

South America

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