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Type: Service
Location: Canopus star system
Commissioning Date: 2158

Hull Characteristics
Size/Structure: 3/standard Starfleet mushroom structure
Resistance: 4 [+10] (polarized hull plating [5 pwr/rd])
Structural Points: 225
Docking: Docking ports for up to three ships of Size 4 or
smaller are available; larger ships must enter orbit around the

Personnel Characteristics
Crew/Inhabitants/Capacity: 114/36/4,850 [6 pwr/rd]
Entertainment: 3 [9 pwr/rd]

Systems Characteristics
Computers: 4 [4 pwr/rd]
Transporters: 2 personnel, 4 cargo [3 pwr/rd]
Power: 300

Sensor Systems
Long-Range Sensors: +0/8 ly [6 pwr/rd]
Lateral Sensors: +1/0.5 ly [4 pwr/rd]
Sensors Skill: 4
Internal Security: 4

Weapons Systems
Phase Cannons
Range: 10/3,000/10,000/30,000
Arc: All (720 degrees)
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 10
Power: [10]
Photon Torpedoes
Number: 400
Launchers: Six launchers covering all arcs around the station
Arc: All (720 degrees)
Range: 10/100,000/500,000/1,500,000
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 14
Power: [5]
Weapons Skill: 4

Defensive Systems
Ships: 4 NX-type shuttlepods; 6 inspection pods

Notes/Description: The fourth in a series of new starbases constructed by the United Earth
Starfleet, Starbase 4 was constructed in the Canopus system, near what would become the Romulan
Neutral Zone. It services Starfleet vessels, but is also available to those of friendly species, including
the Vulcans and Andorians (among other). Primarily a service station, Starbase 4 is also a bustling
center of commerce in the region; it is unofficially [though extremely well-] protected by Andorians
and Rigelians, both of whom benefit greatly from the increased trade in the region.

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