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ki d s

Issue #15
Jan. 24, 2010

STAY CLOSE Find the Hidden Objects!

Joel 2:12-17
When you get something new, you play with
it or use it all the time. You love it and can’t
wait to get your hands on it again. But, after
a few weeks or even days, it starts to get old.
As we get older, our friendship with Jesus
can get forgotten because we get new stuff.
Adults sometimes get alarmed when they
realize they have let Jesus get pushed away
be all the other stuff in their life. We want to
try to be people who never let that happen.
Always keep Jesus first in your life so you
never have to wonder what happened in your
life to let Jesus get so far away from you.

“Yet I hold this against you: You

have forsaken your first love.
Remember the height from
which you have fallen! Repent
and do the things you did at
Revelation 2:4-5a
Find 12 differences in the pictures below!

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