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Department of Electrical Engineering EEL704, Robotics & Automation, Major Test , 2006-20071 ‘Max. time : 2 hours, Max. marks: 80. Marks: QU: 10, Q2: 10, Q3: 12, Q4: 13, QS: 10, Q6: 12, Q7:13 > Write clearly each step of your calculation. 10 0 0 0100 QI Suppose a perspective transformation ofis given by T=|0 0 1 | withd=1.0. oo +i a Find the world coordinates whose image points are of the form [Xo yo OJ" . What is the expression of Z and explain reasons for any discrepancy in results? 0.866 -05 0.0 10.0 05 0.866 0.0 0.0 00 00 10 50 00 0.0 00 1.0 Draw the frame diagram which qualitavely shows their arrangement. (b) Frames describing the base of a robot and an object are given relative to the universe 1001 fo -1 0 2 Q2. (a) Suppose a transformation T=T'$ where T =! oo -14 10¢6-41 ye y TeH=\9 1 0 of lo 0 1 of’ 0 0 0001 Find a transformation of the Robot configuration 7'fy, if the hand of the robot is to be placed on the object. (© Explain briefly the physical significance of Jacobian in the context of serial link manipulator. Q3. Suppose R is rotation matrix and S(a) isthe skew symmetric matrix corresponding to vector a. For any vector a and b belonging to ‘8°, show that (@ RS(@) R= Sa) (b) Suppose a=[1 -1 2]" and R=R ,9. Compute S(Ra). (©) Figure 1 shows a mass spring system. Derive the equation of motion using Euler-Lagrange equation x: displacement «4 az Figure 1 (Q4. The dynamies ofa single link manipulator is given by 56 =8 sind +2 06=u (@ Suppose, a link is motionless at 6-0° and it is desired to move the joint to =45° in 3 secs with 0 velocity at final point. Find a cubic polynomial 0(t)to define the path? (©) Design a trajectory following controller such that the system is always critically damped with closed loop stiffness = 10 to track 04) (defined in part (a). (©) Analyse the closed loop stability ofthe above system using Lyapunov stability theory. 5. Consider an link manipulator described by M(0)6 +V(0,0)6+ GO) ‘where M(0) is the inertia matrix, V(@, 0) isthe cortilis forces and G(@) is gravity term. To track a constant injector 8 enol aw is given 281 KE = K,@ + G(®) whee Ky, Ky are positv definite diagonal maces, err E = (®,~ 0), Show thatthe closed lop system i asymptotically stable wing a suitable Lyapunov function. (64a) Explain briefly the diferent components of a fuzzy logic based inferencing system. (b) Explain two methods for computing the intersection two fuzzy ses. (©) Consider a fuzzy set A=0.1/1 + 0.5/2 +0.8/4 + 1/5 + 816+ 0.2/-2 + 0.1/1 Suppose # function f(x) = x* Find the fuzzy set (A)? 27. Figure 2 shows an image where 0 & 2 corresponds to background and object image respectively. each pixel of figure 2 is of unit length and the origin is assumed to be the top left-hand corner of the image. (2) Using sobel operators, find the gradient at pixel denoted asp. (©) Which type(s) of connectivity exist between the pixels p and q, Justify your answers. (©) Express the zero moment in terms of pixels? (4) What is the position and orientation of the connected component. Origin Y 24 Figued

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