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FAX: 011 462 2121



Senior Phase
English: 50%
Afrikaans: 40%
Maths: 40%

Dear Parents

Foundation Phase
English: 4
Maths: 3

It goes without saying that parents are the primary educators in

their childrens lives. I would just like to take this opportunity to
THANK all the parents who attended the Information Meetings held
recently at the school. We are going to have an EXCELLENT year.
Thank you for your support and positive attitude towards the
school and your childs education. Our teachers really appreciate it
and thank you sincerely.

Code of Conduct

Conduct themselves
in a Professional

12 February 2015

There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal

to a virtuous parent Gandhi

Together, we can only go from strength to strength.

Happy Valentines Day.
C Hercules

Code of Conduct

Refrain from abusive

language and
aggressive behavior
towards all staff.

Code of Conduct

To use acceptable
language and behave in an
appropriate manner.

Valentines Civvies
R5-00 on 13 Feb.
Cake and Candy
Sale as well.
Please support

Please Turn

SGB Elections 11 March 2015.

We received a newsletter from the Governing Body Foundation,
highlighting all the roles and responsibilities of SGB members.
This will be uploaded on our school communicator for your perusal.
A hardcopy will also be sent home.
If your are interested in serving on our SGB, please find another
parent who will nominate you. Nomination forms will be sent home
closer to the election date in March.
Once you have returned this form back to school, you can prepare
your speech for Election night. You may include the following:
Your skills and expertise
How you will contribute and add value to the school.
We are experiencing problems with the boys fancy hairstyles.
We appeal to you, to please support the school and code of
conduct and keep the hairstyles, simple, neat and short. Fancy
hairstyles can be kept for the holidays.
Transport Providers
If your child is travelling with one of the transport providers, please
inform both the driver and your child, that all children are to wait in
the Waiting Area and the driver will COLLECT them. Drivers are
telling children to wait across the road along Mahogany Street or
wherever they park their mini bus. This is very dangerous in the afternoons as there is a lot of traffic. Children should not be walking
around looking for their transport. We have had 2 incidents

where children have almost been knocked over by other cars.

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