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the dynamic meditation lasts one hour and is in five stages. it can be done alone, but the energy will be
more powerful if it is done in a group. it is an individual experience so you should remain oblivious of
others around you and keep your eyes closed throughout, preferably using a blindfold. it is best to have
an empty stomach and wear loose, comfortable clothing.
first stage: 10 minutes
breathe chaotically through the nose, concentrating always on the exhalation. the body
will take care of the inhalation. do this as fast and as hard as you possibly can and
then a little harder, until you literally become the breathing. use your natural body
movements to help you to build up your energy. feel it building up, but dont let go
during the first stage.
second stage: 10 minutes
explode! let go of everything that needs to be thrown out. go totally
mad, scream, shout, cry, jump, shake, dance, sing, laugh, throw
yourself around. hold nothing back, keep your whole body moving.
a little acting often helps to get you started. never allow your mind
to interfere with what is happening. be total.
third stage: 10 minutes
with raised arms, jump up and down shouting the mantra hoo!
hoo! hoo! as deeply as possible. each time you land, on the
flats of your feet, let the sound hammer deep into the sex centre. give all you have, exhaust yourself totally.
fourth stage: 15 minutes
stop! freeze where you are in whatever position you find yourself.
dont arrange the body in any way. a cough, a movement, anything will dissipate the energy flow and the effort will be lost.
be a witness to everything that is happening to you.
fifth stage: 15 minutes
celebrate and rejoice with music and dance, expressing your
gratitude towards the whole. carry your happiness with you
throughout the day.
if your meditation space prevents you from making a noise,
you can do this silent alternative: rather than throwing out the
sounds, let the catharsis in the second stage take place entirely
through bodily movements. in the third stage the sound hoo
can be hammered silently inside and the fifth stage can
become an expressive dance.


first stage: 15 minutes

be loose and let your whole body shake, feeling
the energies moving up from your feet.
let go everywhere and become the shaking.
your eyes may be open or closed.
second stage: 15 minutes
dance ... any way you feel, and let the whole body
move as it wishes.
third stage: 15 minutes
close your eyes and be still, sitting or standing,
witnessing whatever is happening inside and out.
fourth stage: 15 minutes
keeping your eyes closed, lie down and be still.


nadabrahma is an old tibetan technique which was originally done in the early hours
of the
morning. it can be done at any time of the day, alone or with others, but have an
stomach and remain inactive for at least 15 minutes afterwards. the meditation lasts an
and there are three stages.
first stage: 30 minutes
sit in a relaxed position with eyes closed and lips together. start humming, loudly
enough to be heard by others and create a vibration throughout your body. you
can visualise a hollow tube or an empty vessel, filled only with the vibrations
of the humming. a point will come when the humming continues by itself
and you become the listener. there is no special breathing and you can
alter the pitch or move your body smoothly and slowly if you feel like it.
second stage: 15 minutes
the second stage is divided into two 7 12 minute sections. for the
first half, move the hands, palms up, in an outward circular
motion. starting at the navel, both hands move forwards and
then divide to make two large circles mirroring each other left
and right. the movement should be so slow that at times
there will appear to be no move at all. feel that you are giving
energy outwards to the universe. after 7 12 minutes turn
the hands, palms down, and start moving them in the
opposite direction. now the hands will come together
towards the navel and divide outwards to the sides
of the body. feel that you are taking energy in. as
in the first stage, dont inhibit any soft, slow
movements of the rest of your body.

third stage: 15 minutes

sit absolutely quiet and still.

nataraj is dance as a total meditation. there are three stages,
lasting a total of 65 minutes.
first stage: 40 minutes
with eyes closed dance as if possessed. let your unconscious take
over completely. do not control your movements or be a witness to
what is happening. just be totally in the dance.
second stage: 20 minutes
keeping your eyes closed, lie down immediately. be silent and still.
third stage: 5 minutes
dance in celebration and enjoy

first stage: 15 minutes
with open eyes run on the spot, starting slowly and gradually, getting faster and faster.
bring your knees up as high as possible.
breathing deeply and evenly will move the energy within. forget the mind and forget the
body. keep going.
second stage: 15 minutes
sit with your eyes closed and mouth open and loose. gently rotate your body from the
waist, like a reed blowing in the
wind. feel the wind blowing you from side to side, back and forth, around and around.
this will bring your awakened
energies to the navel centre.

third stage: 15 minutes

lie on your back, open your eyes and, with the head still, rotate them in a clock-wise
direction. sweep them fully around in the sockets as if you are following the
second hand of a vast clock, but as fast as possible. it is important that the
mouth remains open and the jaw relaxed, with the breath soft and
even. this will bring your centered energies to the third eye.
fourth stage: 15 minutes
close your eyes and be still

this technique consists of four stages of 15 minutes each. the first
two stages prepare the meditator for the spontaneous latihan
of the third stage. osho has said that if the breathing is
done correctly in the first stage the carbon dioxide
formed in the bloodstream will make you feel as
high as gourishankar (mt. everest).
first stage: 15 minutes
sit with closed eyes. inhale deeply
through the nose, filling the lungs. hold
the breath for as long as possible, then
exhale gently through the mouth and
keep the lungs empty for as long as
possible. continue this breathing
cycle throughout the first stage.
second stage: 15 minutes
return to normal breathing and
with a gentle gaze look at a candle
flame or a flashing blue light. keep
your body still.
third stage: 15 minutes
with closed eyes, stand up and let
your body be loose and receptive.
the subtle energies will be felt to
move the body outside your normal

control. allow this latihan to happen.

dont you do the moving: let moving
happen, gently and gracefully.
fourth stage: 15 minutes
lie down with closed eyes, silent and still.
the first three stages should be accompanied by
a steady rhythmic beat, preferably combined with a
soothing background music. the beat should be seven
times the normal heartbeat and, if possible, the flashing light
should be a synchronized strobe.

devavani is the divine voice which moves and speaks
through the mediator, who becomes an empty vessel,
a channel. this meditation is a latihan of the tongue.
it relaxes the conscious mind so deeply that,
when done last thing at night, is sure to be followed by a
profound sleep.
there are four stages of 15 minutes each.
keep your eyes closed throughout.
first stage: 15 minutes
sit quietly, preferably with gentle music playing.
second stage: 15 minutes
start making nonsense sounds, for example la ... la ...
la, and continue until unfamiliar word-like sounds arise.
these sounds need to come from the unfamiliar part of
the brain used as a child, before words were learned.
allow a gentle conversational intonation; do not cry or
shout, laugh or scream.
third stage: 15 minutes
stand up and continue to speak, allowing your body to
move softly in harmony with the sounds. if your body is
relaxed the subtle energies will create a latihan outside

your control.
fourth stage: 15 minutes
lie down, be silent and still.

it is recommended that no food or drink be taken
for three hours before whirling. it is best to have
bare feet and wear loose clothing. the meditation
is divided into two stages, whirling and resting.
there is no fixed time for the whirling it can
go on for hours but it is suggested that you
continue for at least an hour to get fully into the
feeling of the energy whirlpool.
the whirling is done on the spot in an anti-clockwise direction, with the right arm held
high, palm upwards; and the left arm low, palm downwards. people who feel discomfort
from whirling anti-clockwise can change to clockwise. let your body be soft and keep
your eyes open,
but unfocussed so that images become blurred and flowing. remain silent.
for the first 15 minutes, rotate slowly. then gradually build up speed over the next 30
minutes until the whirling takes over and you become a whirlpool of energy the
periphery a storm of movement but the witness at the centre silent and still.
when you are whirling so fast that you cannot remain upright, your body will fall by
itself. dont make the fall a decision on your part nor attempt to arrange the landing in
advance; if your body is soft you will land softly and the earth will absorb your energy.
once you have fallen, the second part of the meditation starts. roll onto your stomach
immediately so that your bare navel is in contact with the earth. if anybody feels strong
discomfort lying this way, he should lie on his back. feel your body blending into the
earth, like a small child pressed to the mothers breasts. keep your eyes closed and remain
passive and silent for at least 15 minutes.


chakra breathing meditation can help you to

become aware of and
experience each of the seven chakras. this meditation is
active and uses
deep rapid breathing and body movement, accompanied by
musical sounds to open
and bring awareness and vitality to the chakras.
first stage: 45 minutes
stand with your feet shoulder width apart. let your body be loose and
relaxed. close your eyes and with
mouth open breathe deeply and rapidly into the first chakra. imagine the
inhalation travelling to the pelvic
region of the body, where the first chakra is located. exhale rapidly.
breathe into the first chakra until you hear a bell,
which indicates to start breathing into the
second chakra. each time you hear a bell,
move this deep rapid breathing up to the
next chakra. as you breathe up from
chakra to chakra, your breathing should become
more rapid and more gentle, so that
you are taking about twice as many breaths
in the seventh chakra as you were
in the first. you can move, shake, tilt, stretch,
or do any slight movement that
will support the breathing but the feet should
remain in one spot. allow your
feet, knees, hips and other joints to become like
springs so that once you set
the breathing and body into motion, the movement
will become continuous and
effortless. let your awareness remain primarily
with the sensations of the
chakras, rather than with the breathing or the body
after the seventh chakra,
you will hear three bells. now let your breathing
turn and slowly fall back
through all seven chakras down to the first chakra.
let the energy flow down
by itself to include the entire spectrum of chakra
energy from top to
bottom, like seven colors blending into one rainbow.

you have about two

minutes to reach back to the first chakra. it is up to
you how long you
breathe into each chakra.after you finish this sequence,
stand silently for a few
moments before starting the next sequence. this
upward and downward
breathing sequence is repeated three times.if
you dont feel the
energy of your chakras at first, just breathe into the
area where they are
located. remember not to push the breath, rather
allow the breath and
body movement to be like a bridge carrying
you into the sensations
and qualities of the energy of each chakra.
becoming sensitive to
the different qualities of each chakra comes
not through force, but
through awareness and patience.
second stage: 15
after the third breathing
sequence, sit relaxed with closed
eyes in silence. as you sit,
dont focus on anything in
particular. remain a witness
to whatever is happening,
without judgment.

this meditation uses vocal sounds made during meditation along
with music to open and
harmonize the chakras while bringing awareness to them. the
meditation can bring you
into deep, peaceful, inner silence either through making your own
vocal sounds or by just
listening to and feeling the sounds within you. this meditation can
be done at any time.
first stage: 45 minutes

stand, sit comfortably, or lie down if you prefer. keep your back
straight and your
body loose. breathe into your belly rather than your chest. the
sounds should be
made with your mouth open and your jaw loose, keeping your
mouth open the
whole time. close your eyes and listen to the music; if you wish,
start making
sounds in the first chakra. you can make a single tone or you can
vary the
tone. let the music guide you; however, you can be creative with
your own
sounds. while listening to the sound of the music or the sounds that
make, feel the sounds pulsating in the very center of your chakra,
if it seems to be imagination at first. osho has suggested that we can
use the imagination in becoming attuned to something that is
there. so keep doing the meditation even if it feels like you may be
imagining the chakras. with awareness your imagination can lead
you to an experience of the inner vibrations of each center. after
making sounds in the first chakra, you will hear the tones change
to a higher pitch - this is the indication to listen and feel sounds
in the second chakra. if you wish, you can continue making
sounds also. this process is repeated all the way up to the
seventh chakra.
as you move from chakra to chakra, let your sounds
become higher in pitch. after listening to and making
sounds in the seventh chakra, the tones will descend
one at a time down through all the chakras. as you
hear the tones go down, listen and make sounds
in each chakra. feel the inside of your body
becoming hollow like a bamboo flute, allowing
the sounds to resonate from the top of your
head down to the very base of your trunk.
at the end of the sequence, you will hear
a pause before the next sequence starts.
this upward and downward movement of
sound will be repeated three times for
a total of approximately 45 minutes.
second stage: 15 minutes
after the last sound sequence, remain sitting or lying down in si-

lence with closed eyes. remain

in silence and dont focus on
anything in particular. allow
yourself to become aware
of and watch whatever is
happening within. relax
and remain a witness,
not judging it.

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