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Grammar 9

Can I use direct and reported

I understand the difference
between direct and reported
I have used speech marks to
punctuate my direct speech;
I can convert between direct and

Can I use direct and reported speech?

I understand the difference between direct and
reported speech;
I have used speech marks to punctuate my direct
I can convert between direct and reported speech.

There are two forms of speech that we should try an

Direct Speech this is when you write down exactly w

saying. You will need to use speech marks.

I dont want to eat my cabbage, Peter grumbled to

Reported Speech this is when you are repeating wh

said. Imagine that you are telling another person wh
Do not need speech marks. Reported speech is writte

Peter told his mum that he did not want to eat his ca

Can I use direct and reported speech?

I understand the difference between direct and
reported speech;
I have used speech marks to punctuate my direct
I can convert
between direct and reported speech.

Direct Speech

The level of noise in this classroom is totally unacc

Said Mr Kore.
Reported Speech

Mr Kore told his class that they were being far too no

You can see that both sentences carry the same mea
need to just repeat what has been said or get rid of t

Can I use direct and reported speech?

I understand the difference between direct and
reported speech;
I have used speech marks to punctuate my direct
I can convert between direct and reported speech.

Have a look at these examples of direct speech. See if you

learning partner can change them in to reported speech. D
get rid of the speech marks. Make sure you keep the same

Can I have another biscuit please? Mohammed as

Stop thief! the policeman bellowed.

Im not going to football on Monday night because

Too much work to do, Mr Williams said.

Can I use direct and reported speech?

I understand the difference between direct and
reported speech;
I have used speech marks to punctuate my direct
I can convert between direct and reported speech.

Now, have a look at these examples of reported speech. S

and your learning partner can change them in to direct sp
Dont just get add speech marks. Make sure you keep the
Hayley shouted at the dog to stop barking.

Mrs Wilson asked the bus driver if he knew what sto

the town centre.
The fireman begged the cat to come down from the

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