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Strange Things
Strange Things Happened With Us!
Adhyayan Kaushik
Global Institute Of Technology

Strange Things

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Strange thingsi.e. the things which occur suddenly or accidently or
unusually .Have you ever think why these happen with us..? General answer is
no..!. These things may be occur in: home, school or anywhere. The question is
about their timing occurrence. Sometimes we know just when these occur and
sometimes no. They may be harmful or may not be
Question arises whether Science is playing a role or not. As we all know things
become strange only because of their timings nothing else. Because of the few
microseconds things become strange. So we see that whenever strange things
happen due to motions science is playing a role. We say these are scientific strange
things. But the question is:

Strange Things

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This question always appear in our mind whether science is only the reason for
all these things..#First of all we have to understand , the things which we
assume strange are actually strange for all or not..
Let us take an example..
Sometimes we fall down the stairs accidently. We call it strange but only we
feel that is strange..For the stairs it does not matter who is falling down and to
what distance..Also the direction of fall doesnt matter to any one.

Also humans described the word Strange. As plants and animals (living
things)fell them may also feel but they cannot describe in words.
Now, strange things can happen because of the two reasons:
1. Material or technical defects of an object.
2. Brain signal timings.
To describe first lets take examples.

Strange Things

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In the below figure.. A,B,C want to cross the stairs.. The question is that who
will fall ???
The answer is A because B and C knows about the technical defect of the
stairs . and A does not know..
So .. here technical defect is the reason ..

Lets take another example:

We can see that a man is falling due to a pit. Because he dont know about the
direction of the pit.

Strange Things

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And falling due to pit become strange for the person. In this case brain signal
timing is not accurate .As he cant identify where the pit actually is.
Simuntaneously , the technical defect reason can also be true as there is a
defect (pit) present over the surface due to which accident occur.So they actually
occur together.

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