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Statement of Problem:

In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers; customer satisfaction is

seen as a key differentiator. Businesses who succeed in these cut-throat environments are the
ones that make customer satisfaction a key element of their business strategy. Customer
satisfaction is a marketing term that measures how products or services supplied by a company
meet or surpass a customers expectation. Customer satisfaction is important because it provides
marketers and business owners with a metric that they can use to manage and improve their
Satisfaction plays a significant role in how much revenue a customer generates for your business.
Successful business owners and managers quickly realize that keeping customers costs less than
finding new ones. If certain practices drive customers away, a business repeatedly spends time
and money on advertising and other efforts to recruit more.
Review of literature:
K J Vinodini and Dr. P Umarani (2014) conducted study on Analyzing customer satisfaction
towards quality of services and sales at Lanson Toyato, Chennai. To fulfill the objective of the
study the descriptive study was carried out. The random sampling method adopted with a sample
size of 50 in Chennai city through personal interview. The study reveals that 64 per cent of the
respondents believe that service rate is expensive, 80 per cent of them are satisfied with delivery
system, and majority of the respondents are satisfied with service people and also recommend
others in buying the product.

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