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INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................

INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ................................................................................................ 4
GLOBAL MINDSET ....................................................................................................... 4
ENTREPRENEREUL OUTLOOK .................................................................................. 5
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ........................................................................................... 6
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE....................................................................................... 7
PROACTIVE LEARNING .............................................................................................. 8
ASSESSMENT CENTRE GAMES .................................................................................... 9
1. IMPACTFUL DECISION DISCUSSION ................................................................................. 9
2. ORIENT EXPRESS ...................................................................................................... 10
3. THE ISLAND .............................................................................................................. 11
4. GRANT NOMINEE ....................................................................................................... 12
5. THE TOWER .............................................................................................................. 13
6. THE W AY ON THE MOON ............................................................................................ 14
7. EGG SUSPENSION GAME ............................................................................................. 15
8. W HAT IS IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE ............................................................................... 17
BENEFIT AND IMPORTANCE OF DEBRIEFING ........................................................... 18

This guide is created in order to help you running
the selection in your entity. Based on the Refreshed
Global Competency Model you can find exact tools
for your competency-based selection.
The guide contains tips and ways how to run
selection processes based on the refreshed GCM.
The links below help you to get an overview about
the GCM and about running selection processes

Get to know the (Refreshed) Global Competency Model HERE

Talent Selection Basics HERE
Other Selection resources:
- AIESEC Bahrain
- AIESEC Czech Republic
- AIESEC Spain

Using the guide:

It is very important for YOU to consider the following things:

Golden steps for customization:

Finalize your Talent Planning and create the profile what you are
searching for! Please find our suggestions for Exchange stage in GCM
and Usage wiki!

Check your resources! Consider time, experience level and number of

people delivering selection process, how many people will participate in
the process. If you are missing resources, do not hesitate to ask for help
from your national level or external resources!

Use the tool for choosing the interview questions and the Assessment
Centre games for your process! Competencies can be assessed by
interview or assessment centre games select in a way you will get the
most reliable outcome based on the profile and your resources!

In every time use evaluation sheet in order to ensure all the

observers/interviewers are observing the proper things! Find the
evaluation sheet in GCM and Usage wiki!

The guide is a collection of resources which is enabling you to create and

customize your own competency-based selection process

Do not forget about giving feedback for the participants of the selection
process! They can learn a lot from your inputs and you can intensively
contribute to their development!


Takes an active interest in, and constantly increases awareness about,

other cultures and world affairs by seeking information, opinions, and
ideas from diverse sources;

Seeks to enlarge personal & professional network by interacting with

people of diverse cultures and backgrounds;

Works effectively with individuals of diverse cultures, styles and abilities,

capitalizing on their insights and ideas;

Shows openness and flexibility towards differences in opinion, and

challenges own opinion;

Demonstrates ability to adapt and adjusts to new situations/ places/


Interview questions

How would you describe how you work in a team? What do you hope to
develop by working in a team in AIESEC?

The deadline for a team you are in is coming soon and the team members
are not performing well due to other responsibilities they have. What would
you do to be able to deliver an excellent project on time?

Give an example of when you have engaged in a group discussion and

encouraged the sharing of ideas?

What kind of people you can hardly get along with? Why? What would you
do in order to make the situation easier?

Imagine that you have to work in an international team, where you dont
know each other, and countries are presented from 3 different continents.
What kind of problems or misunderstandings can come up? How do you
see the role in managing these situations?

Describe a situation in which you had to work with a difficult person

(another student, co-worker, customer, supervisor, etc.). How did you
handle the situation? Is there anything you would have done differently in

What kind of rules or conditions were changed around you in the near past
that influenced you directly? What is your opinion about these changes?

Tell me about a situation in which you have had to adjust to changes over
which you had no control. How did you handle it? In your near environment
what kind of processes or systems would you change? Why?


Scans their environment, looking out for challenges and opportunities,

and ways to capitalize on them;

Comes up with innovative ideas/ solutions/ approaches in order to

increase performance (of self/others/organization);

Achieves results by managing resources (material and personal),

processes and risks effectively;

Works to achieve goal in spite of barriers or difficulties; actively works to

overcome obstacles by changing strategies, increasing efforts, using
multiple approaches, etc.

Builds on interpersonal relations to engage and build ownership from

others towards achievement of common goals.

Interview questions

Describe a situation where you have been in an uncomfortable social

environment. What did you do and how did you react?

Give an example where you have innovated around a task or responsibility

that you have been given!

Describe a situation where you have used limited resources to achieve a

goal successfully!

What do you prefer more regarding to solving a task: staying along the
beaten track or always checking whether there is a new way?

What were the 2 biggest challenges in your life what you had to take? How
did you succeed?

Have you ever been in a situation when you changed an activity in order to
fulfill a task more fast or precise? Please tell me one of these!


Takes decisions keeping in mind the long-term consequences of present


Identifies and acts keeping in mind the bigger picture and how different
factors interconnect and relate to each other;

Demonstrates personal commitment for tasks and deliverables, and

inspires others to take action/responsibility;

Looks for and implements innovative solutions to address societal needs

and issues;

Accepts responsibility for outcomes (positive or negative) of one's work.

Interview questions

Describe the process you went through in trying to convince someone of

your opinions!

Give an example of where you have had to set goals and achieved tangible
outcomes from them!

Describe a situation where you have made a mistake, how did you report
this to your peers and your superior?

Give an example when you miss a deadline! What were the circumstances
and how you communicated about it to others?

Imagine that you are working in a team regarding to a school project. 1 day
before the deadline you realize by accident one of your teammate did not
succeed his/her part of the work which endangers the success of your job
as well. What would you do?


Shows ability to empathize and sense others' feelings and perspectives

(put himself/herself in others shoes);

Actively listens to others; correctly interprets messages and responds


Communicates about own feelings and emotions and takes responsibility

to manage them;

Demonstrates consistency in speech, responses and actions (walk your

own talk);

Establishes good interpersonal relationships by helping people feel

valued, appreciated, supported and involved.

Interview questions

Give an example about the most intensive experiences of your team roles!
How much connected did you feel to the team?

Name one of your friends, who knows you reasonably well. How would
he/she describe you as a friend?

Imagine that you are in late from one of your written exams and you saw
one of your friends sitting quite sad in the corridor. What would you do?

Imagine that you are working in a team, and for a question everybody is
starting to speak in the same time. How do you feel?


Is aware of his/ her own strengths and capitalizes on these in various


Seeks and uses feedback and other sources of information to identify

appropriate areas for own development, and sets development goals to
work on these areas;

Puts acquired knowledge, understanding, or skill to practical use in daily

activities; furthers learning through trial and error;

Facilitates development of others by helping them to identify their

strengths, and opportunities to capitalize on them;

Works with individuals to identify areas for development, understand need

for improvement, and set specific development goals.

Interview questions

Give an example of an experience where you have learned a lot from?

What did you learn?

Which accomplishments from your past have given you the most
satisfaction? Why?

Tell me about a situation where you have made a mistake and how have
you dealt with the situation. What did you learn from your mistake?

What kind of activities are you using besides your studies in order to
increase your knowledge?

What kind of feedback did you get last time? How do you perceive
receiving feedbacks?


1. Impactful decision discussion
Divide the candidates in groups from 5-7 people and tell them they should discuss
and agree on a list from what would impact more the humankind to what would
have less impact. The group has to agree on a single list in maximum 15 minutes
and the decision cannot be made by voting.

The list they should rank by consensus is as follows:

Unlearning of written language and alphabet

Death of all doctors

No potable water on the planet

Death of everybody in Africa

Disappearance of all books

End of Oil reserves

Disappearance of Internet

Crash in USA economy

Disappearance of Euro

Competencies: Global Mindset, Entrepreneurial Outlook, Emotional Intelligence

Duration: 20 minutes
No. of people: groups 5-7 people

2. Orient Express
You are going to board the famous train Orient Express, travelling from Paris to
Istanbul. There are 16 more passengers on the train. You get to choose 3 of them
to make you company and you also have to say which 3 of them you would under
no circumstances travel with. The passengers are as follows:

Bai Ivan - a middle aged Bulgarian from a small town

Paul - English football fan, supporter of Liverpool

Alexei - Ukrainian student

Martha - Dutch feminist

Lin Ma - Vietnamese mother with her child. They are travelling without visa.

Kalin - a man from the Roma minority recently released from prison.

Philippe - French farmer, who doesn't know English; He travels with a

whole basket of stinky French cheese

Lee - a Buddhist monk

Ngome - African woman, selling spices

Frank - very rich and very fat Swiss banker

Amy - an orphan refugee from Congo

Aga - Polish prostitute

CJ - Spanish rapper

Gustav - Swedish neo-Nazi skinhead

Branko - ex Serbian soldier from Bosnia

Danny - American gay musician

You have 10 min for individual work. After that all participants have 15 min to come
with a group decision. One of the participants has to present the group decision.
For all that time the participants can ask all kinds of questions to the moderator.
Competencies: Global Mindset, Emotional Intelligence
Duration: 10 minutes for individual work, 15 minutes for group discussion
No. of people: 5-7 people in group


3. The Island
Handout, flip chart paper for each group, felt pens. Each group should have a
distinct area to work where is going on in one group will not disturb another group.
This activity has each group determining which island a group of pirates should
approach to replenish food and water supplies contaminated in a typhoon. For the
activity you should select three observers that will have a role during the decision
taking process there should be an observer that will node his head and show a
lack of trust in the decision they are taking and someone else with the upset
minded and should not answer any question.
Each of you is a highly ranked member of the crew of a pirate ship. Your leader
has learned over your five years together to value your opinions and rarely makes
influential decisions without discussing the matter with you. It is the groups habit to
try and reach consensus mayor decisions.
Your ship has just weathered a typhoon. Your food supplies were soaked with salt
water. But more importantly, your water supplies were contaminated you need to
find fresh water before you all perish. You have pinpointed where you are on a
map and realize that there are five islands within sailing distance.
You must decide what to do.
Island one: Dutch fort estimated approximately 6 hours away to the west. There is
a possibility that any ships in harbour may be undertaking repairs due to the
typhoon. The fort is guarded by two cannons.
Island two: Inhabited island 12 hours south-west with a dense jungle terrain. It is
populated by primitive head-hunting natives. It has a rocky coastline and no natural
Island three: inhabited Island 28 hours north. The island is sparsely populated with
Dutch colonists who are armed with muskets and swords. There are several
natural harbours.
Island four: Portuguese harlot colony 32 hours east. Youve previously visited this
island on numerous occasions. There are no defences and the harlots always


welcome you youre your money with open arms; however, you know from
experience that diseases of all kinds are rampant on this island.
Island Five: Island inhabited by fierce, war-like tribes, 17 hours south. There is a
great deal of superstition surrounding this island- your crew has refused to land
there in the past. There is natural harbour; however, it is home to the islands
sacred rock carving. This rock is always heavily guarded by native priests.

Competencies: Global Mindset, Emotional Intelligence, Social Responsibility

Duration: 30 minutes
No. of people: 5-7 people in group

4. Grant Nominee
A committee of personal tutors is given the task of recommending a student to
receive a travel grant. The chosen student will be expected to carry out work or
research at his/her destination and produce a report on his/her return. Candidates
vary in terms of types of researches and their purposes. Each participant has to
convince his/her fellow committee members that the student s/he is championing
deserves the grant whilst helping the committee makes the best recommendation.
Each participant receives description of a student they recommend.
Student #1: Student of 3rd year oceanology. Average marks: 4.2 Active member
of Oceanology Students Association. Wants to study effects of tourism on Great
Barrier Reef.
Student #2: Student of 5th year of geography. He has already taken part in two
geographical researches, which succeeded in discovery of new types of rocks in
the North of Poland. Now he wants to make his first research abroad and wants to
study oceanic volcanoes.
Student #3: Student of 3rd year of economy. He is passionate about archaeology
and hes a member of National Archaeology Association. He wants to study impact
of new archaeological discoveries on economy development in Africa.


Student #4: 4-year-student of tourism. Average marks: 4.9. Recently he has won
Students Competition on knowledge about Asia. He wants to travel around China
to study perspectives and directions of tourism development of this country.
Student #5: Student of 3rd year of technical university. He wants to spend 6
months travelling around South of Europe running his study on alternative sources
of energy. In the future he wants to set up his own company delivering
environment friendly energy to citizens.
Student #6: Student of 4th year of psychology. Last year run study on impact of
globalization on depression among youths in Central and Eastern Europe. Next
year wants to continue the study in Western Europe.
Student #7: Student of 3rd year in Social Sciences. Last year was involved in a
project to help children with HIV/AIDS. He wants to travel to Asia to work in
HIV/AIDS projects.
Student #8: Student of 1st year of Economics. He would like to travel to North
America to get to know big companies that make good profit and see how they can
support companies in under developed countries.
Competencies: Global Mindset, Entrepreneurial Outlook, Emotional Intelligence
Duration: 35 minutes
No. of people: 4-8

5. The Tower
The task is to build up the highest tower. They can use only allowed and prepared
materials, e.g. paper, old newspaper, glue, sticky tape. Divide the people to groups
of 4-6. Firstly they have to decide and draw the process of build. For preparation
they have 10 minutes. Afterwards chair tell to groups that they have to change the
preparation among. The groups have to build a tower by way of plan the other
group. After 15 minutes, chair is going to decide which tower is higher.
Competences: Global Mindset, Entrepreneurial Outlook, Emotional Intelligence
Duration: 30 minutes
No. of people: 4-6 people in one group


6. The Way on the Moon

Imagine that you and your friends appear in the following situation because of the
decision of the international tribunal:
You were accused for stealing $1000000 from World Bank and thats why you
have to live 3 months on the Moon. As you are students, we allow you to take 15
things (but we still do not know what the capacity of the rocket is).
Your task is to choose 15 things and sort them from the most important to the least
important for your survival on the Moon.

Condensed meal
30 m line
Safety clothes
7 mm gun
2 kg powdered milk
2 big bottles of oxygen
Astronomic map
150 l water
2 l vodka
Plastic rescue boat

Individual preparation time:

Each of you has 10 minutes of individual time for setting your priorities. For this,
you get an individual rating sheet.
Team activities:
You will discuss in a team and reach an agreement which things are the most
important to have with you on the Moon. (Please use the team rating sheet for
Afterwards, you will need to decide and agree in a team what you are going to do
during the first 3 days on the Moon and divide these tasks among yourselves.
(The task for the participants is to make priorities for the first 3 days on the Moon
they should divide the tasks among them and to set simple task they are going to
do.) For these activities you are going to have about 15 minutes.


Finally, be ready to present your agreement! For that choose one or two of your
team members. The presentation shouldnt take longer than 3 minutes.
After 5 minutes the moderator stops the process and gives the participants another
task to make a list with 5 things, which they are going to take as a team. She/he
will tell them that he received the new information that rocket is already prepared
to start and that there is only small place so they are allowed to take only 5 things.
They should agree as a team. And they have only 5 minutes for that.
Competences: Global Mindset, Entrepreneurial Outlook, Emotional Intelligence
Duration: 35 minutes
No. of people: groups of 6-8

7. Egg suspension game

Split the candidates into groups of 4-7. Each group should get a list of materials
they can use for the construction.
NOTES: the material that has been used cannot be sold back; unused materials
can be sold back for the half of their initial value
Information: You and your team members are on a camping trip. Everyone
arrives in a clearing and you all pitch camp. There is a bear lurking around the
campsite. The bear is harmless, i.e. it will not attack humans. It is just lurking
around the campsite foraging for food. Imagine your food supplies are all
contained in this container (the size of an egg) with the same weight. These food
supplies are your only supplies, i.e. without those supplies, you and your team
members will not survive.
Instructions: You have a budget of 1500 per team.

You are required to

construct a structure that would keep your supplies away from the bear, i.e.
suspend your egg so that the bear will not get to it. The structure (about 30 cm
high) will have to suspend the egg for at least 5 minutes. Keep within the budget!

In the first phase the groups order the materials they need for the construction.
You hand out the materials according to their orders. In each phase the groups


can make ONLY ONE order (so they have to make a list of materials they will need
and give it to the chair)
Egg suspension materials:

Price (per item)


in s




150 (+50)

String (Strips of 5 cm in length)


100 (+50)

Tape (Strips of 5 cm in length)








100 (+30)




Strips of paper (11x2.5)


100 (+30)

Staple (5 small pieces)


10 (-20)

Stick glue



Rubber bands


150 (+50)

Drawing pins


40 (-10)

Cotton buds


70 (+20)



200 (+50)



250 (+100)

At the beginning of the second phase the prices go up due to the stock market
crisis (in table):
They can again make their order and the chair hands out the materials.
At the beginning of the third phase a big earthquake hits their region and destroys
some of the materials. Each group has to give back material in worth of 300 (at
original prices).
If they still have some money left they can make the final order and complete the
Competences: Global Mindset, Entrepreneurial Outlook, Emotional Intelligence
Duration: 45 minutes
No. of people: groups of 4-6


8. What is important in your life

1 Order the following sentence from most important to least important.
2 Create a list of importance of these things in group




Very good paid job

Nice car
Stable relationship with partner
Opportunity to travel
Many friends
Less friends, but closer
Much free time
Beautiful house
Have a job, which I like
To have authority

Competences: Global Mindset, Entrepreneurial Outlook, Emotional Intelligence,

Proactive Learning
Duration: 25 minutes
No. of people: groups of 4-6



Debriefing can give you even a lot of information besides the concrete activities or
discussions. During the activities because of having more people together it can
happen that some people cannot have the amount of space as they would have
in another environment. With the help of debriefing you can ensure that all the
people can share their experiences and opinion even asking the less active
people more directly.

Besides the benefits, it is also important to give the chance for the participants to
share their feelings and leave them in the same mental state as they started the
activity. It is an unspoken golden rule of Assessment Centre games and

There are some general questions which can be used for most of the activities:


Do you succeed? Why / why not?

Are you satisfied with your groups performance?

Why do you think you succeeded / failed?

How do you evaluate the team work?

What kind of different team roles did you perceive? What was your role?

Did you have a leader in the group? Why?

How was the leader leading you?

Was everybody included in the process (informed had something to do)?

What would you do differently next time?

How can you relate this exercise to reality?

Did you have some unexpected situations during the work?

How did you overcome it?

Were you able to adapt right away? If not what problems did you face
during that? If yes how did you do you manage that?

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