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IDEA Essay

How the IDEA Principles Impact Education

Chase Casper
Dakota State University

IDEA Essay
The IDEA principles affect many aspects of education. They impact how teachers educate
students, how parents interact with the school, and how the school can educate its students. The
main point of the IDEA principles is to provide minimum guidelines for schools. These
principles changed the way schools and teachers were able to evaluate their students. When the
law first came out, it took everyone a little getting used to. Many educators didnt know how to
exactly follow these laws so it took some time for everyone to feel comfortable with the new
laws. The IDEA principles only require the minimum requirements for schools to provide. This
is a big part of the IDEA laws and how they impact the education system.

IDEA Essay

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) principles have impacted the
education system and how teachers educate their students. There are many laws in place that
affect education and how teachers educate their students. The IDEA principles are aimed at
students with disabilities and how they determine if a student needs extra assistance. The IDEA
principles are the structure of which special education services are designed (Learning
Disabilities of America, 2005). IDEA establishes that an appropriate education must be provided,
not necessarily what the student or parent wants. The law states that educational placement must
be provided individually for each student. Each student is unique in their own way and has their
own needs aimed at education (Autism Society). IDEA establishes the minimum requirements
that schools must provide (Autism Society). Many laws impact the education system and
educators need to be aware of everything that goes on in their classroom.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is a federal special education law. There
are six IDEA principles (Learning Disabilities of America, 2005). One of the six is Zero Reject.
This principle states that schools must educate all students with disabilities. This principle
applies no matter the disability or the severity of the disability (Heward, 2006). The law applies
to children ages three to twenty-one. Techniques must be set up in order for the child to succeed
to the greatest of their abilities no matter the severity of their disability (Bradley, 2008). Each
state education agency is responsible for identifying, locating, and evaluating each child with a
disability. This requirement is called the child find system (Heward, 2006). Each student and
their family has the right to a free, appropriate, public education.
The next Idea principle is Nondiscriminatory Identification and Evaluation. This
principle says that schools must use nonbiased, multifactored methods of evaluation to determine
whether a child has a disability and, if so, special education is needed (Heward, 2006). If the

IDEA Essay

child does not have a disability, then they are treated like all other children in the general
education classroom. A referral is an official way to ask for a nondiscriminatory evaluation
(Bradley, 2008). Testing and evaluation processes cannot discriminate on the basis of language,
Culture or race (Heward, 2006). These provisions in IDEA are known as protection in evaluation
Free, Appropriate Public Education is the next IDEA principle. It states that all children
regardless of their type of disability or the severity of their disability shall receive a free,
appropriate education. This education must be provided free to the parents and funding must be
provided by the school (Heward, 2006). Each student is entitled to an individualized IEP. The
IEP should be in place at the beginning of the year and be designed by the IEP team. The IEP
states all the students unique educational needs, goals, present levels of performance, and shortterm objectives (Heward, 2006). A review conference is required in order to make sure the
student is reaching their goals (Bradley, 2008). All student have the opportunity to receive an
appropriate education.
Another principle of IDEA is Least Restrictive Environment. This principle states that
students with disabilities must be educated in the general education classroom to the maximum
extent appropriate. It also states that children with disabilities be removed from the general
education classroom if the nature of their disability doesnt allow them to receive an appropriate
education (Heward, 2006). The IEP team decides how much time is spent outside of the general
education classroom. The team is required to decide the modifications, aids, and services
necessary in order for the child to receive the most appropriate education possible (Learning
Disabilities of America, 2005). Before a student can enter a more restrictive environment,
schools must make an effort to maintain a student in a less restrictive setting. Only when an

IDEA Essay

appropriate education cannot be given, is when a student can enter a more restrictive setting.
(Yell, 2006).
Due Process Safeguards is another IDEA principle. This principle states that schools
must provide due process safeguards in order to protect the rights of children with disabilities
and their parents. Parental consent must be obtained for all placement decisions and evaluations
concerning special education (Heward, 2006). The parents should be involved in the decision
making regarding their child. Parents and the child are required to be involved in each step of the
special education process (Learning Disabilities of America, 2005). If the parents of the child
and the school disagree on evaluation, placement, or free and appropriate education, the parents
can request a due process hearing (Heward, 2006).
The last IDEA principle is Parent and Student Participation and Shared decision making.
This principle states that schools must communicate with parents and students with disabilities in
the scheme of the special education system (Heward, 2006). This principle includes the process
of reviewing and revising the IEP. Transition services begin at age fourteenand this principle
helps decide where the student will be placed. The process of evaluating data is covered in this
principle. The IEP team goes in depth of evaluating all the data collected about the student (ASK
Resource Center, 2007). Parents need to be involved with the school to a certain extent. They
need to know what is going on regarding their child.
Many factors affect education. A lot of laws impact the way schools can educate their
students. The laws also affect how parents interact and communicate with the school. The IDEA
principles impact how schools educate their students. They cant do things their own way. There
are certain guidelines that each school needs to follow. Each state has different requirements but
the IDEA principles are the minimum requirements for each school.

IDEA Essay

ASK Resource Center. (2007). Six Principles of IDEA. Retrieved March 11, 2012, from
Autism Society. (n.d.). Educational Mandates. Retrieved March 11, 2012, from Autism Society:
Bradley, M. E. (2008). IDEA: Individuals with disabilities education act. Retrieved March 8,
2012, from Uncovering the Mysteries of Disabilities :
Heward, W. (2006). Six Major Principles of IDEA. Retrieved March 8, 2012, from
Learning Disabilities of America. (2005). Principles of IDEA. Retrieved March 8, 2012, from
Learning Disibilities Associasiation of America:
Yell, M. (2006). Least Restrictive Environment, Mainstreaming, Inclusion. Retrieved March 8,
2012, from

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