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Educated at CalTech, Dartmouth Medical School, and the University of Pennsylvani

a, he
did a large part of his scientific research at the National Institute of Mental
Health and
built his own dolphin-communication research lab in St. Thomas in the Virgin Isl
ands. After
experimenting with LSD in the sensory deprivation flotation tank, he left the ac
world in pursuit of ever higher states of consciousness. From the Esalen Institu
te to Chile
to ketamine-induced extraterrestrial contacts in other realities, this man's lif
e is more farout
than any science fiction. Always following the scientific tradition that carved
his name
into history, John Lilly systematically and courageously explored the states of
consciousness produced by LSD and ketamine while in the isolation tank. His
autobiographies The Center of the Cyclone, The Dyadic Cyclone (with Toni Lilly),
and The
Scientist, provide mind-boggling overviews of his amazing adventure of a life. H
philosophy on how to reprogram one's own brain is best summarized in Programming
Metaprogramming the Human Biocomputer, and Simulations of God.

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