Non Competition Agreement: 1000 N West Street, Suite 1200, Wilmington, DE 19801

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This is a confidentiality and non-competition agreement of conduct and business practices

between Keylent Inc. with the principle business address at 1000 N West Street, Suite 1200,
Wilmington, DE 19801 hereinafter referred to as Company an__________________(Consultant)
located at __________________________________________(Address of the Consultant) with
SSN # _____________( <SSN# of the consultant>) hereinafter referred to as Contractor.
Company will be on occasion, using Contractor to subcontract consulting assignments with its
clients. This will always include interviews between consultant (_________________________)
(<Name of the Consultant>) and our client(s), either on the telephone and/or face-to-face.
It is recognized that Company has spent considerable time, money and effort in marketing and
sales. These costs and efforts are the basis of Companys relationship with its clients.
Company will be divulging its clients' company names and hiring managers' names to the
Contractor. Client here includes all the 3rd party layers that get introduced in the process of setting
up an interview. This information is highly confidential and is only to be used for the purpose of
the specific interview(s) for the subcontracting assignment. Contractor cannot use the information
to contact Companys client(s) for any type of sales effort. Contractor cannot share this
information with any other company. Contractor cannot sell this information. The information
must stay confidential.
If Contractor uses, sells, shares or divulges this confidential information a fee will be paid to
Company. The fee will be equal to all amounts Contractor invoiced the client or all amounts the
company you passed the information to invoice the client.
Contractor agrees, and shall cause Personnel to agree, as a condition of this Agreement and the
assignment of Personnel to Client/Company that neither Contractor nor Personnel will solicit or
accept an offer of employment with, or otherwise directly or indirectly, a full-time, part-time or
temporary basis, provide information technology services to Client or its affiliates until the
expiration of one year after termination of this agreement. Contractor shall, and shall cause
Personnel to immediately notify KEYLENT INC (DSI) if Client or any affiliate solicits
Contractor or Personnel with an offer of employment.
The company that defaults will also pay all fees, legal and others directly associated with
collections and enforcement of this agreement.
Please sign below indicating your understanding of this document.
SIGNATURE: ________________


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