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|What is the goal of science? Investigate and understand the natural world 1-1 The World of Biology Biology- Study of life SOE Characteristics of Living Things 1.) Made up of Cells Cell- The smallest unit that can perform all life's processes -Unicellular = 1 cell ¢: _ -Milticellular = many cells 2.) Reproduction Sexual reproduction ot Cells from 2 differentparents Te tonte to prodhice the first of a neve organism - Offspring differ from their parents & Asexual reprduction “Spee clledrgenam dvds hats jorm two nod gts - Offspring and parents have same traits EE, as 3.) Based on a Genetic Code DNA determines the ASR inherited traits of mm every organism = A 4.) Growth and Development Process by which an organism becomes a mature adult .) Need for Materials and Energy Metabolism- Chemical reactions in which an organism breaks down materials to obtain energy 6.) Response to the Environment Stimulus- Signal to which an organism responds [7,) Maintaining Internal Balance Homeostasis- process by which rganisms maintain a relatively stable internal environment li, Humans sweating shivering 8.) Evolution- Change in a population of organisms over time

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