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With special thanks to:

Mr Dave McMaster
Mr Dylan Hughes
Ms Linda Parnsalu
Mr Dean Croy
Ms Pauline Doolette-Cox
Mr Thomas Woods
The Grade 6 Teachers
The Mentors
LLAC Staff
And the CDNIS community
for supporting this event!

Developing responsible global citizens and leaders through academic excellence

Mark Kaiser, Priscilla Chau,

Alan Lee, Jasmine Hui

Our issue for our Grade 6 Sharing the

Planet exhibition is physical disabilities. We
chose this topic for different reasons: one
member chose it because his dad is
physically disabled and another chose it
because it was an interesting topic and has
a lot of relevance in Hong Kong. The two
other members of our group chose human
rights, which relates to the issue because
those with physical disabilities need equal

The issue of physical disabilities is relevant in Hong Kong because there are people
who are in need of organizations to help with rehabilitation and vocation. There
are also services provided by the government that help, including offering disabled
parking and ramp access to buildings.
During this exhibition, we will explore the concepts of form, function and
We hope to develop the attitudes empathy and respect, by
researching more and interviewing physically disabled people to develop a deeper
understanding of their needs and the obstacles they face on a daily basis in Hong
Kong through their perspective. We hope people who attend our exhibition will
ve a b
te understanding of physical disabilities through our research and will
ta action
n fr
from their
ir learning.

No th
at Hong
g Kong
Kong is one of the worlds biggest
erss of ssha
n, we have decided to study
the problem
m of ssha
ha nning. As you will learn
from our
ur e
it shark nning is an extensive
issue in Hong Kong. To the Chinese, shark n
soup is culture; it is a sign of wealth. We are
hoping that people will learn that sharks are not
innite, and that without sharks the eco-system will
change. We need to protect them because they
Davis Lau, Eric Heidinger,
are very important to our lives and how we live.
Charmaine Luk, Tiffany Cheng
We chose perspective, causation and connection
as our concepts. We chose perspective because we wanted to discover the different
points of view on this issue. We chose causation because we wanted to know why
this issue is happening. We chose connection because we wanted to know how the
issue in Hong Kong affects our whole planet. We have already taken some action
because on the 15th of May, we did a protest (freeze mob) on the Avenue of the
Stars. We want to develop attitudes of curiosity and appreciation because we think
it is important that we show these to accomplish a good exhibition. We want to
develop curiosity because we are curious about shark nning.

Mentoring is about learning from a team of young experts !

My young Water
Pollution team is rapidly demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of Hong
Kong's water issues and teaching me much about the levels of clean water. For my
part (a small, modest part), I have worked with them on how to collect empirical
data and conduct surveys that will inform us - but not overwhelm or confuse us !!!!
The team includes four impressively academic and serious young men who arrange
meeting times, proffer their computerised information and generally keep me
informed and on track. Soon I expect them to turn up in suits and ties and enquire
as to what I have contributed to the team - ha! As a mentor, I feel
eell fortunate to have
such an impressive PYP 'Gang of Four.
Ms Linda Trautman
MYP Coordinator
& PYP Exhibition Mentor

The issue we are investigating is animal and pet

abuse in Hong Kong. We are all interested in this
because we love animals. We are inquiring into
pet abuse in Hong Kong because it is very
relevant here. Many pets are abandoned in
Hong Kong each year and we are hoping that
through our exhibition people will learn that they
shouldnt adopt pets because they think they are
cute or will be a suitable plaything.
Petrina Mo, Ines Duan,
The concepts that we have chosen are causation,
Tse, Aimee Sham
function and responsibility. We chose function
because we wanted to investigate the different
types of animal abuse that occur in Hong Kong. We also chose responsibility because
we need to take action to prevent animal abuse and make people realize that owning
a pet is a huge responsibility. The last concept is causation because we wanted to
learn more about the legal rights of animals. We plan to have awareness days where
we walk around Hong Kong giving out pamphlets on pet abuse, and making people
aware of the effects of animal abuse. We have interviewed members of animal
organizations and made links with groups who work on behalf of abused animals and
pets. Through our inquiry we hope to show the attitudes of tolerance, creativity,
cooperation and condence.

Our issue is the conict about the

safety of the nuclear power plant. We
chose this topic because we were
worried about the safety of the people
of Hong Kong. If the nuclear power
plant leaks then it can make Hong
Kong uninhabitable and we would
have to evacuate because of radiation
We are hoping that people will learn
that there is a conict about the safety
of the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant.
We chose perspective and causation
because we wanted to know what
caused the conict and the peoples
perspectives about the conict.
We can tell others about the problem
and maybe they will start protesting
against nuclear plants near Hong
Kong. We hope to develop the
attitudes: tolerance, by being patient
with each other, and commitment by
b e i n g d e d i c a t e d t o o u r wo r k ,
completing our tasks every day. We
also want to be respectful, following
our essential agreements, and
cooperative, by working with our
group members. Finally, we will show
curiosity by researching a lot.
We want the government to remove
the plant and maybe put it in some
random remote island.

Aidan Holmbraker, Ryan Ma,

Henry Hargreaves, Jack Turner

Henry Jin, Conor Spangfort,

Elias Buurma, Brendan Johnston

Our problem is air pollution and how

dangerously high it is in Hong Kong.
The reason we are interested in
learning more about this issue is
because in Hong Kong, the air
pollution and smog levels are
extremely hazardous to the citizens.
On certain days in Hong Kong,
pollution levels make going outside
dangerous and it can affect your
health in many ways. When people
walk away from our exhibition we
hope that they have learnt something
about how serious this problem really
is and how we can try to stop it. We
are looking at the concepts of
change, causation and responsibility.
Change: How air pollution is
changing in severity and becoming
worse? Causation: What and who is
causing all this pollution?
Responsibility: What we can do to
reduce pollution and how we could
actually prevent it? The action we are
planning to take is to encourage
drivers from idling, as well as
planting some trees, which will help
clean the air and provide oxygen.
We are aware that small actions by
many can help pollution levels drop
and perhaps ease the situation.

Our group chose poverty because it is

both a global and local issue, which
affects a large number of people. Many
in the Hong Kong community do not
appear to care about poverty because it
doesnt really affect their daily lives. In
fact, many locals and ex-pats dont seem
to realize that poverty actually exists in
Hong Kong. The concepts, which drive
our inquiry are form, responsibility and
perspective. Each link to our
investigation and will help us answer the
questions we have raised. We have
planned excursions to visit and interview
people who live in the infamous cages in
Hong Kong, as well as the beggars who
spend time on the streets. We want to
learn more about their lives and give
them a voice through our exhibition. We
are hoping visitors to our exhibit will
become more aware of the problems
that exist right here in Hong Kong and
want to take personal action.

Caitlin Cormie, Cheryl Kwok,

Patricia Hu, Isabelle Mascarenhas

As the culminating experience of a

students years in the Primary Years
Programme (PYP), the PYP Exhibition
ser ves as the ultimate summative
assessment task.
The process allows
allows students to showcase their
learning across all areas of the
curriculum. The pressure is denitely on,
but the results speak for themselves. The
CDNIS Grade 6 students of 2011-12
should be extremely proud of their
Mr Tom Woods
PYP Coordinator

Our groups issue is domestic helpers in Hong

Kong and their rights. We selected this issue after
a guest speaker opened our eyes to some of the
shocking problems domestic helpers face right
here in Hong Kong. This is a very relevant issue
because of the large amount of people in Hong
Kong who have domestic helpers. It is our aim to
raise awareness to the difculties helpers face
and to take action that prevents some of the
Anakin Tse, Armaan Gandevia,
terrible treatment they endure. Our concepts are
Isabel Gibson, Stephanie Pak
form and responsibility because want to study the
current legal rights of domestic helpers and also look at some organizations set up
to defend helpers when those rights are violated. We will also investigate cases
where domestic helpers are abused and the consequences, if any, that employers
face when accused of abusing helpers. Finally, it is the responsibility of all of us
who have helpers to be respectful, responsible and recognize the helpers basic
human rights.

Air pollution is a worldwide issue. It doesnt just

happen in Hong Kong but it happens everywhere
else in the world; thats why our group decided to
research the issue and help reduce air pollution. This
problem is relevant to Hong Kong because the air
pollution rate is constantly high. Also, it is almost
impossible to not breathe in exhaust since Hong
Kong has many vehicles. Exhaust fumes are very
harmful and affect all living organisms.

Nathan Ho, Justin To,

Nicholas Yue, Nick Lee

We want to persuade people to use public transport

more often and drive less because pollution takes a
long time to leave Hong Kong since there are so many highrises that prevents the
exhaust fumes from leaving quickly.
During the exhibition process, we hope to understand this situation better and take
action. We want people to become passionate about saving our earth through our
elaborate presentations to classes and the public. We are going to explore
concepts form, because we want to know how pollution is made by vehicles,
s, causation
because researching the causes of air pollution is necessary for our investigation,
on,, an
lastly responsibility because we need to research how air pollution can be rred

We all are animal lovers and we really want to take action to stop animal abuse from
happening anymore because its really unfair to the animals that are being abused. A
lot of people buy pets without thinking and leave them out to die. They dont
understand their responsibilities of taking care of an animal, and thats only one kind
of animal abuse.
We hope that after people come to see our exhibit, theyll learn a way to step up and
stop animal abuse from happening anymore in the future. Our concepts are
responsibility and causation because we are responsible for this mess but we are not
handling it the right way. We intend to take action
by informing our parents about animal abuse,
writing new blog posts and by volunteering to help
at animal shelters and kennels.

Alexis Yam, Hazel Leung,

Rita Ko, Gwyneth Ng

The attitudes that we want to develop are integrity

and curiosity because if we really care about the
animals and if we really want to stop animal abuse,
we would stand up for the animals being abused.
Curiosity because we need to be curios about this
issue before we do research or all our research data
will mean nothing if we dont care about animal

We hope that after we took our actions of informing our families and writing
on blogs, people would pay more attention to animals that are being abused and
animal abuse would stop.

We will be investigating domestic helper abuse

in Hong Kong.
We want to learn about
domestic helper abuse because we think this is
a very relevant topic in Hong Kong. We also
believe that certain individuals in the society
do abuse the helpers both physically and
emotionally. We as a group think that this is a
relevant topic because there are over 300,000
foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong and
Dennis Poon, Tomoka Masuda,
there is a high chance that some people may
Josie Ku, Jordan Lim
abuse them. We hope that whoever visits our
exhibit can learn about their plight. We will be exploring the concepts, form,
perspective and responsibility. We need to explore these concepts to nd out
what abuse really means, collect information from different perspectives, and
also explore on the responsibilities of related people such as employers or
agencies in treating helpers fairly.
We will be displaying the learner prole attributes of being caring, open-minded
and also as inquirers. We will need to use these attributes because the helpers
might not like to talk about their unhappy experience or feel embarrassed or
against. We also need to do a lot of research to understand more
ou th
e reasons behind the abuse by different groups of people. We hope to
ate th
the community on these issues and teach employers or other related
le tto
o treat domestic helpers in a fair way. Education of the community can
be tthr
gh talks, brochures and many other ways to bring this topic to higher
s. We hope that not only will students learn and be aware of this issue,
but th
ey can
c also bring this message to their parents, relatives and friends.

Being a mentor is a great opportunity to work with kids as they are

pulling together so many skills and ways of thinking that they have gained
through the PYP. Throughout the inquire cycle, from "tuning in" and
"nding out" right through to "making conclusions" and "action," I admire
the enthusiasm, team skills and desire to do well on the part of the kids.
It's a great ending to the year and their Lower School pathway.
Mr Rob Grantham
Lower School Counsellor
& PYP Exhibition Mentor

Our exhibit is about endangered species as we are

all interested in learning more about this problem
and how we can help. Our major focus will be on
sharks as they are very relevant to Hong Kong
because it is a major shark-nning industry. The
Chinese eat shark n soup at formal dinners, and
the sherman make a lot of money out of the
Doris Ma, Mya Miller,
Edson Bichon, Bryan Roach

We are hoping to make people more aware of this

cruel and destructive practice and how it has
affected the number of sharks in our waters.

The concepts driving our inquiry are causation, change and responsibility. We can
explore these concepts by nding out the consequences of shark-nning and the
changes that have occurred to our eco-system. The most important concept we feel is
responsibility, because as humans we are responsible to the damage being done
and it is only humans that can x it.
We aim to can raise awareness about endangered species and organize an
Endangered Species Day to convince people to take action. We are even intending
to talk to the government for a bigger change.
Throughout this exhibition our group have displayed the attitudes of independence,
enthusiasm and cooperation, all of which have helped us carry out an in-depth,
gf inquiry.
We are
re h
g that endangered animals will be back on the safe list, and people
ize the
the importance
of conserving species and caring for our environment through
pr ec
ng our
our animals.

Our gr
p is ccon
about the way animals are
used ffor
or ttes
ng purposes because we have a
n fo
forr animals, and want humans and animals
to be equal. This is a problem in Hong Kong and
China because they are the main places where
animals are being used for experimentation in the
world. We hope people will understand that animal
testing is a problem, that it must be resolved, and
that we can persuade others to take action to
prevent further torture of animals.
Matthew Tsang, Elliot Chui,
Our concepts are perspective, causation, and Alex Smith, Jacinta Amaro
responsibility. We are showing the attitudes: empathy,
integrity and curiosity, because we have to be honest, caring, and inquisitive. We are
going to take action by explaining in classes that by supporting companies that test
their product on animals, animals may suffer.
Finally, we are going to persuade our audience that animal testing is inhumane, and
people should not support it.

Our issue is human consumption. Were

interested in this issue as it is very serious,
both globally and locally. Its about the
way people are over consuming. Also,
people are using up resources and buying
things that they do not need, which has
consequences to both the environment
and society.
This issue is relevant to Hong Kong as this
city is a shopping city and many tourists
come solely to shop. A problem is that
people throw away their things very
quickly because of planned obsolescence
and perceived obsolescence; this means
how you will be persuaded to throw
away old things and buy new products. In
six months, only 1% of items bought are
still in use. The products many layers of
wrapping worsen this problem.
We are hoping that people will learn
more about this issue and the prevention
of it, so they can share with others, and
take action. The concepts that we are
focusing on are responsibility, change
and consumption. The attitudes that we
hope to develop are cooperation,
curiosity, independence, and tolerance;
we can do this by trying hard and talking
to each other. The action and change that
we hope will happen as a result of our
work are for the consumerist society to
dissolve and everyone to be happy and

Emma Chickles, Andrew Choi,

Vincent Lee, Jassica Chuen

Dorothy Leung, Colleen George,

Victoria Jooris, Natalie Fong

Our group has chosen deforestation

since we all think it is a major issue
in the world right now. To make it
more relevant to our community we
are mainly focusing on the lack of
greenery in Hong Kong. We are
passionate about this subject since
trees and greenery are vital to the
wellbeing of our planet. After
listening to a guest speaker from the
Roots and Shoots organization our
group became motivated to do
something about this issue.
Deforestation is said to be one of
the Earths major problems. If the
destruction of trees and greenery
continues at the current rate, there
will be many problems for the
natural balance of the earth. Animal
habit ats are af f ect ed, global
warming has increased, pollution
levels are at an all-time high rise
and species are dying out.
The concepts we are focusing on are
connection and causation. We want
to know why deforestation is
happening and what lac k of
greenery means to the residential
areas of Hong Kong. Our team is
looking forward to the Exhibition
and we hope to raise awareness
and also to motivate action.

The issue that my group will be inquiring into is

poverty and in particular investigating ways to
reduce poverty in Hong Kong. Poverty is one of
t he ma jor issues in Hong Kong wit h
approximately 30% of Hong Kong citizens
currently living in poverty. We are hoping that we
can raise awareness of the issue and encourage
people to take action to help those who live in
poverty. People can help by donating food,
Keith Leung, Marcus Cheng,
clothing and money. They can also help out by
Brian Siu, Ali Chiu
offering their time to carry out jobs and provide
assistance to organizations.
The concepts that we chose to explore are responsibility, connection and causation.
The attitudes some of the group chose are condence and commitment, the reasons
being that we need to be condent in explaining our issue and committed to doing
something about it. Our main goal is to come up with ideas to aid the number of
people living poverty.

Water is essential to our lives. Water is nite. Water is a natural resource that once
we lose we cannot get again. Every day, the water is getting more and more
polluted. People are not making a change. People dont know and are too lazy to
make a change and help improve our own world. Although people are doing things
and helping, it is not enough. We need to change.
Water pollution can affect our daily lives greatly. When garbage or toxins from the
landll and sewers end up in the sea, shes will take in this water and will get
affected by the chemicals. They may die or get eaten by bigger sh, which we eat.
After we eat these contaminated sh, we will have toxins in our bodies that could
affect us greatly. So its a food chain cycle.
70% of our world is water and if we lose it or pollute it, we will suffer the
consequences. The seas and rivers are all very important to the worlds ecosystems;
if we did not have seas and rivers, we may as well be extinct. We are polluting the
worlds most nite resources and polluting them
and wasting them. Animals live in the seas, yet we
are continuing to dump trash in to where they live.
Its just like throwing rubbish into your neighbors
house and leaving it there. We have to think of
our actions, and improve and leave the old ways

Trevor Ho, Matthew Chow,

Kurt Chan, Andrew Lin

What you do counts - it will make a difference to

our environment and our world - the world we are
responsible for.

Teaching and learning has changed a lot since I began teaching Grade 6 over
15 years ago. And, having been out of the classroom for a few years, I look
forward to the Grade 6 Exhibition when I have an opportunity to spend a few
weeks working with students. The student-led
investigations of the Exhibition are challenging
for students and I enjoy working alongside a
group, providing support and encouragement
as required.
Mr Dean Croy
Lower School Vice Principal
& PYP Exhibition Mentor
We chose to investigate endangered species
because it relates to our daily lives in Hong
Kong. Animals are affected by what we are
doing every day and we may not be aware
that our actions may endanger our lives. There
are many animals that are endangered such as
the Green Turtle, Pearl River Dolphin and Blue
Fin Tuna. We hope we can raise the awareness
of the citizens of Hong Kong and hopefully
they will take action in many ways such as
Grace Chan, Ashley Wong,
donating money, participating in protests and
Adrian Pang, Edgar Chao
volunteering to help save the animals, the
ecosystem and ourselves in the long run. The PYP concepts we hope to explore
are causation, perspective and change. We chose causation because we want to
nd out what has caused this problem. We also chose change and perspective
because we want to know how we can help to cure this problem and understand
the problem from different perspectives, for example the hunters, the community,
the government etc. The actions we hope to take are to donate money and
volunteer to help these poor animals. The attitudes we hope to expand on are
appreciation, cooperation and condence. What we want to expand on is
appreciation because we want to understand what the animals have gone through
all their lives and through this process hoping to persuade people to help these
animals. We chose cooperation because people have to work together to save
the endangered species. We also hope that through the Exhibition we can
enhance our condence getting it done in the tight timeframe. Some of the skills
we chose to concentrate on are communication skills and thinking skills because
we are not used to working with each other and communication is the key to
success. Thinking skills are important because we need to train ourselves to
examine and analyze all the concepts and attitudes more thoroughly.

Formulate questions


Inquir y
C yc l e

Collate & sort data

Draw conclusions

Analyse data
The Mcleod Inquiry Framework

Activate prior knowledge

Define purpose &

create plan

Inquir y
C yc l e

Determine actions

Present findings

Make connections

Many families in China cannot send

their children to school because they
do not have the money to send their
child to a good school. Is it equal?
Fair? Adequate? Appropriate? ! It is
because of the rising school fees and
the rising amount of greed!! Children
and family members end up working
to get their child into a decent school!
Without education these children
cannot read or write and might never
qualify for better jobsthey are
destined to spend their lives in
During our investigation we will
explore three concepts: responsibility,
causation and perspective. Our group
chose responsibility because we
would like to know who is responsible
for these childrens education. ! Our
focus is on different perspectives
because we are curious about the
opinions of parents, teachers, and
children on the kind of education they
received. Causation will be one of our
main concepts because will focus our
investigation on the impact school
systems have on underprivileged
Our intention is for people to follow
o u r exa m p l e , a n d t o m a ke a
difference whether big or small.

Jeffrey Tsaw, Sabrina Roberts,

Marjolaine Legros-Hoffner

I was very much looking forward to

being a mentor this year as it gives me
the opportunity to work with students in
a small group environment. I really
enjoy engaging students in conversation
regarding important matters that affect
the world such as Womens Rights something I believe strongly about. It is
great to see the current young minds of
future world leaders and the thoughtful
questions they pose and answers to
problems they have. I nd I learn just
as much from the students as they learn
from me. Facilitating inquiry into such
matters that allows students to take
action is a very benecial process as it
allows them to have a voice and effect
change in the world. I am currently
working with 4 students who are very
passionate about their inquiry into
Womens Rights and it is wonderful to
see the energy that is exhibited by
them. When humanity recognizes how
important it is to have equality between
men and women, then we will have
achieved one of the prerequisites to
world peace.
Mr Marc Steiner
Lower School Physical Education
Teacher & PYP Exhibition Mentor

Our groups issue is the law of Minimum

Wa g e i n H o n g Ko n g . H o n g Ko n g s
government started giving rights to lowincome workers through the Minimum Wage
law because the people didnt give enough
money to the workers before. Were
interested in this issue because it will affect
our lives in various ways; thus is a very
serious issue in Hong Kong. Now that the
minimum wage law is in effect, bosses are
probably going to re more people because
they wont have enough to pay each worker
$28 per hour. Our groups concepts are
causation, perspective, and function. When
the minimum wage law was set a few weeks
ago, people in Hong Kong thought of this
law differently, and we are going to
investigate it. The action our group wants to
take is to raise awareness. We are going to
do this by writing an ar ticle to the
newspaper, and telling the young people
about this issue. We hope to develop
empathy and commitment. We need to have
empathy for people and help them. We also
need to be committed to help and do this
project and to do this properly.

Dickson Cheng, Branton Choi,

Brandon Chiu, Max Larbier

I'm excited to become one of the

mentors this year and have an
opportunity to witness our grade six
s tudents growing t o be more
condent, responsible, and
independent learners. Good team
work is a key to success in the PYP
exhibition like what Henry Ford once
said: "Coming together is a
beginning. Keeping
ng together
progress. Working
g to
Ms Makky Fung
Lower School
ol LTT
LTT Teacher
& PYP Exhibition
on Mentor

Our inquiry for the exhibition is water po

utio as
our group are all interested in learning more
about this problem and how it affects marine life
and our environment in Hong Kong. This issue is
related to Hong Kong because every day there is
a tremendous amount of waste washed up on our
shores and dumped into our seas. We are hoping
that the actions we take as a group will make
citizens of Hong Kong understand how water
Dylan Enright, Calvin Lai,
pollution affects the community and the ecosystem.
Brian Yeung, Christian Hwa
The concepts we will explore through our
investigation are form and responsibility. One of the actions we intend to take is to
make a banana lter which is a reusable water system. We will promote this as an
alternative way of conserving water. The attitudes we wish to develop over the course
of the exhibition are independence and enthusiasm. We are all passionate about this
issue and appreciate the great danger our world is in through the various ways we
pollute our seas and oceans.

The issue we chose to inquire about is animal

abuse. We are really passionate about our issue
and hope to make a change in what is currently
happening in this eld. Animal abuse is occurring in
many places in the world, including Hong Kong.
Animals are abused in many ways and for different
reasons; some are abused for entertainment, food,
or for their pelts or skins. We plan on creating an
exhibit to raise awareness of animal abuse and
Guy Yaffe, Karlson Cheng,
encourage people to take action against it. Before Amanda Chan, Brianna Geisbrecht
educating and informing others, we conducted
research to broaden our understanding and knowledge of the problem. We decided
to investigate the issue through the concepts form, connection and responsibility. We
intend to make a change by helping animal groups and organizations while also
educating others in the issue. We also want to encourage individuals to think about
the choices they make, particularly if they affect endangered animals. For instance,
saying that you wouldn't eat sharks n soup or wear clothing made by animal pelts
or fur would help. During this exhibition, we aim to focus and improve on developing
the attitudes independence, commitment and cooperation. It is our aim to make
people more conscious about the matter of animal abuse and the effect it h
as o
n ou

Gender inequality is an ongoing issue right now, as men have more access
ss tto job
opportunities than women. We didnt know that gender inequality was a problem in
Hong Kong before. After reading newspaper articles, and learning more about the
womens organizations in Hong Kong, the way women were ill-treated shocked us.
Why do they have to suffer? The concepts are change, perspectives, and causation.
Change, because we want to investigate how gender inequality has developed and
improved over the years, Perspective, because it is necessary to know the society and
governments opinion on gender inequality, and nally, Causation, to nd out how
gender inequality started. Our attitudes are empathy and curiosity. We chose Empathy
because as women we know how it feels to be discriminated against, and Curiosity
because gender inequality seems really interesting to us. We show enthusiasm as we
delve deeper into this issue. Our exhibition is geared
towards providing the audience such as teachers,
parents and students with essential information, so
that they understand the different perspectives of
women rights and how it has changed over the years.
Most importantly, how it has impacted our society
and the global environment. Hopefully, by exhibiting
this education and knowledge, gender equality will
be promoted and people will be more aware of this
Kelly Wing, Michelle Au,
issue in Hong Kong.
Nicole Hon, Ena Cheng

Air pollution is a global problem. As a group we

chose this issue because we are stunned by the
colossal amount of air pollution in Hong Kong.
The purpose of this exhibit is to let people know
about air pollution in Hong Kong become more
aware of the dire state of the current situation
and the consequences that that entails. Air
pollution is detrimental to our daily lives and the
environment. We are concerned about the future
Michael Hon, Brandan Fong,
of Hong Kong because if air pollution continues to
Desmond Chui, Charles Hui
rise it may cause increasing respiratory and
nervous system problems among the population. Did you know that even basic
things like riding a taxi every day has a grave impact on the world we live in and
the people around us? There are many ways to reduce air pollution, including
walking, biking or taking the bus to school and work, air-drying your clothes
instead of using the electric dryer, using air conditioners only when really
necessary, turning off lights when leaving a room, or using uorescent light bulbs
instead of high-wattage incandescent bulbs. Air pollution is such a
major issue, yet most people ignore it. If everyone did their part
and took action, the world would be a cleaner place and people
would not have to suffer through the diseases from air pollution.
Better quality air means a better quality life.

O u r m a i n i s s u e i s Wa s t e
Management. We want to help
the environment to be a greener place, not just for
Hong Kong, but for the world too. We want
people to know we MUST make an effort to take
action, and make a difference. This problem is
relevant in Hong Kong because we are not putting
enough thought into handling our waste. The
government has already done a lot to help, and
Ashley Zee, Chloe Lee,
its making an impact, but there is still a lot we can Natalie Yung, Stephanie Ngan
do to help. We want people to walk away from
our booth motivated to take action. The concepts we will explore are responsibility;
we must all be responsible of our own waste, perspective; learning the views of
various people, and function, how the waste disposal process works. The actions we
are intending to take are to interview and educate people. We will also observe
how they handle their waste products. The main attitude we are exploring is
commitment because people need to handle waste more seriously, and understand
how fast landlls are lling up. We are hoping that changes happen as a result of
our action. This problem must be solved soon before it is too late!

"Mentoring a group of students engaged in purposeful research of an

issue that has ignited their passion is a very rewarding experience for a
teacher! It is exciting to be involved with them as they apply all the
inquiry skills they have learned throughout their years in the PYP."
Ms Myrna Holm
Lower School Teacher - Librarian
& PYP Exhibition Mentor
Privilege? No! Access to quality education is a right! Education is an essential
part of a childs life. It is the key to helping children face and overcome the
challenges that occur. It is a vital puzzle piece that allows for success in todays
world. However, many people, at the end of the day, are not prepared to work.
They lack the skills and knowledge to participate meaningfully and be involved in
community businesses and services. This is a direct result of the poor quality of
education that children receive in Hong Kong.
Learning about the lack of access to quality education has made us want to know
more and to try to help highlight this issue and raise awareness to members of
the community like you. In Hong Kong, the government ensures that children
receive 12 years of free education; however is this education of the highest
possible quality? Is the language of instruction suitable for everyone? Is the
method of teaching best suited to children? Is what is being taught of interest and
relevant to students?
Through research, we hope to learn more about the cause, the form, the
responsibilities and perspectives of this important issue of access to high quality
education. We will be sure to show respect, integrity and tolerance to the
different perspectives that we come across and will be open-minded in accepting
all ideas and opinions. Through emails, letters and blogposts, we hope to make
a change by raising awareness and offering new ideas and opinions to
educational practices in Hong Kong.
Although change in large governmental
organizations is difcult, we hope to open
the eyes of people to the needs of children.
As Nelson Mandela said, Education is the
most powerful weapon which you can use to
change the world. If we are not provided
with a education that is of the highest
possible quality, we are not equipped to
change the world for the better.

Kristyn Lee, Kaya Buurma,

Janice Ng, Katrina Yu

Our groups inquiry is energy usage. We chose

this issue because we think that we use too much
energy in Hong Kong. It is an extremely relevant
problem because if our use of energy continues at
the current rate, we could run out of natural
resources in the not too distant future. Excessive
energy use also releases a lot of greenhouse
gases into the environment and that causes global
Justin Cheung, Kelvin Wong,
We are also inquiring into the sources of energy
Rohan Hemrajani
we use in Hong Kong and how our usage has
consequences that affect the environment. We plan to educate and take action to
prevent people from wasting energy through negligence and ignorance. Our
concepts are connection, function and responsibility. We chose connection because
our inquiry connects our use of energy to the harmful effect on the environment.
Function relates to the sources of energy in Hong Kong and how we utilize them.
Lastly, it is ou
our responsibility
to employ energy effectively and become more aware
of the ways
w s we can
an conserve energy in our homes and our daily lives.

Ou r gr
pss is
e is endangered species,
y en
species in Hong Kong
and Ch
a. W
e have also investigated some
species which
h are globally endangered.
Species are endangered due to a variety of
reasons: humans destroying their habitats,
hunting and poaching and global warming.
Our group is passionate about this issue and feel
Isabel Brogsitter-Finck, Anabel
that if animals and species die out, it will it have
Yeung, Irmina Poon, Jenny Wu
a huge detrimental effect on our lives and the
environment. For example, if bees became extinct
due to pest control, there may be less greenery because of the absence of pollen.
This would be a real problem in Hong Kong.
If tigers continue to be illegally hunted, eventually they may become extinct.
Therefore, the prey that the tiger eats, such as deer, will overpopulate and possibly
eat all the grass or other things that are vital to humans. It is a huge domino effect.
Action can be taken through joining animal rights organizations, writing letters to
government ofcials and arranging peaceful protests or demonstrations to raise
public awareness of the problem.

Dean Allen, Nathan Hwa,

Jason Chan, Darren Sham

We chose to investigate air pollution for

the Exhibition. We were very interested
in learning about this topic because we
used to study this as a project and we
wanted to continue studying it. This
problem is a really big issue in Hong
Kong because our citys air is being
badly polluted by smoking, vehicles and
the factories in China. This issue has not
been solved for so long. After people
watch our presentation, we hope that
they will send an email to government,
and take action to help Hong Kong to
become a green city. We wish they
could tell everyone to help reduce air
pollutants. A concept we might learn
about is causation. We will take action
by telling our parents and family
members to walk and to use bicycles
rather than taking cars. The attitudes we
will develop are condence and
independence. We have to do this
research and ask people questions
about air pollution and how it affects
them. We also have to be condent to
stand up and be able to explain to our
audience about the pros and cons,
otherwise we will not be able to
convince them and to collect good data
for the research. The changes I hope to
see happen are that the sky will be
clear eventually from foggy dust and to
see more eco cars running in the streets.

Renewable energy is energy that

is generated by natural resources
such as solar panels, dams, hydro
power, wind turbines, and more!
On the other hand, coal is what
Hong Kong frequently uses to
p r o d u c e e n e r g y. I t i s n o t
renewable and will eventually run
out in 50 years time. Burning coal
also contributes to air pollution,
which as we all know is bad for
our health. If we continue to use
coal as our main source of
energy, what will we do when it
runs out? That's the reason why
we should use more renewable
sources of energy. The positive
part of using renewable energy is
that it will not run out and we
don't have to worry about having
no energy or electricity in a few
years. We can put it this way: If
you cover 1% of the Sahara
Desert with solar panels, you
could supply the whole world with
electricity. The initial set up may
cost more but then money is saved
by not having to buy a nonrenewable substance!

Rachel Cheng, Vanessa Lai,

Lincoln Cheng, Seleste Woo

We are investigating the issue of Disability

Discrimination in Hong Kong - specically how
the visually impaired dont get access to
certain places. We noticed that there are very
little visually impaired students, and so we felt
a need to change that. We also feel we need
to experience what it actually feels like in their
shoes, and so we are planning to walk around
the city with a blindfold on, so we (and
Rachel Wong, Jeffrey Mak,
spectators) can actually feel like we are or are
Nicole Tombazzi
around somebody who is visually impaired. This
is a really big problem in Hong Kong because we noticed in articles that the
visually impaired were being discriminated against. To take action, we gured
we needed to explain to our audience what they should and shouldnt do with or
near someone with visual impairment. During the process, we will be tolerant
and empathetic. Our chosen concepts are: connection, responsibility, and form.
Our goal is to persuade our audience to take action, and to do something to
help. We hope that as a result of our action, more people will be aware of this
and take action.

Our issue is child abuse. We were interested

in learning more about this issue because we
explored this in Grade 5 and we wanted
help prevent it. We thought the issue needed
help. This problem is relevant in Hong Kong
because there have lately been reports of
child abuse in the newspapers. Even though
Hong Kong is a developed city, it is still
prone to child abuse. We are hoping that
Nicholas Chow, Glenn Chang,
after people come to our exhibit they will
Odette Lau, Cynthia Tam
take action and help prevent child abuse too.
We will educate and teach people properly how to prevent child abuse and
what to do if they are abused. We will explore the concepts causation and
responsibility. We chose them because we wanted to nd out why there was
child abuse and who was and is responsible for it. We intend to learn more
about the issue and then start informing people about this problem. We hope to
develop the attitudes responsibility and empathy so we can make the right
decisions and care about abused children. As a result of our action, we hope to
reduce the amount of child abuse in Hong Kong. If we succeed, we will try to
help prevent child abuse globally.

The issue we are investigating is Child Labor. We

are interested in learning more about this problem
and how it is related to Hong Kong and China.
Initially, our group was unsure that the issue of
child labor actually related to Hong Kong but
after some initial investigation we found that the
problem did exist here, although to a lesser extent
than in mainland China. During the exhibition we
want to nd out what is happening to these
children in Hong Kong and to nd ways to help
them. The concepts we are exploring are
causation, perspective and responsibility. We are
hoping to raise awareness through organizations
and raising money to help the children. We hope
to develop cooperation and commitment as
attitudes and communication and openmindedness as attributes. Our exhibition aim is to
make change and for people to recognize that
child labor is unacceptable and must stop.

Eve Blondeau, Darren Wong,

Sam Ho, Hannah Hwa

As an upper school teacher,
being a mentor
ntor iss the
th best way
to connect
ct with
h the
the lower
school, it's
's k
s, a
nd iit'
Its a thoroughly
e pr
t, that
hatt I look
forward to e
ry year!

Mr Matthew Battani
Upper School Teacher
& PYP Exhibition Mentor

For the Sharing the Planet unit, we are

investigating racism. We thought this is a topic
not well discussed and that it is important to
talk about. We were interested in nding out
why people can be racist and why it is an
issue. This problem is relevant to Hong Kong
because Hong Kong has lots of different
races. We hope people will learn to not be
racist and why. Our group hopes to explore
John Dopp, Matthew Chan,
Michael Cheng
the concepts responsibility and racism. We
think that because it is our responsibility to not
use racism as much as we can. We hope to convince as many people we can
to not use racism and to teach students about it. We hope to develop respect
and tolerance because people need to respect other races. Also tolerance is
important because people should be treated as equals and not discriminated
against because of their color, gender, culture or age. We hope people will
stop being racist as much as they can and we hope that people will not just
treat this a gentle reminder. Racism is offensive to everyone and it should be

As I write, the halls on the 8th oor are abuzz with the sights
and sounds of busyness: the printer crying out for more
paper, the photocopier churning out multiple copies,
computer keys clacking, student meetings with mentors, team
meetings with homeroom teachers, telephone conversations
with outside agencies, movement to and from the library.
I see and hear student groups lining the corridor, sitting in
circles grappling with problems, asking questions of each
ot her, tossing around dif ferent ideas, requesting
clarication, hypothesizing, reading newspapers, watching
YouTube clips, designing digital storyboards. Its all happening at the same time; no two
groups are doing the same thing. Its independent, personal and focused. Learning is
happening at its best, with students fully motivated and engaged, and teachers simply
facilitating the process.
I hear familiar words: essential agreements, central idea, lines of inquiry (no, not
inquiry intos!) concepts, issue, solution, attitudes, skills, reection, rubric, process
journal, investigation, data collection, analysis, drawing conclusions and so it goes
Overhearing the banter is all music to the ears of a PYP coordinator. I am heartened to
know that our students have risen to the challenge, have adopted responsibility for their
own learning, know how to collaborate, and continue to develop the condence and
know-how to conduct a purposeful and personal investigation. Its learning, its hard
work and its challenging, and from where I sit it appears to be fun.
In the words of one Grade 6 parent, Such a worldly way of learning - no doubt it will
be much more meaningful than going by the books!
Tonight you will witness how this all comes together and will take a crucial role in its
execution. This exhibition of learning is not just about exhibits. It is an interactive way of
developing your own knowledge and understanding about issues of local signicance;
issues that your children will explain are those we should all take an interest in if we are
to share this planet in an equitable way with other people and other living things.
It will also be a perfect opportunity to view your childs learning within the context of
an authentic process, and within the context of their grade level. Its your chance to
question, challenge and probe; to gauge the level of students understanding,
knowledge and skill; to ascertain their attitudes and the way they demonstrate the
attributes of the IB Learner Prole: inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators,
principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced,
ed,, reective.
How do you think
these students measure up?
Be involved tonight, be engaged, take pride in our cchi
nss ac
enjoy the
experience and be amazed.
Pauline Doolett-Cox
PYP Coordinator

Canadian International School of Hong Kong

Actions and decisions
have consequences that affect
society and the environment.
G rade

bi t i
P Ex hi

We all
have a hand in

Sharing the Planet

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