The Great Canadian Explorers Project3

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The Great Canadian Explorers Project

Canada has been, and still is being extensively explored by many people throughout its 400 years of European
contact and settlement. Several of the most famous explorers from its history include the following:

Samuel de Champlain
Captain George Vancouver
Henry Hudson
Alexander MacKenzie
Simon Fraser
Jaques Cartier
John Cabot

Your job will be to choose one of the above explorers and provide some important details about them and their
travels in Canada. You will put the results of your research into a Powerpoint presentation, which you will
present to the class. Your research will be based will be based on the following questions and arrange them
onto slides as follows:

Slide 1: Title slide Name of explorer, your name and a picture of your explorer
Slide 2: Who is your explorer? Name of explorer, dates of birth and death, and some
other interesting information about your explorer.
Slide 3 and 4: Where did they explore? -One or two maps of the areas that they explored
and a description of the areas that they had explored
Slide 5: What was the purpose of their trip? - Who sent them? What were they looking
Slide 6, 7, and 8: How did they get there? What kind of technology did they use to
navigate their way across the oceans and through the wilderness. You need a
minimum of 3 pieces of technology, with a separate slide for each one.
Slide 9: Who did they meet? Which first nations groups did they meet with (or which
groups did they see signs of while they were on their travels)
Slide 10 and 11: What did they trade? - What did they receive from the First Nations
group, and what did they give to the First Nations groups? (This may not be
something that all of the explorers did).

Oral Presentation
After you have finished putting together your slide show you need to practice using it to do an oral
presentation in front of the class. To make your presentation spectacular, you may want to find extra
information to support the above slides that you say in your presentation.

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