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Third-World Literature Unit Syllabus

Bryan Arbut Emory Eddy Ali Henry Alexa Neumann Susie Waldie Maddie Wohlfert
Course Web Page
All course materials such as the syllabus, major assignments, and handouts can be found on the course web site
located at . If you have any problems accessing the site, please contact
one of the instructors immediately via e-mail.
Course Description
This Cultural Studies unit will involve a focused survey of Third World Literature, specifically, the portrayal of
gender roles in a variety of genres. The unit will also address practical methods of introducing the instruction of
Third World, or Post-Colonial Literature into the secondary classroom.
Overall Course Goals and Objectives
1. Students will make meaningful connections between their own lives and lives of those in the third world
by observing how gender roles are portrayed in third world countries.
2. Students will be able to enrich their own classroom communities with multiple perspectives and texts
that help broaden student thinking about cultures different than their own.
Required Readings:
Coursepack provided by instructors
Xala by Ousmane Sembne
Other equipment / materials requirements
Laptops (assessable in the classroom, however you are required to complete NiceNet posts for every class in
your own time.)

Assignments and Grading

100 total points possible:
NiceNet posts20 points
Participation in discussion/attendance20 points
In-class assignments15 points
Draft and Peer Review15 points
Final paper30 points
Classroom Protocol

You are expected to maintain a professional, and respectful manner during all classroom discussions.
You are expected to read all required materials on time, and be prepared to discuss them in class.
You are expected to participate in all class discussions, with meaningful, thought out ideas, concerns,
and comments.
You are expected to complete all assignments, in class as well as the assignments given for outside the

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