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Genre Lessons

Third Grade
Enduring Understandings:

Reading for pleasure and information has life long implications

Libraries are organized to help people find the materials they seek
Books can be categorized by style to help readers make choices

AASL Standards
o 2.1.2 Organize knowledge so it is useful
o 4.1.1 Read, view and listen for pleasure and personal
o 4.1.2 Read (listen) widely and fluently to make connections
with the self, the world, and previous reading.
o Students can follow verbal and written directions
o Students can recognize the different genre forms
o Students can recognize their own reading preferences
Lesson Day 1:

Genre Bingo: A slide that listed the major genre forms

was presented to the students. We went over the genre form
descriptions. Students were then directed to fill out a bingo sheet
with names of genres in the squares. I read descriptions of books
that fit into specific genres. The group had to figure out what genre I
was describing. If a student had a square with that genre on it, they
could mark it off. We played until all students had the chance to ine
a small prize.

Lesson Day 2:

Genre Sorting: We spent the beginning part of the class reviewing

the different major genre themes. We discussed why bookstores,
and some libraries, are set up with genre sections. I then gave
them the task of helping to set up a Genre Section in our Learning
Center. The students were then given time to go to the shelves and
find books that would fill genre displays set out on the tables. Each
table had the genres name and description. The genres included
fiction and non-fiction. After our tables were full, we went around to
check our displays and to make sure we had the books in the
correct places.

Lesson Day 3:

Students took some class time to fill out a worksheet that asked
them to describe their favorite genre. Then they were to describe a
character they know from that genre. We first stepped through the
process using Harry Potter books as an example. There were
books representing the different genres to help them in describing
their characters.

Most students were able to recognize what genre they liked
Most students were able to describe their genres

Most students were able to make distinctions between the different

genre forms

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