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Employee/Volunteer Agreement and Release Form

Employers and volunteer organizations like Cabrini Connections are increasingly being
held liable for the acts of their employees and volunteers. The claims made against
these organizations include, but are not limited to negligent hiring and negligent
supervision. Although volunteers are not employees, they need to be screened in the
same manner as employees due to organizations being held liable for their acts as well
as programs seeking to protect the children being mentored and tutored. This
application has been designed for applicants seeking volunteer positions or
employment and will have regular contact with students enrolled in Cabrini
Connections programs.
Cabrini Connections does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national
origin, sex, ancestry or on the basis of age or mental or physical handicap unrelated to
the ability to perform the position. It is our policy to offer reasonable accommodations
for the special needs of otherwise qualified handicapped individuals. No question on
this application is intended to secure information to be used for discrimination.
Acceptance of this form does not constitute a contract of employment nor is it a
commitment to the applicant for a volunteer position.
Tutoring Commitment
When you join Cabrini Connections you are making an important commitment. Part of
that commitment is to participate as fully as possible in weekly tutoring sessions as
well as the training sessions and/or meetings that will be offered during the year.
Included is a commitment to be fully responsible for keeping yourself and your student
informed of our procedures, rules, and events.
Once assigned a student, you begin building a trust between you and that student.
That trust is the foundation of successful mentoring and tutoring. The student
develops an expectation that you will come each week. Therefore, once you commit to
join Cabrini Connections, it is critical that you attend regularly until the end of the
current school year.
Publicity Release
Cabrini Connections uses photographs and video recordings taken of you and your
student in various published media, including a yearbook, annual report, recruiting
brochures, news releases, TV/Radio broadcasts, etc. which are given wide distribution
throughout the USA. This application
and Volunteer Agreement will be used as an official Release Form to use your
photograph and/or recording at any time this year or in future years without further
approval, unless you provide a written request to the contrary. By signing this form,
the volunteer/employee gives permission and consent to use any photographs,
videotapes, or other media record of my volunteer participation for any lawful purpose,
without compensation to me or on my behalf. If you choose not to be photographed,
videotaped, or in other recorded media it is your responsibility to inform the
photographer and/or remove yourself from the media coverage.

Policy Regarding Volunteer Meetings With Students Between Sessions

We encourage staff, volunteers and students to meet between weekly sessions to build
their mentor relationships. However, we have concern for the well-being of our
children, staff and volunteers. Therefore, we insist that when you plan an outing with a
student you follow these rules:

Never be alone with a student, especially at your home.

Plan trips where you partner with another volunteer, spouse, co-worker, or
Always get parents verbal and written permission for an outing.
Plan outings that involve minimal risk of physical injury.

Furthermore, Cabrini Connections will assume no liability for any injury or other illegal
action which may arise as a result of an outing between a volunteer and/or employee
and a student of a Cabrini Connections program. Volunteers who schedule outings
beyond official program activities do so at their own expense and assume all financial
and legal responsibility for the children while they are with the volunteer during the

To the best of my knowledge all statements set forth in this application are true.
I authorize Cabrini Connections or its agents to undertake any investigation it
deems appropriate in connection with this application, including contact with all
prior employers, a child abuse background check (CANTS check) through the
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services.
I understand that
misrepresentation or material omission from this application may result in my
disqualification for a position with Cabrini Connections and may be the basis for
termination of my services.

Furthermore, I have read and understand the policy on outings with children and
I agree to observe this and all other policies and procedures of Cabrini

I do hereby release and discharge Cabrini Connections and its officers, agents,
servants, and employees from any and all claims from injuries, damage or loss
which may accrue to me on account of my participation in Cabrini Connections

Printed Name: ______________________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________________

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