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(Colour) !

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- perse / smalt
- gamboge
/ - sandy colour
() () - heliotrope / haematic
- bright red, colour of the dawn;
() - indigo
reddish colour of fire
- cinnabar
() - claret
- brunneous
- citrine
- cramoisy
() () olivaceous
- puccoon
- slate
- flavescent / primrose

() () - plumbeous
- Dark red colour, purple colour
() whey
dark black colour
- citreous
- cardinal
- phoeniceous
- coccineous
() - aeneous
- puniceous
- sulphureous / vitellary
- ponceau
() - ultramarine
- cerulean
- periwinkle
/ - Tawny, brown or swarthy colour;
() - sable
- porphyrous/purpureal
- nigricant / nigrine
() - purple colour

- black colour
- Gold resembling the parrot's wing in colour
- vermeil
() - croceate / saffron
- Dim, tawny colour;
- erythraean / sanguineous / incarnadine
- vermilion
() -topaz
() - filemot
- caesious / sage
- isabelline
() flammeous
() - terracotta
- cretaceous
reddish sky
() - violet / violaceous
- piceous
- Dim red colour
- lateritious / testaceous
- colour of glowing fire

- Dark-red colour
- Brown colour of hair
- deep red colour;. Crimson colour;
- sinopia/ sorrel
- Copper colour;.
- kermes
- titian
() - Redness;
- Red colour, crimson colour
() - sarcoline
- Brown, dun colour
Colour ofDarkness
- pure white colour
- Deep red colour .
() ferruginous
- rubiginous
() - Scarlet Red colour,
() - Salmon colour
- sepia
() - puce
- A kind of earth of the colour of crab's spawn

- lutescent
- luteolous
- White colour
() azuline
- sapphire
- glaucous / cesious / gridelin / lovat
amaranthine / solferino
turquoise / viridian
- virid
- Yellowish, orange or gold with red colour, as of ripe areca-nut;
- fulvous
- castaneous / rufous / russet / umber
- greige / taupe
- stammel
- niveous
( .) - Colour of a class of pearls, resembling that of toddy
white colour
- tawny / tan
- liard grey

- prasinous
() - columbine
- Brown- ish colour;
( ) - Deep, ruddy colour;
- Red colour
() - teal
- chrysochlorous
- goldenrod
- Pink colour
- fuscous
- eau-de-nil
xanthic / icterine / icteritious
chartreuse / zinnober
- lurid / ochre
- wallflower
- rubious
- Dark blue colour, as of sapphire;
- pavonated
- smaragdine

() - eburnean
- dark-brown colour
- Red colour produced by chewing betel, arecanut and lime
- griseous
- virescent
() - ibis
- cyaneous
- celeste
- porraceous
- hoary
- leucochroic
- ochroleucous
- azure
- celado
- nankeen
- tilleul
- watchet
- suede
() stramineous

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