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Dolor Set Amet

- A spoken or written representation or
account of a Person, Object or Event -

The information on this site itself, is not a religion.

Its neither dogmatic, nor a belief system that you have to buy into.
Even more importantly, its not a personal opinion of how the
universe works.
What this site is, however, is a collection of Biblical
Information, Science, Mathematics, Ancient Texts, Philosophy,
Theology, Nature, and very many aspects and parts of Kabbalah,
The Torah, and Gnosticism

Chapter A

Do you ever just

lie in your bed,
and think;

You have to take seriously the notion
that understanding the universe is your
responsibility, because the only
understanding of the universe that will
be useful to you is your own

Is this me? Am I
really alive?
Am I really here?
Or is this all a
massive dream
of life?

Section 1


even billion, two hundred twenty-eight

million, three hundred two thousand seven hundred

seventy-seven, of us live on this tiny planet.
And only a few of us can see the connections.
The patterns; often magical in design, are hidden in
plain sight.
You just have to know where to look.

n outside observer of human life would probably describe it

something like this:

They wake up in the morning, spend 16 to 18 hours using objects to

manipulate other objects, and go to sleep.
On the whole, this is how we conduct our lives.
When something faces us, we grab hold of something else a telephone, a
wallet, a gun with which to deal with the situation.
But there comes a point at which the phone is just a piece of plastic, theres
nothing to shoot at, and no matter how much money is expended, it doesnt
get any better.
The external resources on which weve come to rely are suddenly
ineffectual, and the only place to turn is inward, to ourselves.

onsider for a moment that you;

- can see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum

- hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum.
As you read this, you are traveling at 220 km/sec across the galaxy.
Know that 90% of the cells in your body carry their own microbial DNA and are
not you.
The atoms in your body are 99.9999999999999999% empty space, and
none of them are the ones you were born with, but they all originated in the
belly of a star.
In-fact Human beings have 46 chromosomes, 2 less than the common potato.
The existence of the rainbow depends on the conical photoreceptors in your
eyes; to animals without cones, the rainbow does not exist.
So you dont just look at a rainbow, you create it.
This is pretty amazing, especially considering that all the beautiful colors you
see represent
less than 1% of the
electromagnetic spectrum.

In the morning, when you put on your clothes, you do it with an attraction towards a certain
identity that you want to project.
You want others to see you in a certain way.
The clothing that you pick, the hairstyle you wear, the music you play in your car, the car you
drive All of these we picked to project a sense of self.
What happens when you begin to question all of these things?...
You start to ask, Is this really me?
You start to really observe what you do.
Things like shopping or walking- Is my clothing really a definition of who I am? Why do I need
others to see me in a certain way?
Why do I need to live at the whim of others opinions?
Then you begin to see that throughout your life you continually changed your clothing style.
Where is your real self?
Where is your real self in something you continually alter and change?
Where is something you can truly depend on, even in the face of death?

Seekers of truth,
have long been awed by the complexity of our universe.
Physicists send probes into space, historians attempt to piece together fragments from our
part, and botanists study natures secrets.
All agree that life, if nothing else, is endlessly mysterious.
Gazing at a myriad of different forms and rhythmns, they contemplate patterns, relationships,
and telltale signs.
How happy it would make us to come upon a clue or a formula that was a key to some unifying


, that you stop to sit on a bench in the park.

As you sit there everything stops, absolutely stops. Your mind is so still and quiet that you can hear dust particles floating in the air.
Suddenly you are falling, and falling, and falling. There is no ground below or sky overhead, just a crushing thunderous silence, racing
faster and faster.
You suddenly realize that its go- ing to kill you, rip you limb from limb and explode your lungs into dust. Theres no way out, no
possible means of survival. And so you do the only thing there is to do.
All goes blank and empty, more empty than limitless space. Prior to life and death, you blink out of (or is it into?) existence.
Timelessness is all there is, all there ever was, or could be. Eternity reigns Supreme, and is Radiantly present in every particle of
Something unborn and undying stirs to life and opens its eyesyour eyes. You or It, is still sitting on the park bench.
It is smiling, radiant, and content. A little girl on roller skates passes by.
The sun glitters through the aspen leaves as an old man smokes his pipe on a footbridge crossing over a stream that feeds into a
pond filled with goldfish.
Everywhere you look is emptiness.
Each thing is a veil, a shroud, cloaking Infinity.
Nothing is as it seems, and everything is exactly as it is.
Somehow perfect in all its apparent chaos, Infinity prevails.
You know with exact precision that there is nothing elsenothing could be other than this vast and absolute void, this pure and
Infinite Potential, this unborn and unformed Infinity.

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