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The Impact of Embryo Harvesting

Embryo harvesting is the process of collecting cells from an embryo for use in scientific
research and repairing other body organs. The process has had an impact on norms, social values,
morals and the nursing practice. The process has a negative impact on the social values since it
involves the destruction of human life by killing an embryo. It has always been a norm by a large
proportion of global governments to protect the life of every human being and the practice of
Embryo harvesting is deeply going against this norm. An embryo is considered a living human
being and therefore the killing of embryos for scientific research will go against the norm of
protecting the lives of the venerable individuals.
Embryo harvesting is also against the set moral standard of the society. The process
involves the donation of human tissue for research purposes and the possible treatment of sick
patients. The moral issues when one has to kill a human being in order to save another. For this
reason the process highly disregards the moral standing of the society (Lysaught, 2012). Embryo
harvesting may lead to the commercialization of the human reproduction process something that
is considered morally wrong. When it comes to the nursing practice, the cells provided can
improve the effectiveness of profession through the repairing of body organs that cannot be
repaired in any other way. Neurological diseases that were previously untreatable can now be
cured through Embryo harvesting.
Embryo harvesting has equal potential of making a positive and a negative change. The
killing of an embryo should remain unacceptable and other methods of treament should be
utilized such as the use of undifferentiated cells from the other parts of the body.


Lysaught, M. T. (2012). On moral medicine: theological perspectives in medical ethics. (3rd
ed.). Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co...

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