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Bay Foley-Cox

British lawmakers have voted to allow a technique that enables a babies mitochondrial DNA to
come from a donor women, the rest of the dna coming from two parents. Although the decision
awaits approval from the house of lord, most likely it will pass making the UK the first country in
world to allow the new technique. About 150 babies per year might be born with this method
which allows mothers with mitochondrial diseases to have healthy babies. Many people are
angry such as human rights watch who say its genetic modification and not surprisingly the
catholic church. They reject because it involves the destruction of an embryo. More progressive
people see as a beacon of hope for mothers and a bold move for furthering human health with
This relates to the problem of religion interrupting scientific research. Throughout history religion
has continuously assaulted scientific progress. Galileo, was put in house arrest for his
discoveries and countless others throughout history have been ridiculed or far worse because of
their ideas, perhaps millions of others have and will die because of church medical policies.
However no matter how bad their track record religion isn't the underlying problem, which is that
people ignore science and form opinions based no little or no evidence. They are the people
who want to ban GMOs, climate change deniers and flat earthers. While there maybe little we
can do about them hurting themselves, we as a society must at least leave them as outcasts
and protect others from their mistakes.
Castle, Stephen. "Britain Set to Approve Technique to Create Babies From 3 People." The
New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Feb. 2015.
Web. 05 Feb. 2015
"Crucial Vote on Three-person Babies." BBC News. BBC, 3 Feb. 2015.
Web. 03 Feb. 2015.

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