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Kanpur Confectioneries Pvt.

It is described as a situation which needs an action to be taken
and keeping this in viewthe situations are:
Short term situation:
Offer of A One Confectioneries Pvt. Ltd.(APL)
Medium term situation:

Emerge as a strong competitor and reduce the cost of production

Long term situation:

Become a leader in the market of glucose biscuits and extend the market
segmentto premier customers.Mohan Kumar Gupta had very
good business foresight and skills but his sons who handled
the business were not so efficient as him.SYMPTOMS:

Mohan Gupta captured the 2


l a r g e s t m a r k e t s h a r e w i t h p r o d u c t i o n o f 1 1 0 tonnes/
month within 3yrs of commencement of KCPL but his sons were
not able toincrease production beyond 120 tonnes/month even after
expansion of prod. capacity to240 tonnes/month.

The HR Manager Vivek Gupta failed to reduce the rate of absenteeism.

Help of technicians was sought but improvement in production or other

areas was notevident.

Net profits of the company were declining even after increase in



In deciding criteria SWOT Analysis is used to evaluate various aspects
of business:
{Internal factors}
{External factors}
Strengths:Decision making is participativeEthical values Noninterference in managementProduction capacity =
240tonnes/monthWeakness:Under utilization of prod. capacityHigh
percentage of absenteeismWastage in moreOpportunities:Explore new
marketsIncrease current share in marketBecome CMU(Contract Man.
Unit)Threats:Government taxesUnorganized sector Organized
sector Low cost ovens

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