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Magnetic levitation, maglev, or magnetic suspension is a method by which an object is suspended

with no support other than magnetic fields

Magnetic force is used to counteract the effects of the gravitational and any other accelerations.
Lenz's law is named after Heinrich Lenz, and it says: An induced electromotive force (emf) always
gives rise to a current whose magnetic field
opposes the original change in magnetic flux.
In the ring when it begins to emerge around the
magnetic field and the induced current,
according to Lenz's law "in its effects for the
change that caused it." Thanks to this mg. the
reverse-oriented, as in the coil and the coil so it
will repel each other and the ring. The ring is
warm after a while, because it goes through
quite a decent current.
The direction of current induced in the ring
describes Lenz's law: "The induced electric
current in a closed circuit has such a direction
that its magnetic field counteracts the change in
magnetic flux, which is the cause (or caused by
that stream)."
Required aids+

two aluminum ring

coil turns 300
I long core
120V AC power pack
rheostat 40
connecting wires
switch key

Assemble the circuit. The core is inserted into the coil and is fitted through
the rheostat connected to an AC voltage. The coil is placed an aluminum
ring serving as a secondary thread.

Closes switch key.

Ring Rockets and will levitate a few inches above the coil.

After switching off the power ring goes back to its original position.

When setting the high voltage switching and key ring flips.

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