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Njoud almansour


The population of a clinical study of Americans with diabetes is considered to be the

collection of blood sugar levels of ALL Americans. The average blood sugar level for
the population is called the (_____) of the study.
What is the average for the sample in the study in problem (1) known as?Estimation
is an essential approach to population statistics. How would you describe
Two approaches are commonly used in making statements about population
parameters: esti- mate and hypothesis testing. Estimation, as the name suggests,
attempts to estimate values of parameters. As discussed before, the sample mean is
thought to estimate, in some way, the mean of the population from which the sample
was drawn. the mean of the blood pressures is considered an estimate of the
corresponding population value. Hypothesis testing makes inferences about
(population) parameters by supposing that they have certain values, and then testing
whether the data observed are consistent with the hypothesis.
Define hypothesis testing in the realm of population parameters.

A confidence interval makes a probabilistic statement about straddling the population

parameter. In hypothesis testing, we start by assuming a value for a parameter, and a
probability statement is made about the value of the corresponding statistic.

The probability of a person developing diabetes is and it is independent of but the

same as the probability of that same patient developing hypertension. What is the
probability of that patient developing both diabetes and hypertension?

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