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David R.

16015 Cleveland St. Apt 523, Redmond, WA 98052 (404) 861-6917
DigiPen Institute of Technology, Redmond, WA
B.S. in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Courses towards B.S. in Computer Science


Synapse Product Development, Software Engineering Intern, Seattle, WA
May 2014-August 2014
Door Unlocker Demonstration
Implemented BLE protocol in C on NRF51822
Created an interrupt-driven UART driver using a ring buffer for lockless synchronization
Modified SPI driver to support slave write requests using an interrupt line
R&D Device
Implemented fixes and minor feature requests for a multithreaded C# GUI, C++ command line application, and
C++ firmware that led to closing over 35 tickets in Jira bug tracker
Overhauled workflow in parts of C# GUI
Developed driver for AD7793 analog to digital converter
Prototyping Framework
Implemented text-based protocol over TCP and generic supporting framework on Arduino
Measured latency and throughput statistics using Wireshark and Saleae Logic
Helped establish protocol and API used by client
Created a C++ library shared between Objective C host and C++ Arduino client to generate & parse messages
Met face-to-face with client to better understand client's needs


Languages: C (5 years), C++ (5 years), C#, x86 Assembly, Python, SQL, Java, PHP
Tools: Visual Studio 2008/2010/2012, GDB, OpenOCD, SVN, Git, Mercurial, PCLint, VMware, Linux, Doxygen
APIs: Win32, OpenGL, DirectX 11, FMOD Ex, Wwise, DirectSound, BSD sockets, LWIP, Google Test, GoogleMock

Personal Projects
Contributor to open source Cyclone Physics engine
Programmed an automatic memory leak detector that displays stack traces and memory use; developed a
reflection library that provides automatic serialization and deserialization for C++ classes to XML; created a
performance-monitoring library, which includes profiling and statistics for CPU and memory usage; created a
music player for personal use that cycles through genres over time
Programmer for Relic, a 3-D adventure platformer developed in Zero Engine and C++
Modified legacy C++ Wwise code to address workflow issues identified by the design team; implemented
menus and controls for menus in ZilchScript; implemented various gameplay components
Technical Director for a student game engine programmed in C++
Created a level editor using Win32 controls; programmed a multi-lane action list; developed a camera system
that supports Catmull-Rom spline interpolated camera paths and incorporates a custom easing function;
developed an impulse-based physics system, which supports springs and used a bounding volume hierarchy
for broad phase, picking, and frustum culling; programmed a hierarchical component-based object system
Technical Director for Rock-It Rails, a fast-paced, side-scrolling platformer, programmed in C++
Developed core architecture, game loop, and structure; created a replay system that allows playback through
logging of any gameplay session; added critical features, including sweep-and-prune broad phase collision
detection; developed an FMOD wrapper
Technical Director for Zombie Hut, a top-down 2D shooter, programmed in C
Developed a dynamic real-time lighting system using a basic triangle rasterizer; developed an FMOD wrapper

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