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Welcome to HL IB Biology!

Ms. Mann
Room # B143
I am very excited to have you for HL IB Biology! Here is what you are to
expect from this class:
Course Description
IB Biology Higher Level is a two year high school level survey course of all biological
sciences including Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Evolution, Genetics, Human Physiology &
Anatomy, Ecology & Conservation of Biodiversity, Human Impact Problems, &
Classification of Organisms.
Materials & Organization
For this class you will need to bring the following every day:
A binder for IB Biology
Binder paper/pens/pencils/ruler/colored pens and pencils
Dividers for your binder by unit.

Our class time is very valuable and it is your responsibility to communicate with me to
arrange make up work and assignments.
If you are going to be absent
Let me know as soon as possible the date of your absence.
It is your responsibility to do work before a planned absence. Check class calendar on
the website and complete assigned work (if possible).
Check with me the class before your absence to turn in assignments that can be
completed ahead of time.
Check with me upon your return to arrange for make up work and follow through with
completion of work from your absence that cannot be made up ahead of time.
After an absence for illness work is due by the next class. If you miss more classes, you
may have more time. Some assignments cannot be made up.
Daily Work
Includes at least 10 recorded grades
Daily assignments include textbook assignments, worksheets, vocabulary,
quizzes, class activities, notebooks, article summaries and small projects.
Major Assessments
Assessments (tests) consist of multiple choice and essay questions.
Projects and major laboratory assignments will also be included.

Students are required to write up detailed lab reports based on their
laboratory experiments. See guidelines/rubric for details.
Extensions of Due Date: If you require an extension for an assignment/test you should
speak to me well before the due date. Extensions requested on the due date will not be
Class Guidelines
Value your academic integrity. Always do your own work on homework, quizzes, tests,
essays, projects, laboratory reports, etc.
Some examples of acceptable collaboration are:
Discussing ideas
Working together (when appropriate) to solve a problem
Suggesting where to find information
Proofreading, but not changing content.

Examples of unacceptable practices are:

Copying from the internet
Paraphrasing someone elses work (a student, parent, or textbook)
Falsifying data
Copying homework or data from another student
Obtaining answers from other students on work that is meant to be individual.
These practices are dishonest and are deemed malpractice by the IB. All
infractions will be reported to the principal and the IB Coordinator.

Be in class & ready to work and participate when the bell rings. This means:
Bring your IB Biology binder and any specific materials/assignments required for each
Stay caught up with class assignments/homework and ASK if you have questions or need
help! I am here to support your learning.
Please finish food/drink before coming to class water is OK.

Turn off all electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, MP3s, CD players, etc.) and put
them out of sight before you enter the classroom.
Topic Outline
*We will be picking up this second semester while also reviewing past topics from 1st
Topic 1: Cell biology

1.1 Introduction to cells

1.2 Ultrastructure of cells
1.3 Membrane structure
1.4 Membrane transport
1.5 The origin of cells
1.6 Cell division
Topic 2: Molecular biology
2.1 Molecules to metabolism
2.2 Water
2.3 Carbohydrates and lipids
2.4 Proteins
2.5 Enzymes
2.6 Structure of DNA and RNA
2.7 DNA replication, transcription and translation
2.8 Cell respiration
2.9 Photosynthesis
Topic 3: Genetics
3.1 Genes
3.2 Chromosomes
3.3 Meiosis
3.4 Inheritance
3.5 Genetic modification and biotechnology
Topic 4: Ecology
4.1 Species, communities and ecosystems
4.2 Energy flow
4.3 Carbon cycling
4.4 Climate change
Topic 5: Evolution and biodiversity
5.1 Evidence for evolution
5.2 Natural selection
5.3 Classification of biodiversity
5.4 Cladistics
Topic 6: Human physiology
6.1 Digestion and absorption
6.2 The blood system
6.3 Defence against infectious disease
6.4 Gas exchange
6.5 Neurons and synapses
6.6 Hormones, homeostasis and reproduction

Topic 7: Nucleic acids

7.1 DNA structure and replication
7.2 Transcription and gene expression
7.3 Translation
Topic 8: Metabolism, cell respiration and photosynthesis
8.1 Metabolism
8.2 Cell respiration
8.3 Photosynthesis
Topic 9: Plant biology
9.1 Transport in the xylem of plants
9.2 Transport in the phloem of plants
9.3 Growth in plants
9.4 Reproduction in plants
Topic 10: Genetics and evolution
10.1 Meiosis
10.2 Inheritance
10.3 Gene pools and speciation
Topic 11: Animal physiology
11.1 Antibody production and vaccination
11.2 Movement
11.3 The kidney and osmoregulation
11.4 Sexual reproduction

I have read the SYLLABUS for my HL IB Biology class and I am

familiar with the requirements/expectations for the course (grading policy, course
outline, lab rules, etc.).
Student Signature: ______________________________________________

Students NEATLY Printed



Parents Printed
Home Telephone:_________________________ Cell: _______________________

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