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Repetition in Art

& Design
Do-Ho SuhPublic Figures2001
stone and bronze 111.81 x 82.44 x
108.27 inches 284 x 209.4 x 275 cm
Edition of 3
Lehmann Maupin Gallery New York

What are repetition, pattern, and rhythm?

How do they relate to each other?
Repetition refers to one object or shape repeated over
and over again in a composition. This can create
interest, movement, and unity.
Pattern is a combination of elements, motifs or shapes
repeated in a recurring and regular arrangement.
Rhythm--is a combination of elements repeated, but
with variations.

Grant WoodYoung Corn1931

Vincent van GoghThe Starry

NightSaint Rmy, June 1889.
Oil on canvas, 29 x 36 1/4" (73.7 x
92.1 cm).

The End

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