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The 12 defining characteristics of

fascism are

#1 Extreme Nationalism
governments tend
to use patriotic
symbols, slogans,
songs and mottos
constantly. Flags
are seen

Example: Italy
War is to the male what
childbearing is to the female. Benito Mussolini

#2 A Charismatic Leader
During times of
crisis a person
with charm,
influence, selfconfidence,
speaking skills
and a clear plan
for leading the
masses becomes
a powerful

#3 Glamorization of
the Military
The military
complex is well
funded. War is
seen as good for
the nation or

#4 Obsession with
National Security
Fear of external
enemies is used
as a tool to unify
the nation and
justify large

#5 Internal enemies
The country is
rallied together
against the need
to fight or
eliminate a
common threat or
enemy (liberals,
terrorists, racial or
ethnic minorities).

#6 Violation of
Human Rights

The people are

persuaded that
basic human
rights can be
ignored in certain
special cases.
They may
approve of
assassinations, or

#7 Use of Violence
Street violence or
state sponsored
(police forces)
violence is used
to persuade
those who are
seen as enemies
or enemy

#8 Controlled Mass

The media is
controlled by the
government, or is
sympathetic to those
in power. The result
is that falsified news
manipulates public
opinion and
eliminates public

#9 Indoctrination
The young in
particular are
instructed in the
governments set of
beliefs. They are
taught that the
others are
subhuman, savages,
barbarians, or
whatever will
convince kids that
these others deserve
the acts of terror and

#10 Use of Propaganda

Propaganda in its
various forms is
used to reinforce
the governments
beliefs that glorify
one element of
society, while
vilifying another.

#11 Government Alliance

with the Elite of Society
Although the
government says it
supports the industrial
working class, the
industrial and business
aristocracy are the ones
who put the leaders in
power and support
them, thus creating a
mutually beneficial


Political Opportunism
One element shared
by all fascist
governments is the
lack of consistent
political principle. It
seems that on the
road to power,
fascists are willing to
abandon any
principle, or adopt
any new one that will
help them gain more

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