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Term1, 2015

Under Two Classroom

Goals and Intended Learning Outcomes

- Children will develop confidence; strengthen links between home
and centre, develop a greater sense of belonging at An-Nur.
- Children will be affirmed as individuals and learn alongside others
- Children will experience their and others cultures
- Children will have opportunities to gain confidence in and control
of their bodies
- Childrens interest will be valued and spontaneous play
- Children will be encouraged to look after their health such as
learning correct hand washing
- Children will develop non-verbal communication for a range of
purposes, as well as different ways to be creative and expressive
Well-Being/Mana Atua

Belonging/Mana Whenua

their health is promoted

they know that they have a place

Contribution/Mana Tangata

Communication/Mana Reo

there are equitable opportunities for

learning, irrespective of gender, ability,
age, ethnicity, or background

they develop non-verbal communication

skills for a range of purposes

Exploration/Mana Aotroa


they gain confidence in and control of their


O mankind, indeed We have

created you from male and
female and made you peoples
and tribes that you may know
one another (49:13).

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