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Instructions for UA project

Group 6

AA 2014-2015

Uncertainty analysis of synthetic functions

Perform uncertainty analyses for the given synthetic functions representing
engineering models. The study cases are the following four:
G6_fun1.exe (2 input variables)
1. Input variables uncorrelated with normal density with means X1 = X2 = 0
and standard deviations X1 = X2 = 0.3.
2. Input variables with joint normal density with covariance matrix

= .065 .025
.025 .065

G3_fun2.exe (4 input variables)

3. Input variables uncorrelated with normal density with means X1 = X2 = X3
= X4 = 0 and standard deviations X1 = X2 = X3 = X4 = 0.5.
4. Input variables uncorrelated with uniform density with lower bounds [-1 -1
-1 -1] and upper bounds [1 1 1 1].

For every case perform Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification.

Sensitivity analyses
Sensitivity analysis studies the influence of input parameters variability on the
output (written in the text file output.txt). The input parameter range to
consider is 3, with the standard deviation of the input random variable given
in case 1 (for G6_fun1) and case 3 (for G6_fun2).
Methods to implement:

Regression analysis
Morris method
Scatter plots
Correlation coefficients

Uncertainty quantification analyses

Methods to implement:

Direct Monte Carlo


First-order second-moment method

Instructions for UA project

Group 6

AA 2014-2015

Ejemplo lectura escritura vect

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