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september 2009


Stories by You
page 10

For Kids by Kids

page 86

For You by You

page 110

Submit your own work today

stampin up! beary fun

2009 STAmpIn Up!

2009 BABW

Create some quality time with the children in your life with the new
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The Build-A-Bear Workshop collection is an exclusive product offering of

Stampin Up!, and is only available for purchase from a Stampin Up! demonstrator
or through Stampin Up!s online store. Contact your demonstrator today to
place your order or to learn more! If you dont have a demonstrator,
locate one in your area at

{ from the founder & publisher }

From the Founder and Publisher

Welcome to knowonder! I can hardly believe it. Over a year
of brainstorming, meetings, planning sessions, and hard work
have all come together. Knowonder! is finally here for all the
families out there who care about reading. I so grateful to all
the people who have helped make knowonder! a reality, and I
am so excited to be at this point.
I am a father of three children under the age of eight and am
under almost-constant pressure to come up with a new story
every night. My kids love storytime, and honestly, so do I.
One of my favorite parts is watching them close their eyes and try to see the pictures in
their heads! (We call them imagicnation stories, at our house)
But lets face it - any parent, no matter how creative, is going to be hard-pressed to
come up with a new story every single night! So I turned to the internet, looking for
storytime resources, and found virtually nothing. Thats when I decided to create a free
magazine that would be a high-quality, dependable source of daily stories. I cant tell
you how excited I am to start reading these stories to my children every night!
This little magazine you are reading is proof that ideas are powerful. New ideas are
constantly changing our reality. A few months ago, knowonder! magazine was still just
an idea. Now, today, you are seeing the physical proof that reality has yet again been
changed by an idea. Like other children, I was told once to stop living in a dream
world. When it comes to your children, I hope you foster, promote and encourage
their imagination and creativity. Help them believe in their dreams!
Thats what knowonder! is all about. The gifts of belief in the power of imagination and
creativity, along with reading and literacy, are some of the most important gifts a parent
can bestow on their child. The nice thing about these gifts is that they are enjoyable
in and of themselves. There doesnt have to be some glorious, world-changing
destination. Just enjoy the journey as you come to Know the Wonder of your childs
imagination, spend time together, and have fun together. If we can help you and your
child do just that much then knowonder! magazine will be a success.

Phillip J. Chipping // Founder & Publisher

P.S. For a complete story on how knowonder! magazine started, visit us at

{ from the editor }

From the Editor

As a mother of two young children, I
am so excited to be part of knowonder!
This is such a unique magazine that
covers all aspects of creativity for
parent and child. Childrens stories are
a staple in our home, and I dont know
about you, but I am always excited
to read something new. knowonder!
gives parents and children a new world
of imagination. To read a new story
every night will not only make your bedtime routine new and exciting, but also
provide great bonding time for you and your child.
Be sure not to miss the For You, by You section (pg. 110). There are many
days I am in need of an activity. This section will not only give your family
something to do, but most importantly, will improve your childs creativity.
TV and video games are snatching our childrens attention more and more,
but knowonder! gives them a positive outlet to show and enhance their
imagination the good old-fashioned way.
For Kids, by Kids (pg. 86) is an exciting way for your children to see art work
of their peers, and the possibility to have their own art work published. What
better way to get them excited about art, than showing them artwork from
other kids the world-over?!
We at knowonder! are excited for you to see the potential and vision your child
holds. Please join us at to vote for your favorite stories
and art submissions, and maybe even think about submitting your own work!
We look forward to hearing from you.

Sophie C. Bassett // Editor

P.S. Thank you to all those who have already submitted work. We are already too
busy to reply to every submission, but whether we used your story or not, please
know that we are extremely grateful to you for your support of knowonder!



One enchanting story after anotherin

fact there are enough stories to share
one with your children every day of
every month. Enjoy.

Stories, artwork, and other wonderful

things all submitted by your children.
Visit our website to find out how your
kids can submit their amazing work.

Storytime by You

For Kids by Kids

{ table of contents }



Of course we saved some pages

for the Parents. Enjoy articles and
projects for crafting, cooking, great
literature, parenting & more.

More fun and games for the kids,

including crossword puzzles, mazes,
hang-man, word-find puzzles, and our
favorite, the Story Game!

For You by You

Games & Fun

submit your work today!

Table of Contents
Storytime by You

Storytime - How it Works

Red Alert! Monster has Escaped
The Very Small Fairy
Snow and Teeth
Granny Gerties Wish List

For Kids by Kids


Space Aliens

For Moms by Moms

112 Snack-Time Dilemma
114 Creative Activities for Little Ones
116 20 Minutes, Every Day

Games & Fun



Word Search
Maze: Can you find your
way back to school?
The Story Game

120 Subscribe!
126 Store Directory
130 Credits


Advertiser Directory
125 Boondocks

Braza Grill


Burg Pediatric


Childrens Miracle Network

129 Curves




129 Dream Dinners


Hoopes Vision Center

105 iFrogz



Imagination Place


Jordan Meadows




My Traveling Housekeeper

131 Pebbles in my Pocket





121 Shelf Reliance

119 Signing Time

Simply Mac


Stampin Up!

132 Thanksgiving Point


Thats My Room

109 Trafalga Fun Center


Utah Symphony


Utahs Mama


V Chocolates

123 Wu Ji Tao Martial Arts

121 Zach Jacob Photography

submit your work today!

Storytime by You

Storytime, day 1

The Anthill
Written by Ron Hartley

My grandpa found an anthill

And if I dont make a peep
I can sneak up like a Ninja
And catch some while they sleep.

My grandpa found an anthill

And he thought it would be fun
If we flew some down to Cabo
Let them lie out in the sun.

My grandpa found an anthill,

He said he doesnt mind
If I get myself a jar
And scoop up all the ants I find.

My grandpa found an anthill

And if all of them were tame
I could put them on a lawn chair
Let them watch my soccer game.

My grandpa found an anthill

And he said that its okay
If I take some in to Nona
But dont spill them on the way!

My grandpa found an anthill

And he said that its alright
If they teamed up all together
And I let them fly my kite.

My grandpa found an anthill

And I think it would be neat
If we made some tiny ant shoes
and put them on their tiny ant-feet.

My grandpa found an anthill

And I just now stopped to think
If I put some on an ice cube
It could be their skating rink.

My grandpa found an anthill

I hope I have the chance
To play my favorite music
and see if they can dance.

My grandpa found an anthill

And Im lining up some sticks
Then Ill teach them how to limbo
And some other funny tricks.

My Grandpa found an anthill

And I think it would be weird
If we painted on a mustache
And a matching fuzzy beard.

My grandpa found an anthill

And it shouldnt take too long
To form an anthill choir
Teach them how to sing a song.

My grandpa found an anthill

And he thought it might be cool
To teach those ants the backstroke
After throwing them in the pool.

My grandpa found an anthill

And I thought I heard him say
We should play like were the butler
Serve them dinner on a tray.

My grandpa found an anthill

And were going to find a way
To teach them how to talk
And hear the funny things they say.
My grandpa found an anthill
And he helped me build a maze
I hope its not too hard, though
or theyll be lost in there for days.


From Utah, USA

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My grandpa found an anthill

And Im begging grandpa please
Can we build a little circus
And teach them the swinging trapeze?
My grandpa found an anthill
And I hope nobody minds
If I stick some in the fridge
And chill their little behinds.


How it works...

My grandpa found an anthill

And I knew right from the start
That if ever I went shopping
They could ride up on the cart.
My grandpa found an anthill
And I know it might seem odd
But Id like to see if any
Could hold up my dads iPod.
My grandpa found an anthill
And my laughterd never stop
If we gave them each a hammer
so they could help us in the shop.
My grandpa found an anthill
And I hope he will agree
To let them live the high life
Build a house up in a tree.
My grandpa found an anthill
he thinks Im pretty smart
Cause I tried to be the doctor
and hear their little beating hearts.
My grandpa found an anthill
And I know it wont be long
Till they have to go back home
Thats where they really belong.
My grandpa found an anthill
Now its time go to sleep
If I make a little ant bed
Is there one that I can keep?
My grandpa found an anthill
Now Im waiting for the day
When he finds a den of lions
And they come outside to play.
The End

Read a story with your child every day of

the month. You can read a story together
after school, or use the stories for bedtime
to help your child go to sleep. (Tell them
to close their eyes and see the pictures in their
Rate This Story
When you are done reading a story, rate
it by filling in the stars found at the end of
each story. This will help you remember
and see which stories you liked best.
Vote Online
At the end of each month, go online to to vote for
your favorite stories. Use the stars as a
reference point so you can quickly see
which stories you liked best.
Remember, voting is important! By
voting, you are helping support authors,
many of whom would like to have their
stories published!
The top 3 stories receive cash prizes, but
even more importantly, they now have
proof that people like their stories, and
that makes it even easier to get published.
Submit Your Own Stories!
If you are one of those parents who tells
great stories, and your kids are always
begging for more, please send us some of
your work! Not only could you become a
published author, but you could also win
cash prizes!
Most importantly, youll be giving a gift to
thousands of other parents and children
who, just like you, love to hear a great

Storytime, day 2

How Giraffes Were Made

Written by William Thabiso

My Grandfather lived in South Africa,

a place which is full of animals like
lions, zebra, hyenas, rhinos, hippos
and more! He told me that once upon
a time, there werent any giraffes, but
there was a family of hyenas. And on
one particularly hot day they were all
laying around in the shade like they
normally do on very hot days. A family
of beetles went crawling by them, so
close they almost touched the hyenas
noses. The hyenas were so tired that
none of them really noticed when the
beetles went running past them. A
minute later, a family of field mice ran
by. Only two of the youngest hyenas
Pretty soon, though, a whole lot of
different animals started running
and flying past. There were parrots,
snakes, monkeys, flamingos, hippos,
and even some crocodiles! Finally
the mom and dad hyena jumped up
when they noticed a pride of lions run
past them, and then all the hyenas
jumped up. What was happening?
they wondered.
Soon they realized that the air smelled
a little funny. They also thought it
was getting a little hot. Thats when
the hyenas finally realized that there
was a fire - and it was headed right
for them! So thats why all the other
animals were running! They started to
run, too.
First they tried to follow the path the
elephants had made - but the fire got
in their way. Then they tried to follow
the lions. Again the fire blocked them.
They only had one more path to follow,
but it was a path they were not very
familiar with. Still, they ran down it
as fast as they could. Thats why none
of them saw the big hole in front of


rate this story!

From Utah, USA

None of the hyenas had time to stop.

They all started to fall. It was a big hole,
so they started to fall faster and faster.
Finally some of the roots that were
sticking out caught the hyenas by the
neck - but only their heads stopped!
This made their necks stretch and
stretch while their bodies kept falling.
Soon some more roots caught their
bodies, but their feet were still falling
fast. This made their legs stretch too!
Finally, their feet, bodies, and heads
all stopped falling and stretching, but
they were all too stuck to get out on
their own.
After the fire, all of the animals
realized that one of the hyena families
was missing. They all went back to
look for them but they never found
them! For years they wondered where
the hyena family had gone. But do
you know what the animals did find?
They were very surprised to find some
strange new animals with long legs
and long necks, stuck down in a deep
hole! They helped the new animals
out, and since no one knew what to
call them, they decided on a new
name for the new animal - giraffes!

Max had his first

surgery when he
was 3 days old.
Hes had holes in
his heart repaired
and overcame a
lung collapse.
But you can see
hope in Maxs eyes.
Hes a

real miracle
Childrens Miracle Network is a nonprofit organization that raises funds for
more than 170 childrens hospitals.
Countless individuals, organizations
and media partners unite with Childrens
Miracle Network to help sick and injured
kids. Donations create miracles by funding
medical care, research and education that
save and improve the lives of 17 million
children each yearchildren just like Max.

Storytime, day 3


monster has escaped

Written by Sandie Lee

Martin sat clutching a butterfly net.

On his lap was an open book that his
grandmother had given him. Inside it
he wrote...
Saturday 11:47 - Still no sightings.
The traps are set and I have my
bicycle helmet. Brain shield on. Idea
monsters cant get through bicycle
helmets, I hope.
He closed his secret journal and
waited, watching over his handiwork.
The traps were set, there would be no
escaping, this time.
His mother rap-tapped on the door
and asked. Martin, are you doing
your homework?
He had to think fast. Sort of.
Remember this assignment counts for
half your mark, she chided.
Martin sighed. He opened his journal
and wrote...
Saturday 11:52 - NEED to catch idea
monster. Mom-zilla on rampage. Cant
fail another assignment.
Just then the door opened. Martin
sprang from his chair as his little sister
bounced in.
Your rooms a mess, Mandy said.
Get out! he shouted and slammed
the door. He glanced over the traps,
then wrote...
Saturday 12:26 - Sister opened door.


From Ontario, Canada

He stopped and thought a moment,

then groaned, Uh oh!
Panicking, he ran into the hall. He
heard his parents talking.
I had a great idea for our family
vacation, his father said. Now I cant
remember what it was.
His mother said something similar.
Isnt that strange? I cant remember
what I was going to make for dessert.
Martin opened his journal and wrote...
Dad and mom have been idea sucked.
Full search of house.
He started in the kitchen. He looked
everywhere, then wrote...
12:45 - Kitchen-ALL CLEAR.
Next was the living room. When he
finished, he wrote...
12:52 - LivingroomALL CLEAR
He was about to move on, when he
glimpsed something skitter under the
long drapes. Martin crept toward the
window. He grasped the fabric and
slowly pulled it back. Like lightning
the creature streaked across the floor
and disappeared down the hall.
Martin wrote quickly...
Monster IS loose!

submit your work today!

He started to chase after it, when his

mother saw him.
I thought you were working on that
project, she said. And whats with
the helmet?

The pen is mightier than the sword.

Was this true? He took his pen and
jabbed it towards the monster. It
didnt even flinch, but it did giggle.
This pen isnt powerful, Martin said.

It..its an experiment, he answered

and quickly ran past her. Maybe if she
was wearing a helmet, wed be having
dessert tonight.
Martin stopped at Mandys room
and peered inside. She sat at a table
with a big piece of blank paper in
front of her. All sorts of markers were
scattered about, but Mandy was just
staring out the window.
He flipped open his journal and
1:06 - Possible monster attack? Check
Mandys room.
He hid around the corner until his
sister left, then snuck in. He quickly
scanned the room. Nothing. All that
was left was the closet. He edged
the door open. A flash of fuzz zipped
past him and ran right into his parents
bedroom. He bounded after it
slamming their door behind him. He
frantically scribbled...

Then he scribbled in his journal...

Pens arent swords!!
Suddenly, the monster growled
and shrank back. Perhaps it was the
answer. Martin tried again, writing...
Idea monsters dont like pens
He paused. The monster stomped his
furry feet and grumbled loudly. Martin
had a hunch and continued writing...
...pens can be used to write my ideas
He smiled widely. Thats it, isnt it?
Then Ill never lose my ideas again.
The monster stuck its tongue out
at him and with a parting, pthzzz,
Martin wrote...
Saturday 1:42 - Idea monster ALL


Just then the creature, no bigger than
an apple, jumped onto the night stand.
It stared at him with huge purple eyes
and had ears shaped like question
Suddenly, Martin didnt know what to
do. His mind was blank! He wondered
why he was wearing a helmet, and
holding his journal. He opened it, but
instead of a blank page, he saw the
words his grandmother had written
there for him. It said...

He then turned to a fresh page in his

journal and wrote...
Always carry my pen. Its better than
a sword.
Tell dad that riding roller coasters
would be a fun family vacation.
Tell mom that chocolate cake makes
the best dessert.

Muncaster, Idea Monster 4

rate this story!


Storytime, day 4

Snow Day Discovery

Written by Liana M. Mahoney

Liam pressed his face against the

window. A world this white could only
mean one thing. The morning news
confirmed it.
Snow day! Liam shouted.
He bundled up in winter clothes and
bounded out the door. He made tracks
in the snow, but the wind swirled the
powdery snow smooth again. Liams
face stung. His eyes watered from the
bright white of the snow. Soon Liam
came back inside.
He got out his coloring books and
crayons. He pressed shapes in clay. He
painted pictures.
Liam looked out the window and
sighed. Just an hour ago, he was so
excited about his snow day. But now it
seemed there was nothing to do. I wish
summer were here again, he thought.
That gave him an idea.
He looked through a bin of summer
toys, and pulled out a kickball. Mom
will never let me play with that in the
He pulled out a jump rope, and a
pail and shovel, then tossed them all
back into the box. Was there anything
to play with?
Then he pulled out his bug catcher.
He remembered the caterpillars that he
had kept in it last summer. It was fun
watching them grow, but when summer
ended, he had set them all free.
Great, he thought. What good is a
bug catcher on a snow day?
Liam looked at the bug catcher.
There was a black leaf inside!
He took off the cover. The leaf
was beautiful with patches of yellow,
orange and blue - and it was moving!
Six wiry black legs clung to the screen
Liam yelled.
looked in the bug catcher.


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From North Dakota, USA

But I let all the caterpillars go,

Liam said. All I left in there were some
dead leaves.
Mom smiled at him.
One of
your caterpillars must have made its
chrysalis in there. It might have looked
like a dead leaf. Thats why you didnt
notice it.
Butterflies dont hatch in the
winter, Liam said. He thought for a
moment. She probably hatched early
because its warm in our house. He
looked out the window and shivered.
The butterfly wouldnt have a chance
out there!
Liam emptied out a big box. He
covered the top with a piece of clear
plastic, and tipped the box on its side.
He got his crayons out again. He
drew pictures of flowers blooming in
red and orange.
He got out his clay, and pressed it
onto the bottom of the box to make a
blue pond with green hills.
Then he got out his paints. He
painted a summer sun and full green
trees. He glued his pictures inside the
walls of the box.
Liam mixed up some sugar water.
He soaked a cotton ball in the sweet
drink, and set it on the clay.
Finally, he placed the black butterfly
in the box.
There, he said to the butterfly.
Look at all those colors! Its a summer
day in there!
Mom looked at his butterfly house.
Youre lucky, Liam. Not many boys get
to keep a box full of summer in the
Liam placed the box near the
window where the butterfly could see
the winter white.
Yeah, he said, grinning, and not
all butterflies get to see a snow day in

Storytime, day 5

Sebastians Walk to School

Written by Sven Hensel

Sebastians dad got a new job, and

everyone in his family was happy
now because dad wasnt gone
every week, like he was with the old
job. But Sebastian wasnt happy.
He was happy that dad was around
more, but the thing that made him
sad was that they had moved to a
new home where Sebastian had to
go to a new school, and he didnt
know anybody or have any friends.
Sure, the neighbors had all said Hi,
and some even helped them move
in, but most of them didnt have
kids Sebastians age, and the only
one that did had to go to a different
To make matters worse, Sebastians
older sister had to take the bus to
her school. She was in 7th grade
this year, so he was going to have
to go to school all on his own this
year. His mom drove him to school
the first couple of days, to show
him the way, but Sebastian didnt
like it when the other boys saw him
with his mom. He decided to walk
to school on his own. It was only a
fifteen minute walk, and he knew it
pretty well now. Down the drive to
the main road, turn right and go up
and over the hill by a small grove of
trees, then there is a huge pasture
on the right-hand side where there
are always cows, and sometimes
even deer. This particular morning,
for the first time, Sebastian was
lucky and saw a baby deer with
white spots on its back.
That morning, there were also a
lot of cows on the pasture with
their white and black or brown and
white spotted fur. Sebastian tried


From Dagebll, Germany

to count them all, but there were

just too many.
The next day, everything was
different though.
As Sebastian
came past the grove of trees he
didnt see any deer. When he got to
the pasture, most of the cows were
too far away to even try counting,
but right in the front of the pasture,
close to the fence, Sebastian saw
a huge, mean-looking bull with
a silver ring in his nose. The bull
was so close to the fence that he
was able to see the number on the
bulls ear. Sebastian tried to walk
by quickly, hoping the bull wouldnt
notice him, but the bull stopped
eating and looked up, directly in
Sebastians eyes. Sebastian was
frightened. He remembered his
dad telling him that he should never
look straight in the eyes of dogs or
bulls. So he quickly looked at the
number badge on the bulls ear, but
he was still very nervous. It was so
Then, suddenly, the bull snorted
loudly and Sebastian took off
running toward the school as fast as
he could.
At dinner that night, Sebastian told
his family about the bull and his
dad suggested that he should talk
to the bull. Tell him a story, said
dad, but remember, dont look him
in the eyes.
So the next morning Sebastian left
home bravely, but when he passed
the trees he slowed down. The bull
was standing right by the fence
again, as if he was waiting for him.
The bull stopped chewing its food

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and Sebastian said, Hello. He

wasnt sure what else to say, so
he quickly explained that he had
to keep going, or he would be
late for school. The bull snorted
again, but then he went back to
chewing the grass, and from that
day on, Sebastian wasnt so scared
Every morning from that day
on, Sebastian would tell the bull
something new about his life like
why they had to move, or about his
latest argument with his sister, then
he would continue on his way to
Then one day, something new
Sebastian finished
telling the bull about the fort he
was building in their backyard, and
when he started walking, the bull
started walking too!
liked that very much. He told the
boys at school about his new friend,
the bull, and gave him the name
Chap because thats what his
grandfather used to call his bulls.
The boys didnt believe him, so
they walked home with Sebastian
that day, and sure enough, the bull
followed Sebastian the whole way
home. The boys also liked that
very much and they quickly became
good friends with Sebastian.

with fresh food, clean air, and lots

of room to move around.
find Chap, but couldnt see him
anywhere. Every day he looked
for Chap, but he wasnt there any
Sebastian decided that
Chap had had to move, just like
Sebastian had to move. He hoped
Chap would find new friends, and
even though he missed Chap, he
was grateful for the time theyd had
together, and that Chap had helped
him make friends too.
The next school year came around
and now there were two new
boys walking the same way to
Sebastian walked with
them, and when they passed the
pasture, Sebastian told them about
Chap and how he used to follow
Sebastian every day. That made
the boys laugh, and they laughed
all the way to school - friends.

Fall came, and then winter, and

one day, as Sebastian was walking
to school, he couldnt see Chap or
any of the other cows. Sebastians
dad explained that they had to
stay indoors, in a special barn, so
that the farmer could keep feeding
them during the cold time of the
year when snow covered the grass.
Finally spring came again and the
pasture was full of green grass,
beautiful field flowers, and lots of
cows. Sebastian watched the cows
munching on the grass and he had
the feeling that the cows were very
happy to be back on their pasture,

rate this story!


Storytime, day 6

Written by Tracy Helixon

Leaves rustled. Wind swirled

through the back yard.
Belieeeeeve, whispered the wind.
Isaac looked up. Did you hear

From Wisconsin, USA

Isaac started to pump.

He stretched his legs towards the
sky, then pushed them down with a
Dad gave a push. Isaac pumped.

Hear what? said Mike.

Almost there.
Never mind, sighed Isaac. Hey!
Are you playing baseball? Can I go?
Stay with Dad, said Mike. Youre
too little.

Dad gave a giant push. For a little

guy, one giant push goes a long way.

Isaac glared at the little shoes on his

little feet.

The swing soared higher. And

higher. And higher. Until. . .

Too little to play baseball. Too little

to ride the spaceship at the fair. Too
little, too little, too little.

With a soft thunk, Isaac landed

directly in the middle of the cloud.
Dad waved. Be home by dinner!

Isaac marched to the swing set,

stood on his tiptoes, and pulled
himself onto a swing.
Dad, when will I get big?
Soon enough, said Dad. Want a
I guess. Isaac wondered when
soon enough would be.
Just then, the wind pushed a puffy
white cloud above the swing set.
Isaac stared. Could he reach it?
Belieeeeve, whispered the wind.


Higher, Dad!

O-o-okay, shouted Isaac. The

cloud drifted across the sky.
An airplane passed. A girl waved to
Isaac from the window.
Hello! he called. The cloud floated
Isaac passed a mountain climber
atop a mountain. Give me five!
she said.
Isaac stretched out and gave her
hand a smack.
Thanks! she said. Isnt it a beautiful
day? The cloud floated on.

submit your work today!

A spaceship flew by on its way to

the moon. What a nice surprise!
said the astronaut.

Dad waited at the swing set. Isaac

and the eagle landed.
Isaac slid down the eagles wing.

I hardly ever see anyone way up


Thanks for the ride! And then. . .

Nice to meet you, replied Isaac.

The cloud floated on.

Mike returned. Hey! he said.

Where did you find my balloon?

Isaac passed a blue balloon. Hey!

Mike lost that balloon yesterday.
Isaac reached up and grabbed it.
The cloud floated on.

In the sky, said Isaac. I got there

on the swing.

Suddenly, Isaac heard a familiar


We could try, said Dad, but Im

not sure it would work. It takes an
awfully big wind. . .

Cool! said Mike. Can I go?

Isa-a-ac! Di-i-nnnn-er! yelled Mom.

Isaac looked around. He didnt
quite know how to get home. After
all, hed never ridden on a cloud
before. And then. . .

And a little guy, said Isaac, and


Looooook, whispered the wind,

Hey! said Isaac, pointing across the
sky. That cloud looks like an eagle.
I am an eagle, answered the cloud.
Good guess.
Isaac thought. Could you give me
a ride home, please? he asked.
Sure! Hop on! The eagle flew to
Holding Mikes balloon, Isaac
jumped from the puffy cloud onto
the eagle clouds back.
The puffy cloud drifted to another
swing set, waiting for its next
passenger. Thank you! Isaac
The eagle cloud flapped its great
white wings. Isaacs house grew
bigger as they flew closer.

1/4 AD
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Storytime, day 7

The Very Small Fairy

Written by Ivy Walker

From Utah, USA

Once upon a time, there was a sweet

little fairy named Glenna. She had
little pink curls that framed her tiny
face, little red rosebud lips, and two
pointy little ears on either side of her
head. Everything about Glenna was
It was to be expected, of course.
Fairies are naturally tiny. But not only
was Glenna tiny, she was small even
for a fairy.
Oh how Glenna longed to be bigger. If
she were bigger, she could play catch
the snowball with the other fairies.
When she tried to catch the snowball,
the huge white flower almost knocked
her out of the air.
If she were bigger, she could do
special assignments for the Fairy
Queen. As it was, when she lined up
to volunteer to serve the Queen, she
was just passed over without being
Glenna knew that if she were bigger,
she could make a difference. She
could do something great for Fairy
Kingdom. Maybe even for the whole
So each morning, she would measure
herself, hoping against hope that she
had grown during the night. But every
morning she was just the same size as
she had always been. Small.
But one day, as Glenna was standing
in line to volunteer for special
assignments from the Queen, her luck
changed. The guard looked her over,
and then looked again. A smile spread
across his face. Youre perfect! he


said, and before Glenna knew it, she

was standing in front of the
Fairy Queen awaiting her special
The Fairy Queen saw Glenna and
smiled. Whats your name, little one?
Glenna, Your Majesty.
Glenna, I have a very important job for
you. Are you willing to help me?
She was so happy it was hard to stand
still. Oh, yes, Your Majesty. She had
waited so long for this day.
Our people need something stronger
to build their houses out of other than
dirt, sticks, and flowers. When the
rains come, many houses are ruined,
and fairies have to rush to build new
houses before the winter comes.
Glenna nodded. It was a great chore,
and sometimes fairies didnt get new
homes built before the winter. It made
for long, hard winters.

submit your work today!

The good news is that we have found

something new to use, but it is rather
difficult to get. We need a very small
fairy so she will not be seen. Will you
help us?
Glenna nodded, and the Fairy Queen
leaned forward to tell her their plans.
That night, Glenna slowly tiptoed into
a little boys bedroom and stared up
at the giant bed. She was scared, but
she knew the fairies were depending
on her.
She flew up to get a closer look, and
sure enough, right inside the little
boys mouth, right where the Fairy
Queen had said it would be, was a
loose tooth, just hanging on by a
She gathered up her courage, and
flew close to the large mouth and
yanked the tooth out. It gave a little
pop and Glenna almost fell out of the
air. But she held on to the tooth, and
she held her breath. The little boy
rubbed his face and rolled over, still
Glenna smiled. This was going to
work! She gently lifted a shiny quarter
out of her little knapsack and placed
it under the boys pillow. Fairies
werent thieves, after all. They would
pay every child for every tooth they
Glenna almost giggled with joy when
she imagined the little boys delight
in the morning as he found the hole
where his tooth used to be and the
shiny new quarter under his pillow.
Glenna returned to the Fairy Palace,
and the Fairy Queen was overjoyed
at her success. The fairies would now
have something stronger to build their
homes out ofhuman teeth! They
celebrated with a large feast, and
Glenna herself was the guest of honor.
Over time, word began to spread that
loose teeth soon turned into quarters

while children slept. Children began

to anticipate Glenna coming. They
tried to wiggle their teeth out as soon
as possible and place them under their
pillows, so that they too would receive
a shiny new quarter.
Glenna was very good at her job. No
child ever saw her. Some guessed that
the mysterious quarters appearing
could only be the work of fairies. They
even went so far as to give her a name.
They called her the Tooth Fairy.
And Glenna was happy. She didnt
mind being so small anymore. She
was doing something important, and
she hadnt had to grow bigger to do
it after all.

Show your child how
important brushing is. This
quick lesson will give them
something to remember!
Soak one hard-boiled egg for
each child in a glass of soda,
preferrably some sort of cola.
The next day, talk to your
child about brushing and
explain why it is so important.
Next, take out the egg and
let them see how dirty and
stained it looks. This stained
color is like the plaque on our
Then let them brush away on
the egg! Make sure youre
using toothpaste that has
flouride. It helps make teeth
stronger and prevent cavities.

rate this story!


Storytime, day 8

The Blue Frog

Written by Lance O. Redding

Bobby the Blue Frog was very

different from all the other frogs
because he was a blue frog, and
the other frogs in the Pond were
all green. Oh, Bobby had seen
frogs that werent green before,
but never a blue one. Some frogs
were brown, or even black, but
never blue! So ,naturally, all the
other frogs in Tadschool teased
They made fun of him
almost every day at recess time.
Pretty soon, Bobby decided that
something had to change! He
had to prove to the other frogs
that he was just as good as they
So he challenged the green frogs
to a jumping contest. All frogs
are good jumpers, but some can
jump even farther than normal
frogs, and Bobby was hoping that
this was his day. If only he could
jump farther than the other frogs,
then they would see that he was
just like them, and they would be
his friends.
When recess time came, all the
frogs lined up on a line. Then
Sally, a very pretty lime-green
frog from the north end of the
lake, said On your mark, get
set, JUMP! Bobby closed his
eyes, crouched down, tensed his
muscles, and then sprang forward
with all his might.
When he opened his eyes, his
heart fell. He was not the best
jumper. In fact, he was at the
very back. He was the worst
jumper of all.


From Utah, USA

So Bobby decided to practice.

He practiced and practiced all
day long. While most of the other
frogs were relaxing in the nice,
cool water of the pond, Bobby
was on the ground, jumping and
jumping and jumping.
The other frogs thought it was so
funny, that they sent one of the
meaner frogs up on the land to
give Bobby another challenge.
His name was Hank the Bullyfrog,
and he wasnt nice to Bobby at all.
Bobby, how about we have a flyeating contest?!
Bobby gulped in fear. If he said
no, Hank would just laugh and
call him a coward. But if he said
yes, and lost again, he didnt
think he could stand it! Still, he
thought, I have to try. Maybe,
just maybe, he could win the
fly-eating contest, and then
everyone would like him!
So he agreed. They went to the
south of the lake, where the flies
liked to live. Sally said go and
off they went, chasing and eating
as many flies as the could. The
flies went wild, flying every which
way, over and under and around.
Bobby was having a hard time
seeing them because they flew so
fast. Still, he was able to catch
three flies before Sally said stop.
When he looked over at Hank,
though, he knew he had lost.
Everyone was surrounding Hank
and congratulating him on his

spectacular win. Bobby slipped

into the water and began
swimming away before anyone
could see him leaving.
Suddenly, Norman, a large brown
and green frog who lived on
the east side of the lake called
out, Hey, Bobbys getting away!
Everyone after him!
Bobby knew he was in trouble
now. They were going to try
catching him in the water, and if
they did, he was sure they would
tease him and push him and even
dunk his head in the water.

never go. If he went back into

the reeds, though, he was afraid
the other frogs might get him. So
he tried to relax in the clear blue
water. Maybe if he waited long
enough, they would all leave the
reeds, go back to their homes,
and he could swim home safely,
without being bothered.
A loud noise behind Bobby
startled him and he looked
around to see what had made
it. What he saw frightened him
more than anything he had ever
seen before. Two humans stood
above him, looking down into the

So he swam away as fast as he

could. He heard the splish-splash
of other frogs jumping in the
water, and he knew they were all
fast swimmers, but Bobby also
loved swimming, and thought
that maybe, just maybe, he could
swim even faster. The other frogs
were getting close, though. He
could see them, just out of the
corner of his eye. So he swam
even harder.
Then, he spotted the reeds. The
reeds were very tall plants that
grew out of the pond and made
a forest. So he swam into the
reeds and ducked and dived in
and around the stalks as fast as
he could. Even though some
of the other frogs were faster
swimmers, no one could keep up
with Bobby through the reeds.
He was just too fast! He cornered
so fast around the reeds, and the
other frogs just werent as nimble.
All behind him, Bobby could hear
the cries of anger and frustration
as the other frogs crashed into
the stalks or just couldnt keep
Finally, he was free of the stalks,
on the far side of the pond, where
his parents told him he should

pond. He froze in terror. Then he

heard other noises, coming from
the reeds. The other frogs had
made it through, and had just
spotted Bobby.
There he is! shouted Hank the
Bullyfrog. Get him
Bobby tried to shout a warning,
but the humans were too fast.
As soon as all the frogs were
swimming after Bobby, they
started scooping into the water
with their big nets. Every time
they scooped down, they caught
two or three frogs in their nets.
Bobby swam frantically to help
his classmates, and although he
was scared of being caught as
well, he still forged ahead. But
the large humans never tried
to scoop Bobby into their nets

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Storytime, day 8 continued

because they never even saw

Bobby the blue frog.
realized that in the blue water,
the humans could only see the
green frogs!
The humans turned to leave and
one said to the other, Joe, were
gonna eat good tonight!
Bobby knew he had to act fast if he
was going to save his classmates.
He swam back through the reeds,
even faster than he had the first
time, and told all the adult frogs
what had happened, and then he
told them his plan. Then he went
off and found the snakes, the
mosquitoes, the lizards, the owls,
the deer, and any other animal
who would listen, and told them
his plan to free the green frogs.
As soon as the sun set, all the
animals circled around the
humans campsite. They were
nervous, because humans are the
scariest creatures of all, but they
knew that they had to free those
frogs. They crept forward in the
darkness of the night without
making a sound. It was Bobbys
turn to begin the plan and even
though he was very afraid, he
hopped right into the middle of
the campsite, where both the
humans could see him.
Joe, looks like one o them frogs
got loose! Lets get him!
Bobby hopped away as fast as
he could, and the humans ran
after him. Then, suddenly, all
the forest animals ran into the
campsite as loudly as they could.
The raccoons found the humans
food and tore into the bags, the
foxes stole the humans nets, and
a big black bear poured water
onto the fire.


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The humans shrieked in terror,

because humans cant see very
well in the dark. They ran around
and around in circles, bumping
into trees and each other, until
finally they found the trail and ran
away from the pond as quickly as
they could.
The big bear came over to a
large black pot of water near the
firepit and looked inside where
all the green frogs were crying to
be freed. He put his big nose on
the side of the pot and pushed it
over. All the green frogs jumped
away as quickly as they could and
found their parents, who were
very happy to have them back,
safe and sound.
Hank the Bullyfrog looked at his
dad and said, How did you know
we were here? How did you save
His dad said, loud enough for
everyone to hear, Bobby the
Blue Frog told us what happened.
It was Bobbys idea to save you
from the humans. Bobby is a
Everyone cheered.
Hank the
Bullyfrog came over and gave
Bobby a high-five and said, Im
sorry for treating you so badly,
Youre a great frog.
Even Sally came over and gave
Bobby a kiss on the cheek. Bobby
blushed, and learned for the first
time, that even blue frogs can
turn red. From then on, everyone
was happy, and Bobby had more
than enough friends.
The End.

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Storytime, day 9

The Bird Race

Written by Rachel Hale

As the sun came up, the little

blackbirds started to wake. Billy
slowly opened his eyes and ruffled
his feathers. His sisters were already
fighting over the breakfast worms,
but he wasnt hungry.
It was race day and Billy had been
practicing for weeks. Every day
he had gone to the fields with his
mouse friend Pip and flown from
tree to tree as fast as he could. The
first five birds to cross the finish line
would become delivery birds and
Billy really wanted to be one.
But now, as he sat in his nest, Billys
feathers didnt feel right and he
had lost a tail feather.
Hopping out of his nest, Billy
walked along to the end of the
branch and jumped into the air.
Flapping his wings slowly, he set off
to find Pip. He would know why his
wings didnt feel right.
Landing lightly on the path, Billy
walked over to the bottom of a
large oak tree, knocked three times
with his beak and then waited.
Shortly afterwards, the plants at the
bottom of the tree started to move,
and out rushed Pip.
Billy told
him all about his feathers feeling
funny and how he wasnt sure that
he could race without his lost tail
Pip twitched his nose as he listened.
Youre just nervous, he explained.
Your feathers are fine. Why dont
you give them a good shake?


From Tonbridge, Kent, UK

Billy spread out his wings, nearly

knocking Pip over, and shook them
hard. Folding them carefully again
he had to admit that they did feel
Good. Now let me have a look at
your tail.
Billy turned around, and wriggled
his tail feathers for Pip.
Theyre okay too. Youve just lost
that tatty old one.
Billy took off and flew around in
front of Pip. Much better, he
called out. Can we go looking for
worms now?
Pip squeaked happily. Only one,
we dont want to be late.
Come on slow poke, said Billy.
Ill race you to the field gate.
They got there just in time. As
they crossed the field, the cockerel
crowed loudly telling them that the
races were about to start. Billy said
goodbye to Pip and, collecting a
twig from the pile, flew up to the
join the other birds. Billy had never
seen so many birds perched on the
wire together. Far below groups
of woodland animals gathered to
Billy looked towards the finishing
line. He knew what he had to do.
He had to carry his twig to the line
and land safely without dropping
it. A badger waiting nearby would
check that he had landed properly
and count in the first five birds to

submit your work today!

The cockerel flapped his wings

importantly and stretched his beak
high into the air. This was it. At the
end of the next Cock-a-doodledoo the race would begin.
Billy stretched his wings and waited.
They were off. Flapping his wings
as fast as he could, Billy headed
toward the finish line. The long
wings of a magpie flapped in front
of him while a robin flew beside him.
FLAP, FLAP, FLAP. He would do it.
FLAP, FLAP, OH NO! The magpie
was in front of him, blocking his way.
Billy moved higher, determined to
get to the line.
Nearly there.
He saw the robin reach the line;
another blackbird was already there.
below cheered loudly.


This was it. One last FLAP and HEWAS-THERE!

Billy landed with a wobble, but held
on tight. Had he been fast enough?
Looking down he saw the badger
give him a nod.
Billy gave a squawk of delight. He
was now a very, very, happy little

Kids love to run, and we love it when
they do because it gets them tired and
ready for bedtime.
Here are a few classic race games you
can teach your children.
Gunny Sack:
Have the kids put both feet into a gunny
sack (or pillow case) and hop toward the
finish line.
Tie a right leg of one teammember to the left leg of another. This
one is very entertaining to watch.
Egg & Spoon:
Each team gets one spoon and the first
person races with an egg (potatoes or
rocks make for less mess) to a distant
goal, then come back and hand-off
the spoon and egg to the next teammember. The first team whose members
complete the task is the winner.
Each team lays down in a line behind the
starting line in single file. Each member
of the team reaches forward and holds
onto the ankles of the person in front.
On go, the line creeps forward and
the team whose long line crosses the line
first is the winner.
Four-Legged Race:
Two team-members stand back-to-back
and must race the length of the field
with one facing forward and the other
facing behind. Once they pass the
distant point, they run back to the start,
with the one member now running forward and the other running backward.
These races are great for big family
gatherings, but can be modified for just
a couple of kids too.

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Storytime, day 10

a pet for foley

Written by Barbara Bockman

Foley was a springer spaniel puppy

with white and brown fur. He lived on
a farm until a nice lady came and took
him home in her car, his floppy ears
streaming like feathers in the wind.
The lady gave him food and water and
a doghouse in the fenced back yard.
After he explored his yard, Foley felt
lonely. What I need is a pet, he said.
As he wandered, forlorn, among the
oaks, he was hit on the head by an
Foley looked up.
A squirrel was
zipping around the branches of an
oak tree in spurts and stops. When
the squirrel came down to get more
acorns, Foley lopped over to him.
Will you be my pet?
Okay, said Chipper. Ill let you help
me gather acorns.
At first, Foley enjoyed gathering
acorns - it was fun. Then it was dull.
Then it was boring. Then it was work.
When are we going to play? Foley
asked. Chipper couldnt hear Foley
because he was listening to himself
Finally, Foley shouted, Chipper, this
doesnt seem to be working out the
way we had planned!
Youre right, Foley, said Chipper.
You keep getting in my way. As he
scampered back up the tree trunk, his
mouth bulging with acorns, he called,
Wyll wisit oo, Woly.
Foley sighed with relief. He swept the
acorns out of his house and resumed
his search for a pet.


From Florida, USA

As Foley wandered around the big

back yard, he heard a faint moaning
sound under a bush loaded with white
gardenia flowers. He tiptoed over. A
little blue bird lay under the fragrant
bush. My wing is hurt, Periwinkle
Very gently, Foley picked the bird up
in his mouth and carried her to his
doghouse. He gave the bird some
water and offered her some dog food.
No, I want a big, fat worm, groaned
Foley found a worm. He picked the
worm up in his mouth. He didnt like
doing that. He gave the worm to the
bird and said, Phew! Then he drank
some water.
That was delicious. Now Ill have
some grubs, demanded Periwinkle.
Oh, no, muttered Foley, but he went
looking for grubs anyway. He turned
over some rocks until he found several.
He brought them to the bird. I hope
thats enough grubs.
Im still hungry, said Periwinkle, in
a lively voice.
How about some
You look well enough to get them
yourself, said Foley.
I do feel much better, thanks to you,
said Periwinkle, emerging from the
Now was Foleys chance. Will you be
my pet, Periwinkle? he asked. We
can play and have fun together.

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What a good idea, said Periwinkle.

Ill teach you to fly. Hop up on the
garden bench.
Foley was ready for some fun. He
climbed up on the garden bench.
Now stand on your hind legs and
move your front paws very fast.
Foley did as he was instructed. That
is, he tried. He tried and tried again.
Soon he was exhausted from trying.
Its no use, Periwinkle, said Foley.
Ill never learn to fly. Come to think
of it, he mused, I dont think I ever
heard of a dog flying.
But I must fly in the great, wonderful
blue sky, Periwinkle said sadly, I m
sorry, but I cant be your pet. Ill visit
you when Im in the neighborhood,
though. And she soared into the
great, wonderful blue sky to join her
flock of blue birds.
Foley was tired from his exertions. He
went into his house and burrowed
under the blanket that the nice lady
had left for him. As he relaxed, he
realized that he was not alone. A
ripple of movement meandering
in a zig-zaggy way told Foley that
someone else was under the blanket.
He lay still for a moment, until the
mysterious visitor bumped into him.
With a yelp! Foley scrambled out of
the blanket and out of the doghouse.
and waited for the intruder to appear.
What do you think appeared? A little,
gray, nearly-blind mole.
too much light in here! shouted the
little mole. Theres too much noise!
. . . Theres too much movement! . . .
Theres nothing to eat!
Something told Foley that this little
critter would not make a good pet.
He didnt even ask him.

Well, help me get back into the

So Foley dug a little hole to get the
bossy little mole started on a little
Foley lay down with his head on his
front paws and thought about his
problem. Who could he ask to be
his pet? Just then an orange tabby
strolled into the back yard. Foley
jumped up and ran over to greet the
cat. He smiled and said, Will you be
my pet? We can play and have fun
Sorry, said Nutmeg, licking his back
with dignity and not sounding very
sorry at all. I already belong to
Jessica and here she comes now.
A yellow school bus came down the
street. By the screeching sound of
the buss brakes, it must have stopped
in front of Foleys house. In a few
minutes a pretty little girl opened the
back door and ran down the steps.
The cat purred and arched his back up
against her legs. She bent down and
scratched him behind the ears. Hi,
Nutmeg, she said. Then she ran over
to Foley. She sat down on the grass
and hugged him. Foley, I am so glad
that you have come to live with us and
be my pet.
Foleys ears stood up in surprise.
He and Jessica were soon having fun.
They played Frisbee, fetch, tug-o-war,
and tumble-in-the-grass. The treat
Jessica gave Foley tasted delicious much better than worms and grubs!
Life in Foleys new home was going
to be wonderful. He knew he would
never be lonely again.
I guess I dont need a pet... Foley
told himself. I AM a pet.

Perhaps you are lost, suggested

Foley to the mole.

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Storytime, day 11

Princess Polywogs

lovely wish
Written by Sally Phillips

Princess Pollywog was a lovely shade

of green, and very beautiful for a frog.
She loved to stop and gaze at her
reflection in the royal pond.
Its true, she said munching on a fly
cake, I am lovely and beautiful. A
fly cake crumb fell from her lips and
plopped into the pond.
One day, her mother, the frog queen
said, The time has come for you to
be married. We cant afford to keep
you in fly cakes forever.
Oh, Mother, Princess Pollywog said,
looking at her reflection, What
prince could ever admire me as much
as I deserve?
The Queen stated firmly, We will
have a grand party to announce your
An emergency meeting of royal
helpers was called at once. We will
search all ponds, near and far, said
the Queen. A proper frog prince
must be found who is willing to marry
my Princess Pollywog.
It was difficult to find a frog prince
who didnt know Princess Pollywog.
Finally, three princes were found at
the far end of a faraway lily pond.
The royal dressmakers set to work
making a party dress for Princess
Pollywog. Creamy white lily petals
had been specially picked to make her
engagement gown.
Soon, the special day arrived. The
Queen helped Princess Pollywog into


From Indiana, USA

her gown of petals. This dress cant

begin to show off my true loveliness,
she grumbled. She snacked on a fly
cake dripping with honeysuckle nectar.
Crumbs were sticking to the petals.
Oh, Mother, Princess Pollywog
wailed, rolling her large round
eyes. How can I decide who will
have the extreme honor of marrying
me? Princess Pollywog took another
enormous bite of fly cake. Nectar
dribbled down her chin.
The Queen snorted, Do you think you
could stop eating for a while? We only
ordered two dozen fly cakes.
Yes, Mother, Princess Pollywog
said smiling. She crossed her fingers
behind her back.
The party was held under a magnificent
Marsh Willow tree. Its lacy leaves
dipped gracefully into the water.
All frogs, box turtles, and red-spotted
newts from nearby ponds were invited.
The toads and lizards ignored the
party. They were more interested in
the buzzing water bugs.
The royal guests gathered beside an
empty dessert table at the edge of the
Greetings everyone, the Queen
announced. Princess Pollywog and
I thank you for attending our lovely
Princess Pollywog cleared her throat
with a foghorn blast. The prince who
gives me the grandest gift of all will

be my royal husband.

We must help Princess Pollywog.

Everyone was blown to the ground

by her royal pronouncement. The
frog princes quickly hopped up and
gathered their grand presents.
The first prince said, I have made a
daisy chain bracelet for your lovely
What? How dare you call my precious
hand a flipper. Be Gone! Princess
Pollywogs cheeks turned a rosy-pink.
The next prince presented her with a
robins blue eggshell fashioned into a
delicate trinket box.
A box to hold my flipper jewelry? How
insulting. Be gone! Princess Pollywog
The last prince trembled
presented his special gift.


The fairies Flora, Fern and Little Sprite

quickly arrived at the royal pond.
Shes a most beautiful pine tree, said
What a lovely shade of green, added
Little Sprite.
But she cant stay this way, the
Queen said hugging a pine branch.
Fern explained, Princess Pollywog
did anything she wanted, and this
made her selfish. When she changes
her uncaring ways, the spell will be






Whats this? An ugly gray stone? Her

eyes bulged. What could I possibly
want with an ugly gray stone? she
My royal loveliness. The forest fairies
gave it to me. Kiss it and it will grant
you a special wish, the frog prince
said hopefully.
Princess Pollywog held the smooth
stone close to her face and stared at it.
She closed her eyes and took a deep
breath. I wish to be the most lovely
in all the land and have everyone bow
before me! She puckered her big,
green lips and gave the fairy stone a
large, wet kiss.
Princess Pollywog instantly changed
into a lovely pine tree with low
hanging branches. Now everyone had
to bend down to pass under her.
Find the forest fairies immediately!
the Queen called to her royal helpers.

do that? Shes a tree! the Queen

She will have to discover that for
herself, said Fern.
Every day the Queen would sit beside
her daughter. She would read her
stories about brave, caring heroes.
The Queen had her meals served in
the shadow of her daughters graceful
limbs. Every night, she would sleep
under her branches. The Queen
waited and waited for her daughter
to change back into Princess Pollywog.
I guess well have to call her Princess
Pine Tree from now on, said the
Queen sadly.

submit your work today!


Storytime, day 11 continued

One day, towering clouds turned black

and menacing above the royal forest.
Terrible winds threatened everyone on
the pond. The water churned against
the shoreline scaring the tadpoles
and minnows. Tree branches broke
and smacked the water. The limbs of
the magnificent Marsh Willow were
lashed about, leaving its leaves torn
and battered. No one had ever seen
such a storm.
The Queen noticed her daughter was
strong and straight against the storm.
She called everyone to gather under
her daughters branches. Princess
Pine Tree tightly closed her branches
around them. Her upper limbs became
twisted and broken. Still, Princess
Pine Tree sheltered the group under
her branches and kept them safe.
The strange storm stopped suddenly.
The pond residents crawled out from
under the bushy tree branches.
The sound echoed throughout the
forest. The great Princess Pine Tree
came crashing down.

We will declare today Princess

Pollywog Day, proclaimed the
Queen, with all the fly cakes anyone
could want to eat. Itll be a happy
celebration for all.
Mother, whispered Princess Pollywog,
Id like to skip the fly cakes. I dont
know why, but Id rather have pine
nut cakeswith plenty of honeysuckle

Topic: Selfishness
Before Princess Polywog
turned into a tree, was she
a very nice frog?
Why didnt all the other
frogs like her?

Oh, my poor daughter! cried the

Queen. She picked up a broken limb.
A figure hopped from the shadows.

What is the opposite of being selfish? (selfless, giving

to others, being concerned
for others needs)

Princess Pollywog? the Queen

croaked. The Queen and Princess
Pollywog leaped into each others

What are some ways that

you can be selfless?

Wiping her eyes, the Queen asked,

How did the spell get broken?

Do you know any friends

or teachers who are good
examples of selflessness?

I had to save my family and friends,

said Princess Pollywog.
The forest





You have shown that you care about

others, said Fern. You broke the


What a tree-mendous day, Little

Sprite said laughing.

rate this story!

Action: Decide on something you and your child

can do to help someone
else. Make a bed, bake
some cookies, pull some
weeds... and for best results, do it together!


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Storytime, day 12

Dusty Friends
Written by Natalie Walls

Levi walked his brothers red, paintchipped Mongoose bike to the

starting gate. Im not a BMX star like
Bobby. I cant do this.
He wiped the sweat from his forehead
and proceeded to the gate as cheers
and laughter resonated around him.
Racers zoomed around the outside of
the track kicking up dust behind them.
Hey, Levi. A blonde-haired
yelled behind him.


Hey, Simon. Levi called over his


From Pennsylvania, USA

The announcers booming voice came

over the crackling loud speaker.
Welcome to the ABAs last race before
the finals Explosive cheering rang
through the crowd. Introducing
the twelve year old novice boys
The announcer read
off eight names. When Levis name
was announced, he grabbed his
handlebars so hard his knuckles were
white through his mesh gloves.
Three digital beeps sounded and the
gate dropped.
And theyre off!

Are you excited? This race is going to

be awesome!
Levi shrugged.
Whats up with you? Youre not scared,
are you? You made it this far.
Yea, I know, Levi mumbled.
Levi and Simon were making their way
to the gate when a short, stocky boy
rode up behind them.
Wheres your training wheels? Or,
cant you afford any?
The boy
threw his head back and howled with
Why dont you get lost, Jesse? Simon
said. Lets go, Levi.
Reaching the gate, Simon looked
at Levi and said, Good luck. He
reached out and shook Levis hand.
Shouting was coming from all around
the track. Levi looked at his brother,
Bobby, in the stands, and Bobby gave
him the thumbs-up symbol, grinning.
Im going to be sick.


A boy named Eric on a red bike pulled

away first. Levi pedaled as hard as he
The announcers voice came over the
speakers again - Here comes the first
turn. And look at number fifteen go! Josh Johnson. Behind fifteen we have
nine -Troy Andover, and behind him
we have number eight; Levi Ridgeway.
Levis stomach gave another jolt of
excitement. I cant believe it! Im
actually in third place!
A series of jumps came up and Levi
slowed his pace. Out of his peripheral
vision he saw a bright blue bike
coming up on his right side. It was
Jesse Hart.
Whats the matter?
Couldnt you
find some butt pads that will cushion
your landing when you wipe out? he
Levi leaned forward over his bike and
pedaled to get his momentum going
again as he raced up the serpentine

submit your work today!

Jesse turned his head around to yell

something else as Levi trailed behind
him. The straightaway they were on
quickly veered to a sharp left-hand
turn. Levi saw the turn coming and
as he braced himself he heard Bobbys
voice saying; Bend your knees, lean
into the turn and stop pedaling as
you go into it. Start pedaling in the
middle of the turn and youll pull right
out of it.
Levi coasted and leaned all of his
weight into the turn. He surpassed
Jesse and then heard Jesse scream. A
thunderous crash came from behind
him and he looked back to see Jesse
lying on his side with his bike on top
of him.
The knowledge that one of the best
and cockiest racers had just wiped
out in such an important race surged
through him like fire. Levi didnt look
to see if Jesse had got back on his
bike, and continued to pedal harder
than ever. He came upon Troy, who
was slowing as he came upon another
turn. I can get him in this turn.
He executed the turn just as he had
previously done and started pulling
away from Troy. Troy was so close to
Levi that he could hear him breathing
through his helmet.
Another series of jumps came up and
this time Levi rode over them with as
much vigor as he could muster, even
though his legs felt like lead. The
finish line was visible just ahead and
Josh Johnson was closing in. Levi
tried as hard as he could to catch
up but the announcers voice rang
through the track.
Josh Johnson in first place! Behind
him, finishing second is Levi Ridgeway!
Troy Andover pulls in for third!
I cant believe it!
Levis family came running over to
him embracing him in tight hugs. As
he pulled off his helmet he heard a
bike breaking behind him. Levi was
expecting Simons congratulations but

instead a stuttering voice spoke.

Good job. I-I cant believe you rode
like that. You were awesome and
I hope you win the States. Jesse,
looking down, held out his dusty hand.
Thanks Jesse. Levi took his hand and
shook it. Levi stared at Jesse at a loss
for words.
I wanted to know if youd like to ride
sometime. We live so close Jesse
trailed off and shrugged.
Yeah, okay, Levi said.
I have to get going. My dad is going
to be so angry at me.
Jesse turned and before Levi could
say anything, a bald, middle-aged
man was running toward them
shouting, How dare you fail! I had
you practicing the whole month for
this and you didnt even place!
Jesses father grabbed his arm and
forcibly dragged him towards their
What was that all about? Simon
asked, walking his bike over red-faced.
Nothing really. He just wants to get
together and ride.
Like youd want to.
Yea, actually, I do. I think it would help
him chill out if he actually just rode
for the fun of it. You, me, Bobby, and
Jesse could all go riding sometime. I
think Jesse needs a friend.
Interrupting their conversation was
the announcer - Riders, please
come onto the track for the medal
Good job, Levi, Simon said and
walked away.
Levi hoped that he and Jesse could
be friends, and maybe next time Jesse
would place, too.

rate this story!


Storytime, day 13

Trouble in the Pepper Tree

Written by Anne C. Bromley

As the sun dipped into the ocean,

Rosie ran down the apartment
steps, swinging her watering
can. Her pepper tree was thirsty
because it hadnt rained for
Mario the mockingbird fluttered
his wings in its high branches.
Then he flew to the top of the
telephone pole to sing his
morning songs.
Say hello to Lupita for me, Rosie
said, figuring Mario was calling
his mate. She just knew that the
pepper tree would be perfect for
their nest.
The next morning, Rosie woke
up to the bzzzzz of a chainsaw
instead of Marios medley. She
dashed to her bedroom window
to see a man wearing an orange
hardhat and goggles, straddling
a limb as though he were riding
a horse. His chainsaw cut away
thick branches from Rosies
favorite tree.
Mama! Rosie cried. A man is
hurting our tree!
Looks like our landlord finally
called the tree trimmer, Mama
said, peeking through the blinds
in Rosies bedroom.
Dont worry, mija, hes not
hurting the tree. She laughed.
But Rosie didnt laugh. She yelled,
Im going to make him stop!


From California, USA

Before Mama could stop her,

Rosie raced down the apartment
steps, still dressed in her
l a v e n d e r- w i t h - y e l l o w - b u n n i e s
Mario twittered, cawed, hooted,
and even bugled.
I know youre mad, said Rosie.
Me too.
Mario swooped down to buzz the
tree trimmer.
Rosie screamed, Stop hurting
my tree!
But the tree trimmer couldnt
hear her. He kept slicing away at
the branches. Mario poked at his
hardhat. Finally, the tree trimmer
shut off his chainsaw and saw
Rosie waving at him. He climbed
down from the pepper tree as
Mario returned to his perch on
the telephone pole.
Good morning, miss, he said,
taking off his hardhat. My name
is Leo.
And my name is Rosie! She
glared at him with her hands on
her hips. Why are you hurting
my tree?
Im here to help your tree, Rosie.
No youre not! Rosies face
turned as red as her namesake.
Leo pulled a small notepad from
his back pocket and a pencil from
his shirt pocket. He knelt down

submit your work today!

in the ivy among the fallen limbs.

He quickly drew a picture of a
little girl with shaggy hair down
to her knees, claw-like fingernails,
and toenails ripping through her
Why are you making such a scary
picture? Rosie asked, leaning
over Leos shoulder.
He chuckled. This is what
happens when you dont get a
haircut or trim your nails. Same
thing happens to a tree. Im just
giving your pepper tree a haircut
so it will grow better and be
healthier. He handed the piece
of paper to Rosie.

Rosie, crumpling Leos drawing in

her hand.
She noticed the tall maple tree in
Mr. Pirodskys yard. She waved to
Mario, still flashing his wings and
whooping like a crane.
Mario! Mr. Pirodskys maple tree
is the perfect place for a nest of
baby mockingbirds. She was
sure that Mr. Pirodsky wouldnt
Rosie still felt sad about the
pepper tree. It would never look
the same, and her bedroom
would be even hotter in the
summer without its shade.

She took it and frowned.

Hmmph. Rosie brushed hair
away from her face. She looked
around for Mario. Hed flown
back to the porch and was
imitating the chainsaw. But what
about my friends nest?

Later that evening, just before the

sun dipped into the ocean, Rosie
skipped down the steps with her
watering can. The pepper tree
looked like a skeleton with a few
leaves hanging on. She sprinkled
its base.

Leo had already climbed back

into the tree to ride another limb,
slicing away at more branches.
What could Rosie do?

She realized now that she saw

things shed never seen before:
Mrs. Millers grapevine, the tall
eucalyptus trees on the hill, Mr.
Ogatas sunflowers, and now
Rosie could wave to her friend
Amy who lived a block away.
There was so much more to see!

Her neighbor, Mr. Pirodsky,

called to her, Hey, Rosie, I see
your trees getting a trim. He
was pruning his rose bushes.
Im calling our landlord, said

As dusk turned to dark, she

smiled as she watched the gentle,
lavender clouds brushing the face
of the full moon which cast a soft
and tender glow on her favorite
pepper tree.
Rosie felt much happier now that
she understood why the Pepper
tree had to be trimmed, and she
couldnt help imagining that her
tree was happier, too.

rate this story!


Storytime, day 14

Written by William J. Joel

In his 7th grade English class,

there was only one thing that
Ralphie couldnt stand. And that
was everything. Pure and simple,
Ralphie did not like English class
because he did not like to read.
He would rather be drawing, or
doodling, than doing anything
And that is precisely what he
was doing as his English teacher
started her next boring lesson.
Ralphies notebook was open to a
fresh page, but instead of taking
lots of notes, he was drawing a
rather a silly picture of his teacher.
He had noticed that she was
wearing a pair of disgusting black
rimmed glasses. So in his drawing
the glasses became twice as
large, with spikes sticking out at
the corners.
Putting the final touches on this
item, he looked up to see what
else he could improve in his
drawing. To his surprise, his
teacher was now wearing the
same glasses he had just drawn.
But no one else in the classroom
seemed to think this strange,
except for Ralphie.
Ralphie rubbed his head and
then smiled, and proceeded to
add smoke billowing out of the
horns. When he looked up, sure
enough there was smoke puffing
out of the tips of the horns on his
teachers glasses.
Ralphie started to laugh, quietly.
He wondered what else he could
create. He sketched a long cat-


From New York, USA

like tail coming from the back of

his teacher, with the tip of the
tail writing on the board with a
piece of chalk. Looking up, there
was the tail, writing notes about
todays subject, while his teacher
continued to drone on and on.
Ralphie would have continued
embellishing the drawing of
his teacher, but the bell rang
indicating it was time to change
classes. Out in the hallway,
Ralphie stared at the pencil,
remembering it wasnt the
kind he usually used. Where
had he gotten it from? Then
he remembered he had seen a
kid in front of him drop it while
getting off the bus that morning.
He had yelled to the kid, but the
kid hadnt heard him. So Ralphie
kept the pencil.
Next was Gym class. Ralphie
switched into his gym clothes in
the locker room, but also tucked
the pencil and a small piece of
paper into the pocket of his
The class started with the kids
sitting in the bleachers while his
Gym teacher explained how to
climb a rope. Ralphie pulled out
the pencil and paper, and started
to draw a sketch of him as if he
were a gorilla in a gym suit.
When Ralphie looked up, there
was his Gym teacher, with long
hairy arms, grunting his lesson
and pounding his chest every so
often for emphasis. When it came
time to demonstrate how to

submit your work today!

climb a rope, Ralphie was amazed

at how fast his Gym teacher could
move. This was the best Gym
class Ralphie ever had.
In Math class, Ralphie turned
their teacher into a robot, with
antennae sticking out of his metal
head. At lunch, he turned the
people who worked behind the
food counter into either ogres
or fairies. He also turned the
serving trays into iron cauldrons,
with their contents bubbling and
However, after awhile, Ralphie
realized hed have to change
everybody back. So, in his study
period, he pulled out his various
drawings and prepared to change
everything back to ordinary
teachers and stuff. Thats when
he noticed that his pencil did not
have an eraser. No problem, he
thought, as he reached into his
backpack for a spare eraser.
After erasing the tail from his
English teacher, he heard a
scream in the hallway. Running
to the rooms door, he looked
outside and saw his English
teacher holding a severed tail in
her hands. She was in pain.
Ralphie ran back to his desk and
redrew the tail in place with the
pencil. When he went back to
the door, he saw his English
teacher chatting with a student
as if nothing had happened.
Obviously erasing would only
make things worse, but Ralphie
had no idea what else to do.
For the rest of the school day,
Ralphie walked around in a cloud,
trying to think of how he could
fix things, but nothing came to
him. Later, as he was walking to
the bus to go home, someone
bumped into him and Ralphie
dropped the pencil. Someone

else stepped on the pencil,

breaking it into dozens of pieces.
Ralphie froze, horrified at the
state of the pencil. He bent over
to pick up the pieces, thinking
how this would definitely not be
Ralphie? Are you okay?
heard from behind him.


When Ralphie turned around,

he saw his English teacher, but
she no longer had a tail, and
her glasses were back to normal.
Ralphie looked around and saw
his Gym teacher as hairless as he
used to be. And his Math teacher
was also back to his pink self.
Ralphie smiled. Im okay, he
said, it was only a pencil. I can
always get another one, and
without another though, Ralphie
got on the bus and went home.

kids art:
Have you seen the knowonder! kids art section, yet?
Check it out on page 86.
Youll find lots of fun
pictures, all drawn by kids,
ages 3 - 10.
And if you havent submitted your own artwork yet,
please do! Not only could
you bepublished in the
magazine, but you could
also win lots of fun prizes,
like art supplies, books and
Hope to see you there soon!

rate this story!


Storytime, day 15

Written by Diane Smit

Hannah frowned and looked at

the blank piece of paper in front
of her. Her assignment was due
tomorrow and she still couldnt
think of anything to write. She
read the instructions at the top of
the paper again.
Write of a time when you did
something heroically and went
out of your way to help someone.
It could involve helping your
parents, a brother or sister, a
friend or neighbor. Describe how
it made you feel.
Oh why bother. Im not a hero,
she muttered and flung another
crumpled paper to the floor.
Hannah, her mother called.
Please come downstairs. I need
your help.
Trudging down the stairs, Hannah
followed a delicious aroma to the
kitchen. Her mother was stirring
something in a large pot on the
What are




Im making chicken soup for the

Clawsons. Ive just learned that
theyve both been ill for several
days, her mother answered. I
want you to come with me in case
they might need some help.
Hannah frowned. The Clawsons
were not her favorite neighbors.
Several years back she had
crossed their property line and
received a harsh scolding.


From Ontario, Canada

With reluctance, Hannah got into

the car. I dont know why you
would help the Clawsons, she
said. Theyve caused a lot of
trouble for you in the past over
property boundaries.
Hannahs mothers nodded. But
that doesnt mean we shouldnt
help them if they need it.
Pulling into the neighbors
driveway, a large dog ran
towards the car, barking furiously.
Hannahs mother hesitated for
a second. I hope hes friendly,
she said.
He wont be if hes anything like
its owner, Hannah said with a
Hannahs mother stepped out
from the car. She carefully patted
the excited dog and it soon
calmed down and ran towards
the house. Then she lifted the
pot of soup from the floor of the
back seat.
Why dont you go to the barn and
see what needs doing, she said,
carrying the pot of soup towards
the house. Ill call you when Im
done inside.
I guess I dont have a choice,
Hannah muttered as she headed
towards the barn.
The barn was a solid looking
building, but scattered all around
it was a huge collection of old
worn out tools and other rusty
bits and pieces.

submit your work today!

They sure like to collect stuff,

Hannah said to herself stepping
over several tractor parts and an
old school bell.
The barn door was slightly open
and Hannah could hear the
anxious clucking of chickens
before she even saw them. Mr.
Clawson sold chicken eggs to
people in town.
Hannah squinted as she entered
the dark barn. It took her a few
seconds to see the long rows of
cages. Inside each cage hungry
chickens were waiting to be fed.
After checking to see where
the chicken feed was kept, she
scooped corn into the feeding
bins attached to the chickens
When she got to the second
row, a loud scratching noise from
nearby caused her to stop. She
looked around to see where the
noise came from.
What she saw caused her to
gasp. Several dead chickens
were strewn on the ground. And
nearby was a bright orange fox.
Hannah stifled a scream. The fox
seeing her backed nervously into
the corner.
Hannah thought desperately. She
couldnt chase the fox out the
barn. If she yelled for help, no
one at the house would hear her.
Then she remembered seeing a
large school bell just inside the
barn door.
Hannah moved slowly towards
the door. When she found the
bell she picked it up and began
to ring it with all her might.
Clang! Clang! Clang!




the corner unable to escape.

Suddenly he darted past her and
out the barn.
Just then Hannahs mother came
running out from the house.
Whats wrong? she said.
A fox was in the barn! Hannah
cried. It killed a few chickens. It
must have gotten in through the
open door.
Mr. Clawson shook his head when
all the excitement was over. He
counted three dead chickens.
Hannah you did the right thing.
You saved my other chickens from
getting killed, he said.
Hannah swallowed hard. Im
sorry about what happened.
Though weak and pale, Mr.
Clawson shrugged. Theres no
need. Chickens can be replaced.
What you did was very special.
Hannah smiled shyly at Mr.
Clawson, and Mr. Clawson
returned her smile.
My worker was supposed to be
here today, he said, but he
never called to say he wouldnt.
Youre a good helper. I was
wondering if you could help me
organize my barn. I could use a
dependable person like you.
remembered the bad attitude she
had had earlier. She nodded glad
she was able to help Mr. Clawson.
When they got back into the
car Hannah gave her mother a
big smile. Thanks, Mom, for
taking me along with you. I didnt
want to at first, but I guess now
I can finish off my homework


rate this story!


Storytime, day 16

The Red-Head Thief

Written by Carmen Vodislav

Somebody stole my bike yesterday,

complained Katie at the bus stop.

her friends owned bikes and besides,

they were all in school yesterday.

Youve lost your bike?! gasped her

friend, Sara.

Did you meet the new girl, Rita?

asked Sara. Shes a redhead. She
moved into the old school house
across the ravine. Shes starting school
on Monday.

Katie shook her head. I found it

under the picnic table, but the pedals
and wheels are covered in mud, and
the chain is stuck.
Who do you think it was? asked Sara,
climbing on the bus.
I dont know, but Im going to catch
the thief, said Katie, plopping down
beside her best friend. Im going to
smear glow-in-the-dark paint on the
wheels and follow the tracks.
Sara laughed. What if she doesnt
come back?
She will, said Katie. If I clean the
bike and leave it outside again, the
temptation will be too great!
The bus hummed along. I swear shes
going to pay for it! scowled Katie.
She showed her friend her bruised
palms. I slaved all summer in Mrs.
Wilsons garden so I could buy this
Poor you, Sara said. Couldnt you
find an easier job?
I guess. I couldve walked my
neighbors Doberman, said Katie,
then shrugged. But it gives me the
creeps and always growls at me.
Katie twirled a lock of curly, brown hair
and wondered who the thief was. All


From Nova Scotia, Canada

Katie lifted her eyebrows. I never

met her. I wonder if she has a bike.
The next morning, Katie jumped out
of bed and threw on a pink parka and
Isnt it too early for you to be up on a
Saturday, Katie? asked mom as Katie
rushed through the kitchen. Katie
didnt pause to listen, but rushed to
the backyard.
No bike! There was only a pale green
line crossing the crime scene and
leading to the road behind the house.
Katie followed the green trail through
the ravine, tumbling down the side
on the slippery grass, then grasping
the grass blades to help her climb
the ravine wall on the other side.
The green trail ended in front of an
old brick house with columns, hiding
behind a ratty, wobbly fence.
The gate was open, so Katie sneaked
into the courtyard. A purple scooter
with mucky wheels lay in front of the
porch. She made out an R.S. on the
Who are you? Two big brown eyes
measured Katie from the porch. She
glanced at the boys pajamas, then at

his two missing front teeth.

Im Katie, Ritas friend. Is she still
The boy shook his head. She wouldnt
take me with her. And I wanted to see
the new calf and pick some berries for
daddys pie, he blurted out.
Katies brow furrowed. Calf? Berries?
Can I borrow Ritas scooter for a few
With a nod from the boy, Katie jumped
on the scooter and headed north.
Twenty minutes later she reached
Windermere Park.
She could see a small forest of maple
trees spreading downhill to the pebbly
shores of the river. Blackberry and
raspberry bushes studded the parks
hills. A golden retriever ran past Katie,
wagging his tail, and a young woman
holding a leash followed not too far
behind. In the distance, a woodpecker
knocked on a tree, peck, peck, peck.
But no bike.

startled Katie. She turned with wide

eyes to find a huge bull, with a thick
brown mane and black horns sticking
out just above his eyes, munching on
hay. Katie stepped on a carrot that
had fallen from Ritas basket as she
tried to back off. Crack! She froze for
a second, then quickly pushed the
carrot past the electric fence. She
beamed as the bull grabbed it with its
The clatter of the bike basket alerted
Katie to Ritas sudden departure. She
was off again, chasing the redhead
thief. In her haste to cut Rita off, she
took a shortcut down a slope, only to
trip over a tree root. She rolled down
hillside, while the scooter slipped into


Suddenly, a blur of purple sprung out

from the bushes.
What do you know? If it isnt the bike
thief! murmured Katie. She leapt
on the scooter and dashed after the
young girl with reddish curls in the
purple parka. The chase was on! Rita
kept ahead of Katie, dashing down
the path, avoiding tree branches and
rocks. The bike basket, loaded with
salad and carrots, rattled and groused.
Katie wheezed far behind. When she
finally reached the end of the path, a
fenced yard edged a large alley. Bison,
read a metal plate screwed to the
fence. She crept toward the stable in
the corner of the yard. There sat Rita,
in a straw filled stall, bottle-feeding a
strange calf with humped shoulders
and short legs.

a ditch. She rose and brushed the mud

off of her clothes, only to land back in
the dirt as she was struck from behind.
Her bike went flying, knocking over a
sign and landing in a blackberry bush,
wheels spinning. A few feet away, Rita
lay on her back in poison ivy with a
lettuce leaf on her face.
Katie crossed her arms and frowned.
That will teach you to steal my bike!
Rita waved her arms in the air. Are
you going to help me out or not?
Not! shrieked Katie. Why didnt you
just ask nicely if you needed my bike?

A rustle and a sneeze from behind

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Storytime, day 16 continued

Would you lend your bike to the new

girl? I wouldnt! Rita scratched her
hands and neck. If it werent for the
accident, I wouldnt have needed your
bike anyway.

up, just enough for Katie to grab her

by the left wrist. Katie heaved Rita up,
and the girls rolled over, hearing the
bike tumble down the gorge. Katie
whimpered and rushed back to look
over the edge.

Katie rolled her eyes. What accident?

Rita struggled up from where she lay
sprawled. Two days ago, my dad
crashed our old truck when he pulled
into the driveway. The brakes didnt
work. He smashed the truck into the
gate, and he ruined my bike, too.
Liar! scolded Katie, examining a dent
on the bike.
Honest, said Rita, touching her chest.
Dads still in the hospital. He works
here as a park keeper. I only needed
your bike so I could fill in for him.
Katie lifted her eyes. Ritas face was
covered with reddish freckles from
eyelids to chin. She looked penitent,
but she still held on to the bike. Katie
made a step forward and reached for
her foe, and Rita took a step back.
Whoosh! In the blink of an eye, the
redhead disappeared behind the sign,
and the bike went with her. There was
a steep slope behind the bushes, and
the protecting fence had been cut.
Rita dangled from the rocky ledge,
kicking her feet in the air. Beside her,
the bike hung from the edge, caught
in some tree roots.
Help! shouted Katie, desperately
searching for someone. No answer
came. She knelt at the edge of the
gorge, grabbed Ritas right hand,
and pulled. Rita pulled so hard on
her hand that Katie almost went over
herself, and she had to let go.
Climb up on the bike seat, she told
Rita. I think its going to hold.
Rita swung her legs until her right foot
touched the seat and pushed herself


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Sorry about that, Rita said. Ill find a

way to pay for your bike.
That would be nice, Katie said,
surprised at the redheads generosity.
neighbors Doberman? Im sure youll
love it!
Katie scampered down the hill,
rustling through the bed of dead
leaves in search of something. She
grinned triumphantly as she plucked
a muddied handlebar from the leaves.
With the money youll make, you can
even replace this ancient scooter of

Talk Time:
Topics: Stealing and Forgiving
Was it OK for Rita to steal
Katies bicycle?
What could Rita have done
instead of stealing the bike?
Could she have asked
someone for help?
Katie helped Rita in the end
by saving her from falling,
and giving her a good idea for
earning money. Do you think
Rita and Katie will be friends?
Talk about why it is important
to forgive people, especially
when they really need help.

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Storytime, day 17

Harvest Time
Written by Sven Hensel

Josh and Stacey are brother and

sister, but Josh is a year older than
Stacey, so he is the big brother and
he is always looking out for Stacey
to help keep her safe. They live on
a farm, but they dont work the land
anymore because their mom had to
go back to college, and Josh and
Stacey had to start school after
summer vacation ended, too.
So their dad started working on
another big farm down the road.
He drives a John Deere 8030,
which is a very big tractor engine.
Whenever Josh sees his dad driving
it, he gets very excited because its
one of the biggest and best tractors
there is. All his friends at school
like it a lot, too. But Stacey doesnt
really care. To her, all tractors are
the same. The only reason she
likes the John Deere tractors are
because theyre green!
Harvest time is also holiday time,
and so Josh and Stacey were out
of school for a while. But their dad
never gets to take holidays. He
works from before sun-up until after
sundown. He always comes home
late because he is harvesting grain
all day long. During the holidays,
Josh and Stacey dont even see
their dad leave in the morning
because they get to sleep in. So,
after they wake up, they hurry and
do their chores around the house.
They have learned to get along
and help each other out with their
chores because it helps the work
get done quicker.
When they finally eat breakfast
and get out of the house, they go


From Dagebll, Germany

straight down the road to the farm

their dad works on so they can
watch the harvest. At almost 100
degrees, it is boiling-hot outside,
and its not even noon, yet. Momma
always says, Its hot enough to boil
an egg out there. So they always
make sure to take their hats, lots of
water, and lots of sunscreen.
One day, Josh and Stacey went
to watch their dad working in the
fields to harvest the grain and
found a nice shady spot to relax in.
They watched the big harvesting
machines cut and thresh the grain
to produce straw, which was then
brought to the silos. The straw
was very important because thats
what a lot of the farmers and
people in the neighborhood used
to feed their cows and pigs. Josh
and Stacey always liked visiting the
pigs and cows, too. Some were
right next door, and they usually
stopped to say hello before going
back home again.
Josh and Stacey saw their dad
coming in his big John Deere 8030
and they stood up and waved to
him with both arms way above their
heads. He took off his hat and
waved back. He had a big smile on
his face, which meant the work was
going well.
Suddenly, another tractor in the
field stopped and Stacey saw
smoke coming out of the back.
Look, she said to Josh.
both watched as Stan, the driver,
jumped out of the tractor with a fire
extinguisher in his hand. He ran to
the back of the tractor and started

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spraying at the flames that were

coming out of the straw slot. But
Stan was too late. Even though he
tried to put out the fire, the straw
had already caught fire and the
field was starting to burn.

and started opening the stalls,

while Josh and Stacey stood out
of the way, holding the gate open.
Dad drove the animals out of the
barn and out onto the safe pasture
behind the farm.

Their dad jumped off his tractor,

too, and brought a second fire
They sprayed and
sprayed and sprayed, but their
extinguishers just werent big
enough to put out all the fire. Dad
yelled at Josh and Stacey to help
him save the animals in the barns.
Josh and Stacey ran as fast as
possible toward the barns. They
could hear the fire roaring in the
field behind them. Even though it
wasnt close to the barns, yet, they
knew the fire would travel through
the dry fields very quickly, so they
had to act fast to help the animals
to safety.

As the animals all made it to safety,

they saw the lights and heard the
sirens of the fire engines who came
to help stop the blaze. It was too
late for the barn and the tractors,
but fortunately, Stan and all the
animals were saved. The doctor
treated the cut on Staceys arm and
Josh realized how brave his little
sister was. She never even cried!

When they got to the barn, Josh

looked behind them and saw that
almost the whole field was already
burning. Even the big harvesting
tractors had disappeared in the
flames and smoke. He was very
afraid, but he knew he had to help
protect his sister, and the animals.
Their dad got to the barn right after
they did. Help me open the back
gates, he said. They could hear
the animals inside. They were noisy
and nervous and could sense the
Josh and Stacey grabbed ahold of
the old gates and pushed with all
their strength. The lock and hinges
were old and rusty and didnt want
to open. They pushed and pushed
and Stacey even slipped and fell.
When she got up, she went right
back to pushing, even though
there was a gash on her arm
that was bleeding. Finally,
the gate opened up.

Later that night, they sat around the

dinner table and told their mom all
that had happened in the fields that
day while she was away at college.
Im very proud of you two, she
said. She was a bit worried when
she saw the cut on Staceys arm, but
Josh told her not to worry. Stacey
is a tough little sister.
A few days later, their dads boss,
Mr. Hansen came to visit, along
with the Fire Chief. They brought
a big bouquet of flowers and a
special certificate, honoring Josh
and Stacey for their help. He even
gave them each a free ticket to the
carnival! After the holidays were
over, Josh and Stacey were also
honored in school for their help in
saving the animals. Mom and dad
were very proud of them, but most
of all, Josh was proud of his little

Dad ran inside the barn

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Storytime, day 18

Snow Time!
Written by Sarah B. Robinson

Christy stood inside her living room

and put her face up against the ice
cold window. Her turned-up nose
formed a patch of fog on the cold
glass. She traced her initials into the
moisture with her fingertip. Touching
it made her shiver!
She watched
the sunset through the big white
snowflakes that were falling again.
I hope we dont get snowed in, she
said to herself.
Christy looked up at the clock on the
wall when she heard the cuckoo bird
pop out of its gate.
Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! It
was four oclock.
Christys older brother had promised
to take her sled riding tonight, down
the hillside at the edge of their yard.
Christy was beginning to wonder
if hed keep his promise though,
because she hadnt seen him since
breakfast, and sometimes he made
other plans and forgot about her.
After all, he was 16. She was 5.
Ill go ahead and get my suit on, just
in case he remembers, she said to
Christy went to the closet and found
her blue, one-piece snowsuit. She
opened its long zipper. She slid
her first foot down through the leg
opening. Then she put in her other
foot until both legs were covered. She
began zipping up the warm suit from
the bottom.
Wait. She almost forgot about the
arms. Theyd have to go in first and


From West Virginia, USA

the sleeves were tricky. She lowered

her shoulders and slid her hands into
the openings. She didnt want to lose
the mittens already inside. They were
connected by a very long string of
yarn. When her hands come through,
each mitten was right beneath her
Next were her red snow boots. Christy
squeezed her stocking feet into them,
tightening the clasps around her
ankles. She placed the woolen cap on
top of her head which her mom had
knitted for her, along with a matching
blue scarf.
Christys mom came into the room and
saw what she was doing. She came
over to dab some slick Vaseline jelly
on Christys cheeks, nose and lips. It
tasted really yuk!
You must think you are going out in
this blizzard, Christy. Has your brother
told you for sure he is taking you on
a sled ride tonight? Mother asked as
she checked Christys pockets. Oh,
look! Your ear muffs! Christys mom
pulled them out of her snow suit
pocket. Youll be glad you have these
to protect your ears tonight, she said
as she opened them up and stretched
the two fuzzy coverings onto Christys
The only thing missing was brother.
Ill go see
Mother said.




Christy waited. All she heard was

the sound of the clock ticking. She
watched outside the window as the
snow continued to fall, getting deeper
and deeper on top of the cars.

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What if we have too much snow, she

wondered. What if he forgets? Then
she heard a sound. It was the sound
of boots walking on hardwood floors.
Philip! Are you taking me? Christy
asked her brother as he walked into
the room.
Am I taking you where? he asked.
Christys heart dropped. Had he
forgotten? I thought you were taking
me sled riding tonight.
In this blizzard? It might not be safe.
Christy felt tears coming to her eyes.
Her snow suit was making her very
warm and uncomfortable. She started
to unzip it.
Wait. I was just teasing you. Sure, we
can go. This is perfect weather for
sled riding! Philip reached down and
lifted Christy into his arms. Christys
tears turned to joy!
Once outside, Christys face felt frozen.
Up by the streetlights, the snowflakes
danced in twirls. She inhaled the ice
cold air. A strange taste of smoke
got caught in her throat, making her
cough. She looked in the distance
and saw flames and ash shooting up
into the night sky! She saw people
standing around in a circle at the top
of the sled riding hill..Christy marched
with her brother through their snowfilled yard, making huge prints on
their way to the gathering. Folks from
the neighborhood were having a big

turn, Philip straddled the toboggan,

holding it steady until she was right
behind him.
Let me know when youre ready!
Philip shouted so Christy could hear
him. I want you to lay on top of my
back the second before I take off, he
yelled to her over the wind and noise
of the crackling fire.
As he lay his stomach flat against the
boards, Philip dug his boots into
the snow, holding the sled in place.
Christy lay atop his back and held
onto his shoulders.
Hold on





Lets go! she yelled, and down they

The toboggan sped down the hill,
bringing a rush of cold wind and flying
snow into Christys face. Every little
bump and bounce was delightful!
She giggled as they raced downhill.
Once they reached the bottom, Philip
jumped off and swiftly turned the sled.
He pulled Christy all the way back up
to the top of the hill. She felt as light
as a snowflake!
Can we do it again? she asked.
Sure! said Philip.
Christy could see the people standing
around the blazing bonfire as they
made their climb. Oh, how she wished
the winter would never end!

When they reached the top of the hill,

sleds and long wooden toboggans
were being put in line by some tall
The deep snow had already been
packed down. Christy got in line next
to Philip. She felt her heart racing
with excitement. When it was their

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Storytime, day 19

Snow & Teeth

by Dulcinea Norton-Smith

George lay on his back staring at

the white sky. It was bright white
even though there was no sun in
sight. Georges nose had started to
run and felt so cold that he thought
he was breathing in icicles instead of
air. His back and legs had started to
get wet as the snow he lay in melted
underneath him and soaked into his
jeans and coat.
George and his little brother Alex had
been playing in the garden for an hour.
They had built a snowman that was
as big as George. They had thrown
snowballs at each other and built a fort
out of snow. They had run around in
circles to see who could go the fastest
without slipping in the sludgy, muddy
snow which had built up where Mum
usually planted her summer flowers
and strawberry plants. Then they had
finally collapsed in a hot sweaty heap
and made snow angels by lying on
their back and moving their legs up
and down in the snow.
This is where they now rested, getting
soggy and cold but not wanting to go
inside for Mum to dump them in the
bath and make them put their good
clothes on for the trip to the dentist
that was planned for that afternoon.
George did not mind the dentist. He
was 8 years old and had been to the
dentist a lot of times. George had
even lost 5 of his baby teeth. He had
no teeth at all at the front and thought
that he looked rather cool. He could
stick his tongue through the gap, put
a drinking straw in his mouth without
even opening it and could do a super
cool whistling noise. He had another
wobbly tooth now and loved making


From Lancashire, UK

his Mum feel sick by wobbling it with

his tongue.
Every time George went to the dentist
he got a sticker for having good teeth
and then got to watch a new movie
and choose whatever he wanted for
dinner that night. George was hoping
that today the dentist would say that
he could have braces like his best
friend Eira. Eiras braces werent just
silver. They had little coloured elastic
bands all the way along. George
wouldnt half mind a set of those.
Alex was not looking forward to the
dentist. Not at all. He was only 4 and
this was his first trip to the dentist.
Alex was terrified. So there the
brothers lay, ignoring Mum as she
shouted for the third time Come in
right now boys. It is time to get ready.
We are going to be really late.
What if he says my teeth are yellow
and brown? said Alex as he watched
an aeroplane making a white trail in
the sky. Probably off to somewhere
really fun like the jungle. Or Mars.
Your teeth are as white as the snow.
He wont say that said George
Well what if he says that my breath
smells like stinky kippers and rotten
eggs? asked Alex as he looked into
the branches of the garden tree,
searching for any remaining leaves
that had survived the snow.
He wont said George You brushed
your teeth after breakfast. They smell
like peppermint
So what if what if he pulls all of my

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teeth out with big dentist tools and I

cant eat crisps or apples or even pizza
anymore? said Alex as he felt by his
side to see if there was enough snow
next to him to make one last snowball.
Well then you will just have to live
off jelly and ice cream said George,
laughing. Anyway he wont. Dentists
dont just go round pulling everyones
teeth out. They just check that you are
brushing them properly. They are nice.
They arent baddies
Soooooo. What if he says my teeth
are tooooo white and wants to make
them black? asked Alex as he started
to enjoy their new game.
Well then you will get to eat as many
sweets as you like until all of your
teeth are black. said George, rolling
his eyes and wondering how angry
Mum was going to be when they went
in and she realized that all of their
clean clothes were now slushy and wet
(and they had turned her strawberry
patch into a slush, mud, super, duper,
whizzy slide). You will never have
black teeth anyway. You use your
strawberry toothpaste and Power
Ranger toothbrush way too much to
get black teeth
Well he is definitely going to poke
his fingers in my mouth said Alex
as he closed his eyes and opened his
mouth to try and catch some of the
new snowflakes on his tongue as they
fell out of the sky. I think I will bite
them. Then he will be sorry for poking
around in mouths.
Mum would not be happy if you did
that said George She would ban you
from watching TV for a whole month.
Anyway if you bit the dentists fingers
off you would end up swallowing them.
If you had fingers for lunch you would
have no appetite for pizza and ice
cream afterwards. Then you would be




sound a little bit annoyed Come in

George and Alex pulled their hats
down over their ears and ignored
Mum. She didnt sound absolutely
and completely bonkers yet so they
figured they had another five minutes
before she came searching for them.
Just enough time for a game of
kicking their legs into the air as
hard as they could to try to get their
wellington boots to fly off and land
behind the snow fort wall that they
had built earlier. They both managed
to fling their boots far enough in the
end, although Georges boot did fall
on his head the first time and Alexs
boot had hit a branch of the tree and
had showered them with snow. One
boot flew over the garden wall and
George could have sworn that he
heard a plop as it hit the river at the
other side.
So what if.. what if. Oh! I cant
think of anything else said Alex as he
sat up and shook the snow off his face.
Well thats that then said George as
he stood up and held his hand out
to help Alex stand up. Just enough
time for one more run in the sludgy
strawberry slide said George as they
raced to the big puddle of snow mud
and jumped in, splashing the slushy
mud right up to their knees.
BOYS! bellowed Mum as she came
into the garden just in time to see the
splash. And in just your socks too!
she shouted, as she threw her arms in
the air.
Later that day Alex and George
enjoyed their after-dentist treat of
pizza and ice cream. Georges wobbly
tooth had fallen out, Alex had been
given a sticker by the dentist and
Mum? Well she never did find all of
the boys wellington boots but her
teeth were just fine, too.


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Storytime, day 20

The Catnapper
Written by Christine Cassello

Cathy tiptoed up the porch

steps. She picked up the bowl
full of dry cat food, emptied it
into her plastic bag and put the
empty bowl back on the porch.
She walked quietly down the
stairs and ran to the gate. Cathy
quickly opened it and closed it
behind her as she left the yard.
She rushed into the yard next
Cathy went down the three
cement stairs to the basement
door and located the key her
parents hid for emergencies. She
unlocked the door. A golden
yellow cat brushed against her
legs as she entered the basement.
Cathy blocked the doorway and
closed the door.
No, you dont, she said to the
cat. Thats probably how you
got lost in the first place. But, Im
not letting you get away. Youre
mine now and Dee cant have
you. Cathy poured the cat food
onto the cement floor. Ill get
you a bowl son, she promised.
The cat ate, jumped up on the
sink and drank from the drippy
faucet. It jumped back down
and climbed into a basket full of
clothes to take a nap.
Cathy went back outside. She
put the key in its hiding place
and saw Dee and her mother
come onto their porch.
Look, Mom, Deidre said. Goldie
ate the food. But why wont he stay?


From Illinois, USA

It might not have been Goldie,

Dee, her mother answered.
Maybe a squirrel or some other
animal ate it.
I know it was Goldie, Dee
Mom, what if he
gets attacked by wild dogs
or a coyote? Cathy and Dee
had heard about a pack of wild
dogs that had killed large birds
in a zoo and police had shot a
coyote that had been roaming a
neighborhood in Chicago.
I dont think we have wild dogs
or coyotes here, Dees mother
assured her. Im sure hes safe.
I am too, Cathy because Im
taking care of him.
But he
deserves a better name.
going to call him Saffron. Do
you want to come over and play
Barbies, Dee? Cathy called out.
Oh, hi, Cathy. Im sorry. I dont
feel like playing.
Dee hadnt wanted to play with
Cathy since her cat died a month
ago. Now she wanted the one
that Cathy found wandering in
the alley. But, finders, keepers.
Her grandpa had taught her.
When Cathys mother got home
from work, Cathy was in her
room doing homework. A blue
parakeet was sitting on her
Hello. How are you? the bird said.

Hello, Tweeter. Im fine, thank

you, her mother answered the
bird. Cathy, I thought you were
going to ask Dee over.
I did, but she didnt want to
come. She just keeps looking
for that cat we saw two days ago.
She puts food out for it and shes
even named it Goldie.
Its her cat, Cathy. Dees mother
told me that they finally bought
her a new cat, but it got away
from them.
She never told me she had a new cat..
embarrassed to let you know she
lost it the day they brought it
home, Cathys mother said.
Cathy remembered how she felt
was Tweeter had flown away two
years ago. She didnt feel him
on her shoulder and when she
opened the back door he flew
outside. He was gone for a week.
Cathy and Dee didnt play that
week, they just sat together on
the porch looking for Tweeter
and trying to coax him back when
they did see him.
Dee was the one who thought of
putting the cage on the porch
with Tweeters favorite food in
it. They tied a long string on
the door so they could hold it
open from their chairs and when
Tweeter went into the cage to eat
they let the door close.
Dee had wanted a bird like
Tweeter, but her mother was
afraid of birds, so she bought her
a tabby kitten instead. Dee had
named her Tabitha. Shes not
very creative, Cathy had thought.
Tabitha was run over by a car.
Cathy wouldnt let Saffron go
outside. Hed be safer with her

than with Dee, Cathy told herself

and Dee would never know that
she had him. The last part of the
rhyme her grandpa taught her
said, losers, weepers.
and squirmed in bed.
kept thinking about the 10
Commandments she had learned
in Sunday school. If she kept
her friends cat, she would be
breaking two, You shall not
steal and You shall not covet.
Shed have to break another one
You shall not lie to keep her
friend from finding out.
In the morning she went down
to the basement after breakfast
to talk to Goldie. The cat was
curled up on the dirty clothes in
the laundry basket. She began
to stroke the cat and he purred.
I cant keep you, Saffron, or
Goldie, Cathy told the cat. Im
going to have to give you back
to Dee after school, but Ill miss
you. The doorbell rang and
Cathy heard her mother tell Dee
to come in and wait for Cathy.
When Cathy came up the inside
basement stairs, Goldie followed
her and meowed when he got to
the top and she closed the door
on him.
That sounds like Goldie! Dee
shouted. She hurried to the
basement door. Cathy opened
it and Dee grabbed the cat.
Cathy, Im never going to speak
to you again, you catnapper!
she screamed and stomped out
of the house to take Goldie home.
Cathy, what were you doing with
Dees cat? Cathys mother asked.
I didnt catnap him, Mom.
thought he was a stray cat and
I was hoping youd let me keep
him. I didnt know he was Dees
cat until you told me. I was

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Storytime, day 20 continued

going to give him back right after

school, but I cant explain that to
Dee now because shes so mad at
me. What can I do?
I dont know, Cathy. You may
have to find a new friend.
Cathy wanted to make up with
They had been friends
since they were in pre-school.
She tried to talk to Dee at school,
but Dee ignored her. She would
not play with her at recess or walk
home with her.
Cathy had no one but Tweeter to
talk to when she got home. You
miss Dee too, dont you Tweeter.
I know she likes you. Cathy
smiled at the idea that came to
her mind. She coaxed Tweeter
back into his cage and locked
him. Then she wrote a note and
taped it to the cage.
Cathy took Tweeter to Dees back
porch, set the cage down, rang
the bell and ran. She was already
back in her yard when Dee came
to the door. Dee saw the caged
bird and the note on the cage.
She took the note inside with her
but left the bird on the porch.
Cathy crossed her fingers and
hoped Dee would read her note.
Half an hour later Cathys bell
rang and Dee stood there holding
Tweeters cage. Cathy feared the
Dee might have released him, but
he was there sitting on his perch.
Dee handed to cage to Cathy.
I cant keep him, Cathy. It was
really nice of you to offer him to
me because I know he means a lot
to you, but Id have to keep him
locked in his cage to keep him safe
from Goldie and away from my
mom and it wouldnt be fair to him.


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And Id have to keep Goldie in

the basement to keep her away
from Tweeter, and that wouldnt
be fair to him either. Cathy told
Im sorry I didnt let you explain
about what happened, Cathy,
Dee said. I forgot that I hadnt
told you about getting Goldie.
You can come over and play with
him anytime you want.
And you can keep coming over
to play with Tweeter, Cathy told
her friend.

Got a pet you love? Get
him microchipped. Cost is
minimal, especially if done
through a local shelter.
Spay and neuter your
pets. Every year, thousands of animals are put
down because people
didnt do this.
Keep your dogs leashed
so they dont hurt others
or get hit by a car.
Dogs need lots of exercise,
just like kids! Did you
know that regular walks
are the best way to make a
dog easier to train?

Storytime, day 21

The Smallest Chipmunk

Written by William Thabiso

It was springtime in the forest,

and that means there were lots
of new trees, new flowers, and
new baby animals - especially
Now, all of the new chipmunks
had to go to chipmunk school
and be taught about collecting
nuts for the winter.
They were told that they would
need to find lots and lots of nuts
all spring and summer and fall,
because when the winter came
the nuts would fall off of the trees,
just like the leaves, and then
there would be no nuts. So the
chipmunks were taught to collect
nuts and put them in a safe place
until winter. They were told that
soon they could find their very
own trees for storing their nuts.
Finally the day came that the
chipmunks could choose a tree.
They were very excited - many of
them had already been looking
around and had chosen some
good trees. All of the chipmunks
lined up early on this special
day, and when the sun appeared
above the mountain top they
started their race to find a tree.
All of the fastest chipmunks got
to the biggest trees first, and
soon only the smaller trees were
left. But that was okay for the
smallest chipmunk, because he
actually wanted the littlest tree
- a very funny, very small tree.
He had hoped that no one else
would choose it first, and now


From Utah, USA

here he was, standing happily by

his cute little tree.
The other chipmunks didnt
understand why he could like it so
much, and they even laughed at
him! But he didnt mind - he just
loved his tree. In fact he loved
her so much that he promised
he would always take care of her
for his whole life!Thats why she
decided to give him a gift.
One day when the little chipmunk
was taking care of his tree,
some chocolate came out of
her branches and made the
chipmunks feet all sticky. He had
never heard of a chocolate tree.
In fact, he didnt even know what
chocolate was!
But now he was dirty and he had
to get clean. He started licking
the chocolate off and WOW
was he surprised! He had never
tasted chocolate before and it
was really, really good! He told
his tree thank you that night
and went to sleep knowing he
really did have the best tree in
the whole world!
The next day though, some grown
up chipmunks came and told the
little chipmunk that his little tree
had one BIG problem - it didnt
have any room for storing nuts!
All of the other chipmunks had
been gathering nuts for days
now and he didnt have any! How
was he going to eat in the winter
time? He couldnt take nuts from
the other chipmunks - that was

not allowed. They said he had

better find a bigger tree and he
had better start collecting nuts.
He didnt know how he was going
to save any nuts, but he did know
he couldnt leave his tree. He had
made a promise to his little tree
and he was going to keep it!
He sat down to think. He had
to figure out a way to keep his
little tree, and still be able to
have nuts in the winter. Again
the other chipmunks told him to
stop wishing for something he
couldnt have they told him he
better find a new tree fast and
get to work. But he stayed sitting
under his tree, and kept thinking.
He had to find a better answer.

he ran to the grown ups, and he

even ran to the chipmunks that
had laughed at him. He invited
them all to meet together at his
little tree. He told them that they
each needed to bring one nut.
Soon, all of the chipmunks in
the whole forest had gathered
around. Even some other animals
were there badgers, song birds,
and deer. The little chipmunk ran
to the middle of all the animals
and began to talk.
You all know that my tree is too
small to save any nuts for the
winter. All of the animals agreed.
But she is a very special tree, and
I cant leave her. Many of the
chipmunks grumbled and started
to tell him how silly he was.
He spoke faster, But I have an
answer that will help everyone
here! The animals listened again.
Mom, Dad, I want you to taste
this nut, and he handed them a
nut, covered in chocolate.

As he was thinking, some

chocolate dripped on his head.
It kept dripping and soon it was
running down his face. He was
thinking so hard about how to
fix his problem that he didnt
realize he was getting covered
in chocolate! Soon his whole
body was covered - and then he
licked his lips. All of a sudden
he realized he was covered, but
before he could be very surprised,
he knew the answer!
Quickly the little chipmunk ran
to his mom and dads tree. He
told them to come to his little
tree as fast as they could and ran
off again. He ran to his friends,

It seemed as if all of the forest

was watching to see what would
happen. None of them knew why
the nut looked different they
thought it must be yucky. Why
would the silly little chipmunk try
and get his parents to eat a bad
nut? But his parents slowly lifted
the nut and took a small nibble.
WOW! they yelled. That tastes
great! What is it? The little
chipmunk hardly had time to try
and explain because now all of
the animals wanted a taste. They
surrounded him and pushed
to get closer. He shouted for
everyone to get in line and told
them he would dip each nut in
the chocolate so they could taste
it. Of course all of the animals
wanted more. They asked him if
they could bring all the nuts they

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Storytime, day 21 continued

gathered so that they could have

chocolate nuts all winter long.
This is where the chipmunk
announced his solution, I am
happy to give each of you
chocolate covered nuts, but it will
take all of the time that I have. I
will be very busy and can not
look for nuts myself. But, if each
of you would share some of your
nuts with me then I can also have
enough nuts for winter.
The forest was quiet again. The
little chipmunk worried would
all of the others agree? Did they
want the chocolate enough to
share their nuts with him? He
waited, and waited, and waited.
It seemed like they would never
answer. He hung his head down;
he couldnt bring himself to look
at them if they said no.
The little chipmunk didnt know
what sound he was hearing
at first it sounded a little like
raindrops. And then it sounded
like a rainstorm. But he wasnt
getting wet. He finally looked
up and saw everyone cheering!
They were clapping and smiling.
He could see that they thought
his idea was wonderful. All of
the chipmunks wanted to share
with him! He would have plenty
of food to last through winter,
and better than that, all of the
chipmunks would have chocolate
covered nuts!
After all of the chipmunks had
gone back home, the little
chipmunk had one more visitor.
It was the badger. He asked if
he could have some of his food
covered in chocolate as well.
The chipmunk answered that he
didnt really like badger food
and that he didnt know what he
should do. Then the chipmunk


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had a very good idea he said

the badger could dig a very big
hole for the little chipmunk to
hold all the nuts that the other
chipmunks were going to share
with him.This made the both of
them very happy.
Before the chipmunk went to
sleep that night, he made sure to
spend some extra time with his
favorite tree. He also made sure
to tell her thank you. He even
sang her favorite lullaby three

Topics: Helping others,
Did the little Chipmunk
need help? Why?
Did the little Chipmunk
help the other chipmunks?
Point out to the child that
every problem has a solution.
What are some problems
that others people have
If you feel up to it, talk
to your child about how
these principles apply in
the business world, and
how filling a need is the
way succesful businesses
are built.

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Storytime, day 22

Tubba-Time for Teddy

Written by Carmen Vadislov

Danny, your bath is ready!

Im coming, Mom. Can I bring Maurice
too? pleaded Danny.
No, honey, we dont want him to get
ruined. You can play with your ducky
Danny put Maurice, a brown teddy
bear with curly fur and bright eyes,
back in the toy chest. Maurice sighed.
How could he get ruined if Danny
had nothing to fear from a bath? he
The phone rang. Maurice pricked up
his ears: Dad pick up airport.
Rushed steps followed and the front
door closed with a thump. Danny
and his mom were gone. This was his
Maurices heart pounded. He hopped
down from the toy chest and peeked
around the corner. The bathroom
door was ajar. Vapour sneaked out.
Everyone was gone. The coast was
clear. With quivering paws Maurice
pushed open the door. On the
crystalline water in the bathtub glided
carefree Dannys rubber ducky.
Come in, I can show you around,
quacked the duck.
Isnt the water too deep or too
hot for a little bear like me? asked
Maurice in a little voice.
Nonsense! Just hop in! insisted the
Maurice stepped into the tub. The
water warmly caressed his paws as he


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From Nova Scotia, Canada

was tiptoeing around. Slowly he sank

into the tub and relaxed.
Why cant I float on water, like you
do? wondered Maurice.
Ducks can float, boys and bears dont;
thats just the way things are, said
the duck with importance. Then she
pointed at the soap bar. Now, in
order to get clean, you have to lather.
Maurice looked clueless at the soap.
He envied the duck. How wonderful
to be wise and have special powers!
Head in the clouds, Maurice knocked
over a bottle of liquid soap. Soon the
bathtub filled with bubbles. Wow!
The bear chased the bubbles around
and laughed. But when the soap
bar dropped into the water Maurice
slipped on it - whoosh! A big wave of
water landed on the floor - splash! Up
in the air, the soap bar knocked over
the flower pot from the window sill thump!
Just then Danny flung open the
bathroom door.
Silly bear, he mumbled. How did
you get in here? Wait till Mom sees
this mess!
Maurice spent the next few days
hanging from his ears on the laundry
line. With his fur dripping wet and
curls flattened, the bear shivered
and sneezed. Ive learned my lesson,
sobbed Maurice. He vowed never to
embark on another risky adventure.
And he was surely never going to trust
another duck.


Bonus story, day 22

with mama

Written by Carley Lyon

Mama promised me as soon

as it was warm and sunny out that
we could plant a big garden in the
backyard with all kinds of fresh, fun,
plants to eat.
It will be a lot of work. We will
have to weed, till the soil, plant the
plants in the ground, water them,
and take good care of them. Are you
ready for that? She asked.
I would work my hardest to
take care of the baby plants in our
garden, I promised her. I waited and
waited and waited. The snow fell
and then melted away; it seemed
like it was taking forever and
Just a few more weeks and we
can plant the garden, Mama said.
I could hardly wait; it was going to
be so much fun!
Then one morning really early
Mama came to wake me up. She
said, Hurry and get ready. Today
is the day we will plant the garden.
I hurried as fast as I could to get
dressed, eat breakfast, and brush
my teeth.
Finally, Mama and I went outside.
We got a shovel, a rake, and a
bucket, and headed to the spot
that was going to be our beautiful
backyard garden. It looked like a
pile of mud and weeds. I was not
sure how this was going to turn into
a beautiful garden.
We worked very hard for many
hours to get the dirt ready. It
seemed to take a long time, but
I was so excited I just kept on
working. I pulled weeds and tilled
the soil.
Finally, after waiting forever, it
was time to put the plants in the

From Washington, USA

Lets go in for lunch first, Mama

said. I was very hungry so I agreed.
When lunch was over we came
back out to plant. First we planted
a row of sunflowers. Mama said,
They will grow tall and look up
towards the sun. I couldnt wait to
watch them grow all summer long.
Next we planted a row of corn.
Mama said, This will grow about
nine feet tall and produce great
corn on the cob to eat for dinner.
I couldnt wait for it to grow so we
can eat the corn.
Then we planted a row of
Halloween we can carve these
pumpkins and make pumpkin pie
too. I love pumpkin pie!
The next row was strawberries.
Mama said, You can snack on
these all summer when you are out
playing in the yard. I couldnt wait
for them to grow!
Then we planted a row of
carrots. Mama said, These grow
underground and they will be great
to eat. I thought, wow some plants
grow underground!
The last row was tomatoes.
Mama said, They will taste so
good right off the vine. You are
going to love it. I was so excited.
We watered all the plants to
make sure they did not get thirsty
that night while we slept. Then we
got cleaned all up and went inside
for dinner. After dinner I went to
bed early because I was so tired
from a big day of gardening. I
dozed off to sleep thinking about
how great gardening is. I sure had
fun gardening with Mama.


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Storytime, day 23

Cat Room Chaos

Written by Sandee B. Stark

From Washington, USA

M O M! Shaun raced through the

house with his frog cage swinging
back and forth. Mom, Juniors got
white spots all over him. A worried
look filled his licorice black eyes.
Can we take him to the vet?...
Right now?... Pleeeease.
Oh dear. Let me see, Shaun.
Shaun lifted the cage higher and
sure enough, his back was covered
with little white dots. Hes sick,
Mom. He wont even eat.
All the way to the vets office Shaun
held the cage on his lap. The clinic
was noisy and smelled like wet
animal fur. They sat down to wait
their turn.

Shaun grinned and held up the

cage. Sometimes I call him Mudd...
for short. He reached in and gently
brought Mudd out of the cage.
Hes a little sick.

Mom, Shaun whispered. The kid

from down the street is sitting over
there. Can I go say hi and show him
Alright, but listen for our name to
be called. Mom said. And Shaun,
please remember to be quiet.
I can show him how great my frog
is then we can be friends, Shaun
thought. I really want a new friend.
He carried his frog cage into the cat
Hi, Im Shaun. I just moved into the
house down the street from you...
I think.
Oh, yeah. Ive seen you. Im Josh.
This is my cat, Samantha. Sam for
short. Shes here for her shots
This is Junior. Hes a tree frog.


Joshs cat Sam laid back her tiger

stripped ears. Her yellow eyes
narrowed. She hissed and made a
rumble sound in her throat
Shauns eyes twinkled and he
wiggled his eyebrows up and down.
Whoa! I wonder if Sam wants to
see Mudd a little closer. He pushed
the frog right under Sams whiskers.
Sam jumped out of Joshs lap with
a Yeooow and headed full speed
across the room. She flashed by a
long-haired tabby cat that backed
away and bumped into a purple
lamp. It crashed to the floor. Sam
clawed her way up the green
Shaun gasped.

Phhhhtt! went one cat, Yowwwl
went another, and a third stuttered,

submit your work today!

Me. . . me . . . mewwww. People

shouted and scurried to catch their
Here Skeeter, here Skeeter, Mrs.
Mason called as she tapped her
gold cane on the floor. Lucy, who
was chasing her cat, tripped over
the fancy cane. Ouch! She hit the
floor, her blond pigtails flying.
Shaun scrunched his eyes closed.
Josh headed for the curtains to
grab Sam. All of a sudden, he let
out a big YIKES! as he fell over
Lucy and went sprawling across the
A black-as-Halloween cat jumped
in the middle of Joshs stomach . .
. Ouffff! The cat leaped again and
landed on Mrs. Masons head.
Eeekkkk! She wobbled and fell on
top of Lucy.
Oh my gosh... oh my gosh, Shaun
said, closing his fingers gently
around Junior.
The vet came to see what was
making such a racket. He helped
Mrs. Mason to her feet and looked
around. There definitely was chaos
in the cat room.
Lucy brushed her pigtails back and
giggled. Josh lifted Sam off the
curtains and laughed. Mrs. Mason
let out a big Ha, Ha. The vet
laughed too. Everyone laughed
except Shaun. Tears clouded his
eyes. He hung his head and his
thin shoulders drooped. He quietly
slipped Junior back into the cage
and handed it to the vet.
I shouldnt have pushed Junior into
Sams face. Now Ill never have a
new friend, he thought.
He looked at Josh who sat in a chair
whispering to Sam. Shaun knew

what he had to do.

Josh, Im really, really sorry. I didnt
know Sam was afraid of tree frogs.
Josh looked up. A smile spread
slowly across his freckled face.
Hey Shaun, thats okay. I didnt
know Sam was afraid of a little ol
tree frog either. You know what?
That was the funniest thing Ive ever
seen. Why dont you come over to
my house later. Ill tell you about
Sam and you tell me about Junior...
or is that Muuuudd?
A grin flashed across Shauns face.
Wow, he thought. I think I have a
new friend!
Just then, the vet came over and
put his hand on Shauns shoulder.
So this is our little problem-maker,
huh? he said. But Shaun knew he
wasnt in trouble because the vet
was smiling when he said it. The
vet reached down and picked up
Junior. He looked on his back, his
tummy, and every part of the frog.
Does his terarium have white spots
in it, too? asked the Vet.
Shaun nodded.

Yes sir.


Well, youre in luck, Shaun. Juniors

got mites, and those are easy to get
rid of. Just spray him down with
water every day, a couple of times a
day. It might be easier if you have
a friend who can help hold the top
of the terrarium open. Do you have
any new friends, yet?
Shaun looked over at his new friend,
Josh. Josh was nodding his head
and it was obvious he wanted to
help with the frog.
Yes, sir. I sure do.

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Storytime, day 24

Gullible Gertrudes Garden

Written by George Anthony Kulz

Hailey the Hen was tending her garden

when Gertrude the Goose stopped by.
Come see my garden, Gertrude said.
What did you grow? Hailey asked.
Tulips? Carrots perhaps?



Hailey laughed. Light bulbs! Thats

just silly!
No really, come see.
The two friends entered Gertrudes
garden. Sure enough, Hailey saw rows
of light bulbs of all different shapes,
sizes, and colors sticking out of the
See, told you, Gertrude said. What
do you think?
Haileys eyes opened wide. N-nice
Help me pick them, Gertrude said.
The two friends spent the morning
picking light bulbs from the garden.
Then Hailey headed home, scratching
her head all the way.
A few weeks later, as Hailey was
stopped by.
Come see my garden, she said.
What did you grow? Hailey asked.
Roses? Tomatoes perhaps?
No, silverware, Gertrude answered.


From Rhode Island, USA

Hailey laughed. Silverware! Thats

just silly!
No really, come see.
The two friends entered Gertrudes
garden. Sure enough, Hailey saw rows
of forks, knives, and spoons sticking
out of the ground.
See, told you, Gertrude said. What
do you think?
Haileys eyes opened wide. N-nice
Help me pick them, Gertrude said.
The two friends spent the morning
picking silverware from the garden.
As they worked, Hailey asked, By the
way, where did you get the idea to
grow silverware?
Why, Wally Weasel told me to how
to do it, Gertrude answered. Hes
going to show me how to grow shoes
Wily Wally Weasel? Hailey thought. I
should have known!
For the next week, Hailey kept watch
over Gertrudes garden. Finally, on
Friday night, she spotted Wally
Weasel, Freddy Fox, and Gary Goat
sneaking through the garden.
She jumped from the shadows. Aha,
I caught you! You should be ashamed
of yourself playing tricks on Gertrude
like that!
Wally hung his head. We were just
having fun.
You know how gullible she can be,

submit your work today!

Hailey explained. Tomorrow you will

set things right.
In the morning, Hailey, Wally, Freddy,
and Gary knocked on Gertrudes door.
The three pranksters explained the
tricks they had played. Gertrude was
I just wanted a nice garden like you,
Well help you plant one, Hailey
assured her, then stared at the others.
Wont we? They all nodded.
The five friends spent the day planting
seeds in Gertrudes garden. Hailey
showed Gertrude how to water and
weed her garden.
A few weeks later, Hailey was busy
tending her garden when Gertrude
stopped by.
Come see my garden, she said.


The two friends entered Gertrudes

garden. Hailey stared at the rows of
giant sunflowers.
What do you think? Gertrude asked.
Theyre beautiful, Gertrude, Hailey
Gertrude plucked a sunflower from
the dirt. Then she headed toward the
Where are you going with that one?
Hailey asked.
This ones going in my basement,
Gertrude answered. Its pretty dark
down there, and sunflowers give off
sunlight you know.
Hailey laughed and shook her head.

Plant something with your child, inside
or outside.
Having a plant to care for gives your
child a responsibility she can look forward to, especially as she sees the plant
begin to grow and strengthen.
A great way to promote healthy eating
is by getting your kids to help plant a
garden in the spring. As they work in
the garden and feel ownership in their
labors, they will also be more interested
in eating the fruits (or
vegetables) of those labors!
Admittedly, its a bit late to be planting
a garden, but there are many plants
you can plant inside the house.
One great, healthy plant you can plant
inside is sprouts! Sprouts take just a
few days to grow from a seed and are
full of good nutrients.
Sprout varieties you can plant inside
include: lentil sprouts, alfalfa sprouts,
broccoli sprouts, and more. Other
easy plants to plant inside are: Green
onions, garlic shoots, bush basil, and
Sprouts are full of vitamins, minerals
and enzymes which make them a superfood. They are inexpensive to buy
and easy to grow. They grow in short
periods of time and need very little
Talk about a good product to add to
your food storage!
source: http://www.organicconsumers.


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Storytime, day 25


Written by Lori Hulvey

Jacob sat at the breakfast table

with his head down and pushed
the eggs around on his plate with
his fork. He was dreading going
to school again and it was only his
second week in his new school.
His father was watching him
from the counter while he waited
for the toast. Whats wrong son?
Arent you hungry?
I dont really want to go to
school today.
Are you sick?
Jacob knew lying was wrong
so he slowly answered, No, not
Well then, whats the matter?
His dad grabbed the toast as it
popped up from the toaster and
then sat at the table across from
Mrs. Stern is giving a math test
Youre good at math.
shouldnt be worried about a test.
His father buttered his toast and
took a bite as he glanced at the
Jacob continued, I cant
remember the trick she showed
us for knowing the number of
days in each month. I know it has
something to do with counting
by using our hands. Do you know
what the trick is? Jacob looked up
Im sorry, son. I dont know
it. Its probably one of those new
methods I didnt learn when I was
in school. Why dont you look it up
in your book?
Its not in our book. She read
about it somewhere and just
showed it to us. We practiced
it a couple of times, but now Ive


From Illinois, USA

forgotten it.
Why dont you ask one of your
friends when you get to school?
Jacob shook his head and
answered in a low voice, I cant.
I dont have any friends at this
Jacobs father reached out
and placed his hand on Jacobs
shoulder and answered softly, I
know youre shy and its hard to
make new friends. Give it time, and
soon youll have a good friend.
Why do we have to move all the
Moving is hard for both of us.
But for now, my job requires for us
to move.
I know, Dad. I just wish we
could settle in one place for longer
than a couple of years. Jacob rose
and took his plate to the sink .
His dad glanced at his watch
and stood, We both better get
going before were late.
Jacob grabbed his lunch out of
the refrigerator and walked to the
door to put on his shoes. His dad
grabbed his suit coat and followed
Jacob out the apartment door,
locking it behind him.
Good luck on your test, his
dad called as Jacob trotted down
the steps.
As Jacob walked the two blocks
to school, he worried about the
math test. Even though it hadnt
been discussed, he knew if he
didnt pass the math test, his dad
would not take him to see the
baseball game on Saturday. He was
really looking forward to seeing his
first professional baseball game
and he didnt want to spend the
day correcting his test and working

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problems out of his math book.

Jacob worried through his
morning classes.
Sitting in the
cafeteria by himself, he continued
to worry and couldnt eat.
Math was right after lunch
and he decided he would get up
enough courage to ask someone
what the math trick was. Sitting
down in his chair, he knew he had
to do it quickly before class began.
Looking around the room, he saw
Daniel. Jacob knew Daniel was a
good student because he had seen
some of Daniels graded papers.
And yesterday Daniel had helped
Kelsie with fractions. Daniel was
sitting close enough too, so Jacob
decided to pass him a note. It said:
Daniel, could you show me the
trick for figuring out the number of
days in each month before the test
starts? signed, Jacob.
As Jacob leaned over to pass
the note to Daniel, the bell rang
and Mrs. Stern looked up from her
desk. What are you doing Jacob?
she asked sharply.
Jacob softly answered, Passing
a note.
Bring it to me, please. Mrs.
Stern pushed her glasses higher on
her nose.
Jacobs feet felt like lead as
he took the note to Mrs. Stern.
He felt as if his face were on fire
from embarrassment. This was the
only note Jacob had ever written
and passed in his life, and he had
gotten caught. His note might be
tacked up on the bulletin board, for
everyone to read, which would be
even more embarrassing because
he was probably the only one in
the room who couldnt remember
the trick for the number of days in
each month. The embarrassment
was bad enough, but now he would
probably fail the math test and not
get to go to the baseball game on
As Jacob sat down, he saw Mrs.
Stern read the note to herself. She
then stood, walked to the front

of the room and faced the class.

Were going to begin our test now.
Are there any questions before we
No one said a word. It was as
if they were waiting to see what
was going to happen with the
confiscated note. Jacob wanted
to raise his hand, but it felt like it
weighed a ton. He also felt hed
been embarrassed enough for
one day, so he just sat there like
everyone else.
Mrs. Stern said, It has been
brought to my attention that we
need to review the trick for figuring
out the days in each month.
Jacob let out a sigh of relief


which seemed to circulate around

the classroom. Everyone seemed
to sit up straighter too.
Mrs. Stern began, First make
a fist with either hand paying
attention to the knuckles sticking
up on the back of your hand; not
your finger knuckles. Begin with
the knuckle of your index or pointer
finger. This knuckle sticks up high
and represents thirty-one days for
the month of January.

submit your work today!


Storytime, day 25 continued

toward your little finger, theres

a low valley between the two tall
knuckles. This low spot represents
February with twenty-eight or
twenty-nine days. Then up on a
high knuckle for March with thirtyone days. Thirty days down in the
valley in April. Up again on a tall
knuckle for the month of May. June
is down in the valley with thirty
days. Now youve come to the
knuckle of your pinkie finger. Does
anyone remember what to do now?
Jacob saw a girl in the back row
wave her arm wildly.
Yes, Marissa?
It is a tall knuckle and stands for
thirty-one days. You have to count
it once for July and then count it
again for August because they both
have thirty-one days.
Very good, Marissa.
youre ready to come back toward
your thumb one knuckle at a
time. The next stop is in a valley
for thirty days in September. Up
high for October with thirty-one
days; then down low for thirty days
in November.
Finally, you end
up on the knuckle of your middle
finger. It is tall, and it represents
December with thirty-one days.
Just remember, tall knuckles stand
for thirty-one days and low valleys
in between represent thirty days
(except for February).
As Mrs. Stern was explaining
and demonstrating, Jacob noticed
every student in the class was
counting the days in each month on
the knuckles of his or her hands.
Mrs. Stern then handed out the
tests and the class began working.
Jacob decided to finish the section
on the days and months first while
it was fresh in his mind.
After the bell rang to dismiss
school, Jacob was walking down
the hall when Kelsie stopped him,
Good job, Jacob.
What are you talking about?
Getting Mrs. Stern to show


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us the math trick right before the

test. I know I aced the test and its
because of you. Thanks! Kelsie
smiled and walked off.
Hey, Jacob, way to go, said
another boy as he met him in the
hall giving him a thumbs up sign.
Jacob was surprised so many of his
classmates knew his name and felt
even more surprised they hadnt
known the trick either.
Jacob, wait up. called a voice
from behind him.
Jacob stopped and turned to
see Daniel walking toward him.
Im glad you got caught passing
me that note. Jacob must have
gotten a funny expression on his
face because Daniel laughed and
continued, I couldnt remember
the trick either. If you hadnt gotten
caught, no one wouldve asked and
Mrs. Stern wouldnt have shown us
the trick again.
Im glad Im not the only one
who forgot it. Jacob turned and
pushed the door open.
Daniel followed him and as
Jacob turned left at the end of the
sidewalk Daniel said,I didnt know
you walked home this way. Mind if
I walk with you?
That would be great, Jacob
grinned, slinging his backpack over
his shoulder.
As he and Daniel walked and
talked on their way home from
school, Jacob thought about the
day. He felt he had done well on
the math test and would get to
go to the baseball game with his
dad on Saturday. He had talked to
some of his classmates and found
it wasnt that difficult. Surprisingly,
they even knew his name. And
most important, Daniel just might
turn out to be that good friend his
dad was talking about that morning.

426 W Universal Circle

Sandy, Utah 84070
801.566.2525 | 866.590.0800

Storytime, day 26

Pigs in the Mud

Written by William Thabiso

One day, some baby pigs were

playing in the mud. Just like all pigs,
these baby pigs LOVED playing in
the mud.
But this time, everything
changed. All of a sudden the
ground started shaking!
All of the animals ran to hide.
The baby pigs ran to find their
mother and hid with her.
Soon the ground stopped
shaking. All of the animals peeked
their heads out from their hiding
places and looked around.
Almost everything still looked
the same. The horses still had their
barn. The cows still had their grass.
The ducks still had their pond.
But the little baby pigs DID
NOT have their mud! Their mud had
The baby pigs went to their
mother and told her they didnt
have any mud. What were they
going to do?
The mommy pig told her
babies to ask the other farm
animals if they had some mud for
the baby pigs.
First they went to the horses
and asked Do you have any mud
we can play in?
The horses neighed Of course
not, we only have a barn.
Next they asked the cows
Do you have some mud? - ours
Moooo, we only have our
pasture said the cows.
The pigs sadly left the cow
and went to ask the chickens. But
the chickens did not have any mud.
Only seeds on the ground.
They didnt even ask the ducks;
they knew the ducks would say they
only had a pond.


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From Utah, USA

The little pigs sat down

together and started to cry. They
were so sad that they didnt have
any mud!
After a few minutes the pigs
heard another animal. It was a
He said, Baa, what is wrong
little pigs? Why are you crying?
They answered, We dont
have any mud - the shaking made
our mud disappear!
Baa ha ha ha, laughed the
sheep. What are you talking
about? Youre sitting in a big
puddle of mud!
The little pigs looked up in
surprise. They didnt know what the
sheep was talking about but they
hoped he was right!
As soon as they looked down
they couldnt believe it. They were
sitting in a puddle of mud!
But how did that happen?
they asked...where did it come
Their mommy pig walked up
just then and said, it must have
been all of your tears falling in the
dirt - thats where the mud came
And from that day on, the little
pigs were never without mud again!

Storytime, day 27

Granny Gerties wish list

by Dulcinea Norton-Smith

Granny Gertie didnt bake cakes

or knit scarves. Granny Gertie
was a world famous explorer.
When Lucy was 3 years old
Granny Gertie went swimming
with sharks in the Solomon Sea.
She wore a sequined swimsuit
and swished through the slippery
When Lucy was 4 years old
Granny Gertie went to round
up reindeer in Russia. She wore
red rollerblades and a rainbow
raincoat. She roared and raced
around the rumbling reindeer.
When Lucy was 5 years old
Granny Gertie gave Lucy a piece
of pink paper. When I was a little
girl said Granny Gertie I was
scared of many things. I wished
I was brave. This is the wish list
that I wrote of the things that I
wished I was brave enough to do.
If you can be brave enough to do
all of these things I will give you a
super special surprise
Then Granny Gertie leapt onto a
llama in her lime green leggings
and lavender leotard and left to
look for lizards and lynx in Latvia.
On Monday Lucy looked at wish
number 1. I wish I was brave
enough to hold spiders and
Even though they seemed scary
and yucky Lucy found a spider
and a worm and put them in her
hand. They wiggled and tickled
and squiggled. Lucy giggled.


From Lancashire, UK

On Tuesday Lucy looked at wish

number 2. I wish I could wear
twenty-two hats to school and
not be afraid of people laughing
at me.
Lucy went exploring in Mommys
closet. She found as many hats as
she could and piled them on top
of her head.
At school everyone laughed, but
Lucy gave her friends a hat each
and they all laughed together.
After that every Tuesday at Lucys
school was Silly Hat Day.
On Wednesday Lucy looked at
wish number 3. I wish I was noisy,
not quiet.
Lucy tied pan lids to her arms
and legs. Lucy walked around
the house making CLANG CLASH
BANG BASH noises. Mommy got
a headache and told Lucy that it
was bedtime.
On Thursday Lucy looked at wish
number 4. I wish I was brave
enough to get dirty and messy.
Lucy went into the garden and
poured a big jug of water on the
flower bed.
Lucy squelched and squirched
and sludged through the slushy
sloshy mud. She had mud in her
ears and in her hair, mud between
her toes and on her nose. Mommy
was not happy. She made Lucy
have a long bath.
On Friday Lucy looked at wish

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number 5. I wish I could eat

sweets all day long.
That day Lucy would not touch her
breakfast or lunch. Lucy sucked
sugary sweets and chomped
chewy chocolate all day long. By
bedtime Lucy felt sick and sore in
her stomach. That was definitely
NOT a good wish, Lucy thought.
On Saturday Lucy looked at wish
number 6. I wish I danced more.
Lucy and Mommy put loud music
on the radio. They twizzled,
turned, boogied, and bounced.
The next day was Sunday and
there were no wishes left. Lucy
and Mommy wore their pajamas
until lunchtime and watched
movies in bed until they heard a
shout from outside.
When they got to the garden
they saw Granny Gertie plunging
and pirouetting from a parachute.
As they feasted on cupcakes,
Lucy told Granny Gertie about
her week. About worms and
spiders, hats and pans, mud and
sweets, dancing and singing.
What a brave girl you are Lucy,
said Granny Gertie. I think that
youre ready for your surprise.
You are coming on my next
adventure. She pointed to a
beautiful bright blue boat tied to
a big bunch of bobbing balloons.
We are going boating in Barbados
to bathe with barracuda.
As Lucy and Granny Gertie
bounced beyond the beautiful
clouds in their brilliant bright
blue boat, Lucy was happy that
she wasnt scared of anything.
Not one single thing.

Make a list with your child
of all the things you are
each afraid of.
Are you afraid of bugs?
What about heights?
Worms? Spiders? Snakes?
Explain to your child that it is
natural to experience fear. Being
afraid of things oftentimes helps us
stay safe.
If we werent afraid of scorpions,
bees, spiders and snakes, for example, wed probably get stung and
bitten a lot more!
Some fears, though, can be overcome. In overcoming them, or at
least learning how to deal with them,
your confidence and self-worth grow.
Ask your child if there are any fears
on their list that they would like to
overcome.Talk about ways that you
can overcome those fears and make
plans to do it together.
Worms is a great example of a safe
fear to overcome.
Afraid of heights and/or falling? Do
a Trust-Fall where a big brother or
dad catches the child as they close
their eyes, fold their arms, and fall
straight backward.
Remember, dont push your child to
do something theyre not comfortable with. Keep it safe and fun. And
dont forget to overcome some of
your fears... leading by example is always the most impactful way to teach.

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Storytime, day 28


Written by William Thabiso

One upon a time there was a

beautiful white horse named Rachel.
She lived in the snowy mountains
far away from almost everyone. She
was very happy because her home
was so beautiful. There was just
one problem, though, with living
far away, and that is that she was
all alone. So she decided to go on
a journey to find the one horse that
would be her best friend!
She traveled for two days and two
nights, and when she got out of the
mountains, she saw a whole bunch
of horses. They were brown and
tan and some had spots of white
and black, but none of them looked
like her, so they ignored her and
didnt let her come play with them.
So she set out again and she
traveled and traveled and traveled.
She was sure she would be able
to find a friend somewhere in the
great big world. There had to be
someone that looked like her!
She traveled very far and finally she
came to a hot and dry land. It was
quite different from her home in the
snow. Soon she saw a horse that
was also very different from her. He
was as black as the night. His name
was Zed. The two horses became
best friends and also fell in love.
One day while they were eating
some grass, a lion jumped out
from the bushes with a roar! Both
horses were so frightened that
their hair stood up straight! And,
when they turned to run away, they
ran straight into each other! The
lion was very surprised to see the


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From Utah, USA

two horses all tangled up. Their

legs, necks, and tails were twisted
together so that it was hard to tell
which horse was which! The lion
thought it was so funny that he
laughed and laughed, rolling on the
dirt. He laughed so much that he
wasnt hungry anymore, so he left
the horses alone.
It took them a while, but finally the
two horses got untangled. But when
they looked at each other they were
both very surprised. There wasnt a
white horse or a black horse any
more. Instead, there was one white
horse with black stripes, and one
black horse with white stripes.
Later, when they had a family, all
of their babies had black and white
stripes and short hair sticking
straight up. The other animals in the
jungle decided to call them Zebras
instead of horses. The horses didnt
mind, they still loved each other
and their family.

Storytime, day 29

The Search for Bucky

Written by Karen Picardi

It finally stopped raining! The sun was

shining its beams of light through the
tall forest trees. We were happy that
we could finally play out in the back
yard. My brother Billy was playing
with our dog Marley. They were
playing fetch with a bright yellow ball.
CJ was playing by the swing set and
I was sitting under a tree reading a
book about deep-sea adventures.
Mikey, Billy, CJ, Mom called to us.
She was standing near the back door
of our cottage home. My mom caught
CJ as he glided down the slide.
Okay guys its time to get cleaned up,
My mom said.
Its tubba time? little CJ asked.
Yes, and then were going to the
aquarium, My mom said as she
walked us towards the house.
I was happy because we were going
to the aquarium. I love to learn about
the ocean and the many life forms that
live in it.

From Maryland, USA

looking all over the place for the

yellow duck.
Whats going on? I asked.
Mikey, have you seen Bucky? CJ said
with tears filling up in his eyes.
No, I said.
Can you help me look for him? Mom
Mom and I knew if we didnt find
Bucky, CJ would not want to take a
bath. He also would not want to leave
the house till we found the yellow
duck. That would mean no trip to
the aquarium. I decided to help by
pretending to be a detective. From
the many books Ive read, I know all
the good detectives come up with a
plan. My plan would be retracing the
steps where the duck was last seen
and asking if any one else has seen
this duck, then search the house for
I decided to talk to CJ and find out
when he had last seen the duck.

Bucky needs a bath too, CJ said.

Bucky is CJs bright yellow rubber
duck, and my little brother wont go in
the tub without him.
I was about to get dressed when I
heard CJ cry out.
Wheres Bucky?

Mom, I cant find

Where did you last see Bucky? CJ

looked at me with a tear in his eye
and blank face, he was too sad to
answer my questions. My next step of
the plan was to see when Billy had last
seen Bucky.
I walked into Billys bedroom. Billy was
putting a cookie into his mouth.
Billy, did you know Bucky is missing?

I walked into to the bathroom to see

what was going on. My mom was


Billy looked up at me chewing his

cookie. He nodded yes.

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Hhmm, thats odd, Bucky is missing

and you can still eat that cookie.
Im hungry, Billy said.
Where did you last see Bucky?


How to play...

I dont know, he said.

I knew he was not going to be any
help so I pulled a cookie out of my
pocket. I held it up. He looked at me,
then the cookie; his mouth started to
The last time I saw it was last night
when CJ was in the tub, Billy said
jumping in the air trying to reach for
the cookie.
I knew he was telling the truth
,especially when there was a cookie
being offered. I gave him the cookie
and walked out of the room. I
wondered to myself who would want
this duck? I couldnt think of anyone.
My next step of the plan was to look
for clues.
I decided to search the bathroom
first. CJ was sitting on the edge of a
chair near the tub wiping away a tear.
I looked all around. I checked in the
tub. I checked in the closet. I checked
under a towel on the floor. Thats
when I noticed the muddy paw prints.
I wondered what Marley was doing
in the bathroom? This was Marleys
least favorite place to be in the house.
Marley doesnt like to take baths.
I followed the muddy tracks out of the
bathroom through the kitchen, past
the water bowl around the counter
and out towards the back door. That
is where the tracks stopped and there
was Marley. Marley was happy to
see me. He was wiggling his tail and
parading around with his head held
high. Marley was showing off the
bright yellow duck in his mouth. The
search was over! I had found Bucky, CJ
could now take his bath, and soon we
would be going to the aquarium. It
was a good days work.

Do your kids like to play hideand-seek? Then theyll LOVE

playing Detective.
First, find an item to hide
somewhere in the house.
Second, Hide it. (you saw that

one coming, right?)

Third, make clues for how to

find the item.
For example, your first clue can
be a picture of the piano, then
hide the next clue somewhere
around the piano. This clue
can lead them to the TV, and
the next one to the tree in the
Clues can be puzzles or riddles,
as well, depending on the age
and intelligence of the child.
Then let your children have
a turn at hiding an object and
drawing the clues, too! Help
them a few times, and let Dad
or a big sibling be the one who
has to find the object.
A fun variation is to play
Pirates and draw a treasure
map of your house or the yard.

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Storytime, day 30

the Bubble Bath bandit

Written by Sandie Lee

We interrupt your regular

programming to bring you this
special report - - The once quiet town was
popping with activity. A porky
police officer named P. Piggles
yanked yellow caution tape around
a quaint house. The local television
station had their best reporter on
the scene. A willowy deer spoke
seriously into a microphone.
This is Deery McDreary
reporting live for Small-Town
News. Im on location outside the
home of Ms Goldilocks, where
the latest attack of the Bubble
Bath Bandit has occurred. This
soapy-scoundrel likes to bathe in
other peoples bathtubs. He sneaks
in, suds, scrubs, then runs, leaving
bathrooms in a mess and home
owners in a tizzy.
McDreary paused. Goldilocks
sat, shivering by a waiting
ambulance. This was her chance.
Ms. Locks, she bellowed.
Do you think this was personal,
perhaps payback for your breaking
and entering the three bears
Goldilocks was startled.
N...n...not at all, that was just a
Then why you, why your
bubble bath?
I...I dont know, Goldilocks
said, slowly shaking her head. I
was filling up my tub when the
telephone rang. I was gone a while
and when I returned, I found my
bathroom had been...been, banditized. She began to cry. If only I
had locked the window.
A medic jostled past


From Ontario, Canada

McDreary. This girl needs medical

attention, the muscular elk said.
Get your story somewhere else.
McDreary huffed loudly.
She then spied a fidgety squirrel
waiting on a stump and rushed
Im with Miss Nutsie who
rents the maple tree loft in the
victims backyard. Tell me Nuts, did
you see anything?
The squirrel wrung her tiny
hands and answered without a
single pause.
I was watching my very
favorite story The Young and
the Careless and Filbert that
scoundrel was just about to reveal-
McDreary interrupted.
Yes, yes, but was there
anything unusual happening?
Well Filbert is really Hazels
long lost brother, thats unusual.
She stabbed at the air with one
finger. Well it is, it is, it most
certainly is!
Nutsie chattered on.
...then while I waited for the
water to boil for my walnut tea I
looked out my window and
That stinky little fellow, the
one with the strange name, he was
by Goldilocks garbage cans...
Nutsie chattered on some
more, ...then I saw those two
darling cubs, you know the
Bearster twins, they were playing
in the mud and were all dirty but
then my story was back on...
McDreary had enough.
She spotted a distinguished
looking fox and hurried over to
Im here with Chief of Police,
Sly Fox. Chief what can you tell us

submit your work today!

so far? She thrust the microphone

under his nose.
The situation is under control.
McDreary prodded, Can you
be more specific? Do you have any
clues or suspects yet?
The Chief answered carefully.
The bathroom was a mess
and the victims bubble bath had
certainly been used. However,
some soapy footprints and a
plastic fish were left behind, so
were hoping this may lead to an
Do you think the break-ins
have anything to do with the rainy,
muddy weather?
The Chief scratched his head.
Were not ruling that out. This
individual obviously has the need
to bathe and will stop at nothing
to do so.
Detective Bulls, a husky
moose, interrupted them with a
raccoon in tow.
Chief were taking him in
for questioning, his deep voice
Well, well if it isnt Rocko,
the Chief said smugly.
The raccoon kicked at the
ground. You got nothin copster .
Just cause I wear a mask you think
you can pin this on me? You think
you can frame me?
Detective Bulls pushed him
into a waiting police car.
Youll never prove anything.
Nevvvveeeerrrrr. Rockos voice
faded as the car sped away.

Just then Officer Piggles came

out of the house with a skunk in
handcuffs. McDreary recognized
him and pushed her way through
the crowd.
Excuse me! Excuse me!
she insisted. Mr. Odor, why are
you being arrested? Are you the
Bubble Bath Bandit?
The skunk became incensed.
My name is Monsieur Odeur and
just because I am slightly musky
does not mean I need to bathe. I
was only behind her house taking a
peek through her garbage, nothing
else. Im innocent I say, innocent.
The officer shoved him.
Thats enough out of you, he said
gruffly. Save it for the judge.
Disappointed, McDreary
glanced around, but there was no
one else newsworthy. She then
stared solemnly into the camera.
The Bubble Bath Bandit, she
said gravely, Will he strike again?
Only time will tell. This is Deery
McDreary reporting for Small-Town
News. If theres news happening
well find it.
Just then a bear with her twin
cubs walked by.
Im so proud of you both,
mother bear exclaimed. All this
mud and not a speck of dirt on
either one of you. Now if we could
only find your plastic fish.

- - - We now return you to your

regular programming.

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Storytime, Bonus Story

Sister Soo
Written by Bonita Pate Davis

Where is my cereal? asked Jill.

Jills plate held something that looked
like a Frisbee made out of tiny white
peas stuck together.
Were having rice cakes for breakfast,
said Mama.
I always eat cereal, said Jill.
Soo Lin ate rice cakes for breakfast in
Korea, said Mama.
Joining our family is a big change for
Soo Lin, said Daddy. Having familiar
things will help her adjust.
A girl with long, black hair smiled
shyly across the table at Jill.
Soo Lin seemed to enjoy the crunchy
rice cakes.
Jill tasted hers, then gulped some milk
to wash down the dry breakfast.

questions about Korea. Jills friends

were amazed when Soo Lin told them
about flying across the ocean.
No one wanted to play Jills favorite
recess games. Jill walked Soo Lin
back to her class. She was glad when
the afternoon bell rang. Nothing had
been normal today. She wondered if
anything would ever be the same as
Jills teacher stopped her at the door
and stuck a gold star on her backpack.
For being the best helper in school
today, he said.
Jill sat with Soo Lin on the bus again.
Cassie and Adam slid onto the seat
behind them.
Your sister is cool, said Cassie.
Yeah, said Adam. Shes more fun
than a baby who can only make funny

When her parents decided to adopt a

sister, Jill had wished for a baby that
made funny faces like Adams little
brother. Instead, Soo Lin was eight
two years older than Jill.

After dinner, Soo Lin got to pick the

television programs. Jill usually got to

Jill wondered what other changes Soo

Lin might bring.

The wind howled and blew in a

rainstorm, so Jill shared her afghan
with Soo Lin. Jills feet stuck out and
grew cold.

Mama and Daddy asked Jill to help

Soo Lin at school. So she sat with Soo
Lin on the bus and not next to Cassie,
like usual. Instead of chatting with
friends before the bell, Jill helped Soo
Lin find her classroom.
At recess, Jills friends all gathered
around Soo Lin. They asked her many


From Kentucky, USA

Then Mama brought Jill her favorite

snack -- warm, gooey brownies.
For helping Soo Lin, said Mama.
Today had been very different with
Soo Lin around.
Bedtime brought the biggest change

submit your work today!

of all. Jills bedroom now held two

beds. All of Jills things had been
moved over to one side of the room.
Jills fuzzy bear perched atop a messy
stack of toys.
After Mama and Daddy tucked them
in, Jill and Soo Lin snuggled down
into their own beds. But Jill couldnt
sleep. The wind howled louder.
Jill pulled the covers up to her chin.
Then she heard a noise from the next
bed. When lightening flashed, Jill saw
Soo Lin shivering and covering her
eyes with her hands.
Soo Lin, storms scare me, said Jill.
Could you come into my bed until its
Jill had never shared her bed with
anyone but she scooched over and
made room for her new sister. The girls
huddled together while lightening
crackled. The storm wasnt so scary
with Soo Lin close by.
Just before she fell asleep, Jill
whispered to Soo Lin. Im glad you
came to be my sister.

Topic: Adoption
Do you or your child know
anyone who is adopted?
How do you think Soo Lin felt?
Do you think she was scared?

Time To Vote!
Can you believe it? One whole
month of storytelling has flown by.
Vote for your faves here:
The top 3 stories & artwork will win
prizes worth hundreds of dollars.
Even more important, youll be giving
these authors the validation theyve
been looking for - that they really are
talented writers & artists, and that you
love what they are doing!
Voting closes by the 10th of the
month, so hurry and vote before its
too late.

Time To Submit!
If youve been looking for an
opportunity to get your own stories
published, youve found it at
knowonder! magazine.
Not only can you become a
published author and earn cash
prizes, youll also know that you
are helping a cause that is literally
empowering thousands of families
across the world.
Literacy, together-time,
creativity and imagination...
become a part of it today by
submitting your own work at:

Do you think she was worried

that Jill wouldnt like her?
How can you be nice to kids
who have been adopted?

rate this story!


For Kids by Kids

This is the wonderful and whimsical section in which we proudly display the amazing
artwork submitted by our very own little readers. Every month we will include all new
submissions that we recieve through our online page at
Inspire your childs imagination and submit their artwork today!
Also, dont forget to vote for your favorite artwork! The top three winners will win
prizes worth hundreds of dollars. Prizes may include art supplies, books and more,
so go to today to vote for your favorite artist.
(Please only vote once for each member of the house.)

Title: Horses Grazing in the Pasture

Name, Age: Natalie, 8 yrs. old
From: West Jordan, UT, USA
Favorite Foods: Waffles & Cookies
Favorite Activities: Swimming & Crafts


Title: King Henry VIII

Name, Age: Amy, 9 yrs. old
From: Chelmsford, England
Favorite Hobby: making greeting cards
Favorite Food & Color: Spaghetti & Purple

Title: Captured Horse

Name, Age: Melinda, 7 yrs. old
From: Niebull, Germany
Favorite Animal: Definitely Horses!
Favorite Food & Color: Chili & Blue

submit your work today!


Title: Charlies Rockets

Name, Age: Charlie, 5
From: Bountiful, UT, USA
Favorite Food & Color: Fruit & Green
Favorite Subject: History

Title: The Cave & The Castle

Name, Age: Chelsea, 6 yrs. old
From: Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Favorite Hobby: Reading & drawing
Favorite Colors: Pink and red


Title: Eating Blueberries with my Dragon

Name, Age: Sarah, 5 yrs. old
From: West Jordan, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Watermelon
Favorite Color: Blue & purple & pink

Title: Paw Prints

Name, Age: Jacqueline, 3 yrs old
From: Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Bacon
Favorite Color: Spelling & reading

submit your work today!


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Title: Vase
Name, Age: Andrew, 8 yrs. old
From: Riverton, UT., USA
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Color: Orange

Title: The Butterfly Fly

Name, Age: Baden, 6 yrs old
From: Sandy, UT, USA
Favorite Animal: Puppies & Jaguars
Favorite Color: Dark colors but not white

submit your work today!


Title: Sunflowers
Name, Age: Candice, 8 yrs. old
From: Herriman, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Ramen noodles
Favorite Hobby: Ballet

Title: My Pet Snake

Name, Age: Connor, 10 yrs. old
From: Kaysville, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Chicken enchiladas
Favorite Hobby: Basketball


Title: Art from the Heart

Name, Age: Callie, 4 yrs. old
From: Riverton, UT., USA
Favorite Foods: Lasagna & Ice Cream
Favorite Activities: Dance & swimming

Title: Rainbow Flowers

Name, Age: Emmy, 6 yrs. old
From: West Jordan, UT, UTSA
Favorite Food: Chicken & rice
Favorite Color: Yellow

submit your work today!


Title: Self-Portrait
Name, Age: Belinda, 5 yrs. old
From: Niebull, Germany
Favorite Food: Bologna
Favorite Animal: Killer Whale

Title: Lizard
Name, Age: Brody, 9 yrs. old
From: Kaysville, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Jello and Pudding
Favorite Color: Blue


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Title: Rainbow Friend

Name, Age: Haley, 8 yrs. old
From: West Jordan, UT, USA
Favorite Animal: Horse
Favorite Hobby: Monkey bars

Title: Mommy
Name, Age: Chloe, 5 yrs. old
From: Sandy, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Mac & Cheese
Favorite Activities: Draw & dance




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Title: The Bird Chirping Tree

Name, Age: Eliah, 7 yrs. old
From: SLC, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Apples
Favorite Hobby: Running on the beach with Dad

Title: Pig Princess

Name, Age: Kennedy, 10 yrs. old
From: West Valley, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Twix candy bar
Favorite Color: Blue & hot pink


Title: Ballerina
Name, Age: Isabella, 8 yrs. old
From: West Valley, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Grilled Cheese
Favorite Color: Ballet & Hip hop

Title: My House
Name, Age: Mckinley, 7 yrs. old
From: Sandy, UT, USA
Favorite Color: Light blue
Favorite Hobby: Karate & Collect rocks

submit your work today! 101

Title: Space Aliens

Name, Age: Brenton, 7 yrs. old
From: Sandy, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Steak & fish
Favorite Activity: Playing outside

Title: Pool in the Backyard

Name, Age: Jaylee, 10 yrs old.
From: Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Soup
Favorite Activity: Ballroom Dance


Title: Birthday Cake

Name, Age: Dalin, 5 yrs. old
From: Lehi, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Pepperoni Pizza
Favorite Movie: Kung Fu Panda

Title: Slide
Name: Brigham, 7 yrs. old
From: Kaysville, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Spaghetti
Favorite Hobby: Sports of all kinds

submit your work today! 103

Title: Summer Flowers

Name, Age: Kylie, 6 yrs. old
From: American Fork, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Chili Mac & Cheese
Favorite Animal: Dolphins

Title: Reading in my Room

Name, Age: Katherine, 9 yrs. old
From: West Valley, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Chicken Cordon Bleu
Favorite Color: Pink & Blue



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Title: I Love My Family

Name, Age: Brandon, 5 yrs. old
From: Sandy, UT, USA
Favorite Food: White cheddar shell noodles
Favorite Color: Green

Title: Watermelon
Name, Age: Ryan, 8 yrs. old
From: West Valley, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Gummy Bears
Favorite Subject: Science


Title: Santa
Name, Age: Logan, 8 yrs. old
From: Kaysville, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Meatballs with sweetsauce
Favorite Color: Blue

Title: Ninja in Training

Name, Age: Levi, 9 yrs. old
From: American Fork, UT, USA
Favorite Animal: Snakes
Favorite Hobby: Sports, Wii, & Basketball

submit your work today! 107

Title: Butterfly
Name, Age: Kiyah, 5 yrs. old
From: West Jordan, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Watermelon
Favorite Hobby: Dancing, drawing & swinging

Title: Pirate Ship

Name, Age: Braxton, 5 yrs. old
From: Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Favorite Food: Chocolate milk
Favorite Activity: Playing outside


For You by You

The Snacktime

Written by Jennifer Decker

RN, BSN, and mom of 3 children under the age of 8

With summer winding down and the kids back in school, parents everywhere are
faced with a classic scenario. The kids come home from school in the mid-afternoon,
ready for their after-school snack. Dinner is too far away and they are hungry now!
Luckily, our kids should be snacking after school. Having a snack 2-3 hours after
breakfast and lunch is the ideal method of eating for our bodies. Eating at regular
intervals keeps blood sugar levels regulated and keeps our bodies safely out of
starvation mode, which would prevent fat-burning. It also essentially increases
metabolism and helps the body retain lean muscle mass, which is very important for
burning calories.

I know it sounds strange that eating more often actually enables us to burn more
calories, but our bodies are much more willing to let go of their fat stores when theyre
reassured that the food wont run out. The fact is that people who eat 5-6 small meals
or snacks each day at regular intervals dont eat any more calories, on average, than
those who eat only three square meals. The longer someone goes without food, the
more prone he/she is to overeating when the mealtimes come. So, those who dont
eat as often actually end up consuming just as many calories (if not more) than their
counterparts, simply by being hungrier at mealtimes.

So, we know we should definitely let our kids eat when they get home from
school, but do we tell them to go ahead and raid the cupboards for gummy bears
and Cheetos? Do we ask them what theyd like to eat and then cater to their cravings?
Well, if your kids are anything like mine, theyll come home from school asking for
chocolate chip cookies and milk--after all, the mom in that commercial they saw
yesterday baked them for her kids. Now were in trouble. How do we convince them
to go for the healthier snack options when theyve already got chocolate chip cookies
on their minds? Frankly, sometimes we wont. Sometimes, we might be in the mood
for cookies too, and thats okay, but before we indulge, we should make sure that the
craving wont be satisfied with something a little healthier.

When our kids ask for something sweet, it would serve them well to tell them that
they can have something sweet, but we want them to drink a glass of water and have
some apple slices or carrots first. Sometimes our bodies confuse thirst or the need
for nutrients with cravings for foods we really dont need. It wont suffice to give our
cookie-craving kids two sips of water and three carrot sticks before baking a batch of
cookies. However, having them drink a whole cup of water and eat an entire cup of
vegetable or fruit (ie. one medium sliced apple, 10 baby carrots, etc.) before offering
the sweets may curb their cravings somewhat. That way, even if they still decide that
they want the cookies, they will most likely eat less than they would have. In the end,
occasionally indulging in the foods we love is much better than constantly depriving

Complete deprivation is rarely beneficial. It almost always leads to an all-out binge
during which more calories are consumed than would have been if wed just eaten


what we wanted in the first place. However, although deprivation isnt recommended,
overeating is never a good idea either. Weve all heard of eating in moderation, and
that is exactly what we should do. Why? Unfortunately, no one is immune to the effects
of calories. If we eat more than we burn, we are going to gain weight. Indulging in just
two cookies every day could actually result in a weight gain of over 2 pounds a month
or 30 pounds in a year! If youre wondering how I arrived at that figure, it comes down
to simple math. Every pound is the equivalent of 3500 calories. The average cookie
of normal size is about 150-200 calories, so if those calories arent burned (through
exercise), they are stored in our expanding fat cells.

Since calories do matter, the best low-calorie snacks are usually fruits and
vegetables. There are so many delectable options from which to choose. Help your
kids learn to love apples, oranges, pears, bananas, nectarines, peaches, grapes,
strawberries, raspberries, and cantaloupe, as well as carrots, broccoli, lettuce,
cucumber, zucchini, celery and tomatoes. Research kid-friendly recipes that will
make them taste good (which is great for the adults too). Other good snack choices
include nuts and seeds, as well as sliced or string cheese, which are great sources of
muscle-sustaining protein. Milk and yogurt
are also healthy options which offer protein
in addition to bone-building calcium.
As a side note, although snacking is a healthy
habit, snacking and grazing are completely
different. Your kids snacks should be
planned, consistent (about 2 -3 hours after
breakfast and lunch) and last only as long as
it takes them to eat it. Then they wait until
the next meal. Ideally, there should be very
little snacking after dinner. If your child is
used to a bedtime snack, give them a very
small treat (the size of about 2-3 bites) or
some warm milk before bed. Too much
food at night inhibits deep sleep in the first
few hours of the night because the body is
forced to focus on digestion first. Eating sugar at bedtime is also counterproductive
since it acts as a stimulant in our bodies. A snack of no more than 50-100 calories at
night is optimal.

So, start small, think healthy, and dont be too hard on yourself (or your kids). It
takes a few months to build a habit, so give it some time and effort. Soon, youll all
benefit from not only healthier snack-times, but also a healthier lifestyle.

Start Eating Healthy...the easy way!

substitute with healthy crackers
include bits of fruit with yogurt
introduce bite-size veggies w/ dip
roasted nuts offer great taste
and are great for protein

Be patient. Start small.

Make changes incrementally
to give you and your kids time
to adjust. The results will be
worth the time and effort!

submit your work today!


Creative Activities
for little ones

Written by S.M. Ford

Mother of 2 girls, Grandmother of 3 Boys and an avid scrapbooker

Want to creatively keep your young children busy? Try these ideas, and not only will
your children be entertained, but theyll have the opportunity to expand their own

Action Songs and Poems:

Sing action songs. The Wheels on the Bus or Head and Shoulders Knees and
Toes have great appeal even to babies, especially when you involve them in the
action. Toddlers quickly learn to imitate the motions you show them. Many ages
enjoy listening to silly songs. If you dont know many songs, discover the variety of
good DVDs, CDs, and CD/tape book combinations at your local library or bookstore.
Many books include ideas for the motions.
Recite action poetry. Rhymed poems are easy
to remember, i.e.Pat-a-cake, and sometimes
even teach a simple lesson: Five Little Monkeys
teaches children not to jump on the bed. If you dont
remember nursery rhymes from your childhood,
childrens books and magazines are a good source.
Dont forget the classic Mother Goose rhymes!

Creative Materials and Art:

Have creative toys available. Blocks that fit together
or stack, connecting beads and rings, and puzzles
give your child the chance to make and build. Toys
where only her imagination is the limit are especially
important and can keep a child occupied by herself.
Let them sew. Start with sewing cards where he can weave thread through holes in
cardboard or wood. Create your own cards with cardboard and a hole-punch. Use
shoelaces or yarn with taped ends for the thread. Fabric scraps, felt, buttons, and yarn
can be glued to make a fun creation, as well. As your children get older, allow real
needles (large size) and thread.
Supply more than the basics of crayons and paper. Coloring books, marker books,
washable markers, sticker books, and paint-with-water books are great starters. Water
paints or finger-paints take more of your supervision time, but all of these materials
can give kids wonderful outlets for creating. Also offer colored or construction paper,
safety scissors, tape, glue sticks, stencils, etc.


Dont forget modeling clay or dough. You can even make it at home. Let those small
hands shape, squish and form. Provide simple tools from your kitchen: cookie cutters,
plastic silverware, rolling pins, molds, and straws. You may even have more unusual
tools such as a garlic press to make strings, or a meat mallet to make patterns. An
egg slicer is fun too. Consider using a plastic table cloth on and under the table to
protect the furniture and floor. Supervise at first to make sure children use the dough

Theatrical Opportunities:
Make a dress-up box or basket. Scout your closet or garage sales for shirts, hats,
dresses, scarves, vests, gloves, purses, bags, and more. Let your child combine these
items to make fun costumes for hours of pretend play.
Make or purchase puppets. Stuffed animals
may get to play roles in your childs productions,
too. The stage can simply be a blanket strung
between two chairs, the back of the couch,
or a large box with an opening cut out. Be
prepared to be the audience.

Read to your children. From board books
to novels, the more you read to them, the
more likely theyll become readers later.
At the library, encourage them to pick out
their own books. Readers can entertain
themselves anywhere, anytime.

Traditional Play Dough!

1 cup flour
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1/4 cup salt

1 cup warm water

1 tsp. oil
food coloring

Mix all ingredients, adding food coloring last. Stir over medium
heat until smooth. Remove from pan and knead until blended
smooth. Place in plastic bag or airtight container when cooled.
Will last for a long time.

submit your work today!





Written by Phillip Chipping

Founder of knowonder! and Father of 3 children under the age of 8

OK, Ill be the first to admit - I am not some high-credentialed, Harvard-educated

professor who can impress you with the importance of his words just by how many letters
come after his name. The only letters that come after my name are DAD, but I figure
those are the most important (second only to MOM). I also figure they give me just
enough real-life experience to qualify me to write down some of my thoughts on a topic
that I feel extremely passionate about: Reading and Literacy.
Did you know that the single-most important thing you can do for your children is to
read to them (and with them) for twenty minutes, every day? Thats a bold statement,
but as Ive been researching the topic, I have found amazing statistics and research that
convince me it is true.
Consider just a few of the benefits, especially
when you start your children at an early age (the
recommendation is to start at birth):
Listening skillls are built; children learn to sit still
and focus; comprehension and understanding of
events (cause and effect relationships) is enhanced;
vocabulary is increased as children discover new
words; a childs ability to guess meanings of new
words grows; children become more confident
because they know they are cared for and loved, and
becuase they can express their thoughts and needs;
imagination and creativity are encouraged and fed;
children are better-enabled to make friends and good
relationships because their communication skills are increased; learning in all subjects
becomes much easier because the brain is literally being wired to learn and take in new
information; and family bonds are strengthened and reinforced, creating an atmosphere
of love, trust and communication in the home (which you will be very grateful for when
your kids are teenagers!).
If you stop to think about it, its pretty obvious that all those things would come as a
result of reading with your children every day. What I failed to realize, though, was the
sum-total of adding all those pieces together. What is that sum-total? A child who is
better-prepared for the world. A child who will excel in almost anything he chooses to
do. A child who will earn more in her profession because she read more when she was
young and still enjoys reading today.
If you want your child to succeed in life, both socially and economically, commit to
giving your children twenty minutes of undivided attention, every day. By reading to your
children every day, you empower them with the tools, skills and confidence to not only
succeed in life, but to enjoy life.
Here are some of the key statistics and findings Ive discovered.


Forty percent of American children enter kindergarten lacking at least some of the
skills needed for a successful learning experience. For too many children, the preschool
years have left them without the language skills necessary for literacy acquisition.
(Reading Across the Nation: A Chartbook, a study published in Nov. 2007)
For every year you read with your child, average lifetime earnings increase by
$50,000. You make a $250,000 gift to your child from birth to age five by reading aloud,
just 20 minutes a day! (
A kindergarten student who has not been read aloud to could enter school with less
than 60 hours of literacy nutrition. No teacher, no matter how talented, can make up for
those lost hours of mental nourishment. ((Source: U.S. Dept. of Education, America
Reads Challenge. (1999) Start Early, Finish Strong: How to Help Every Child Become a
Reader. Washington, D.C.)
We have learned that for 90% to 95% of poor readers, prevention and early
intervention programs...can increase reading skills to average reading levels. We
have also learned that if we delay
intervention until nine years of age,
approximately 75% of the children
will continue to have difficulties
learning to read throughout high
school. (G. Reid Lyon, Director,
National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development)
The effort to teach children to
read should begin at birth, and every available resource should be focused on achieving
this goal, that at least 90% of all children will read at grade level by the time they enter
fourth grade. Right now, in the average school, only about 55% do so.
If we fail to achieve this goal, the cost in later scholastic intervention, in social welfare
costs, in crime and incarceration, and in lost economic production is a thousand times
greater. And that ignores the loss of self-esteem, the loss of happiness, and the loss of
personal potential in the individual lives of literally millions of children. (
Even the President of the United States recently stressed the importance of this issue
when he said, In the end, there is no program or policy that can substitute for a parent
for a mother or father who will [turn off the TV, put away the video games,] read to their
child. I speak to you not just as a President, but as a father, when I say that responsibility
for our childrens education must begin at home. That is not a Democratic issue or a
Republican issue. Thats an American issue. (Speech by President Barack Obama to the
Joint Session of Congress, Feb. 24, 2009.)
I strongly encourage you to learn more by going to, or
simply typing read 20 minutes every day into your favorite search engine. The attention
this issue is receiving from various organizationst - from your local PTA to the national
government - is more than enough to convince me. There is a wealth of knowledge and
are many resources available on the subject.
I admit, I have not read to my children as much as I should have, but thankfully, they
are still young and I have committed to change my behavior and share with them the
wonderful world of words that I love.
I invite you to join the cause, not for the sake of the US economy in some far-off future,
but for your own childs well-being. Do it for your children so they can enjoy life to the
fullest, so the world can be theirs to explore, and so that learning will be a joy and lifelong
pursuit. Then one day, when you see them sitting on the couch with a young child on
their lap with a book in-hand, you will know you taught the lesson well.

For every year you read

with your child, average

lifetime earnings increase
by $50,000.

submit your work today!



Student A reads 20 minutes five nights of every week;
Student B reads only 4 minutes a night...or not at all!
Step 1: Multiply minutes a night x 5 times each week.
Student A reads 20 min. x 5 times a week = 100 mins./week
Student B reads 4 minutes x 5 times a week = 20 minutes
Step 2: Multiply minutes a week x 4 weeks each month.
Student A reads 400 minutes a month.
Student B reads 80 minutes a month.
Step 3: Multiply minutes a month x 9 months/school year
Student A reads 3600 min. in a school year.
Student B reads 720 min. in a school year.
Student A practices reading the equivalent of ten whole school days a year.
Student B gets the equivalent of only two school days of reading practice.
By the end of 6th grade if Student A and Student B maintain
these same reading habits,
Student A will have read the equivalent of 60 whole school days
Student B will have read the equivalent of only 12 school days.
One would expect the gap of information retained will have widened considerably and
so, undoubtedly, will school performance. How do you think Student B will feel about
him/herself as a student?
Some questions to ponder:
Which student would you expect to read better? Which student would you expect to
know more? Which student would you expect to write better? Which student would
you expect to have a better vocabulary? Which student would you expect to be more
successful in school....and in life?


*If daily reading begins in infancy, by the time the child is five years old, he or she has
been fed roughly 900 hours of brain food!
*Reduce that experience to just 30 minutes a week, and the childs hungry mind lose
770 hours of nursery rhymes, fairy tales, and stories.
*A kindergarten student who has not been read aloud to could enter school with less
than 60 hours of literacy nutrition. No teacher, no matter how talented, can make up
for those lost hours of mental nourishment.
*Therefore...30 minutes daily = 900 hours
30 minutes weekly = 130 hours
Less than 30 minutes weekly = 60 hours
Source: U.S. Dept. of Education, America Reads Challenge. (1999) Start Early, Finish
Strong: How to Help Every Child Become a Reader. Washington, D.C.


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and read stories that others have made up using the Story Game collectors cards.






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Here is a list of all the places you can go to pick up your monthly FREE COPY of
knowonder! magazine. If you live outside of Utah, we encourage you to view
our magazine online each month or subscribe to receive a mailed, physical copy.
For a complete list of distributors, visit
Want your store listed here? Email us at



Bingham Library
4834 W 9000 S
W Jordan, UT 84081

5350 S 4220 W
Kearns, UT 84118

4870 S 2700 W
Taylorsville, UT 84118

Calvin S. Smith
810 E 3300 S
SLC, UT 84106

8339 W 3500 S
Magna, UT 84044

West Jordan
1970 W 7800 S
W Jordan, UT 84084

2530 S 500 E
SLC, UT 84106

166 E 5300 S
Murray, UT 84107

West Valley
2880 W 3650 S
W Valley City, UT 84119

1136 E Pioneer Rd
Draper, UT 84020

166 E 5300 S
Murray, UT 84107

2197 E Fort Union Blvd.
SLC, UT 84121

East Milcreek
2266 Evergreen Ave
SLC, UT 84109

12877 S 1830 W
Riverton, UT 84065

8339 W 3500 S
Magna, UT 84044

13198 S 5600 W
Herriman, UT 84096

Ruth Vine Tyler

8041 S Wood Street
Midvale, UT 84047

2150 E Murray Hlldy Rd
Holladay, UT 84117

10100 S Petunia Way
Sandy, UT 84092

4740 W 4100 S
W Valley City, UT 84120

South Jordan
10673 S Redwood Rd
S Jordan, UT 84095

The Timpanogas Storytelling Festival
Pick up your free copy of knowonder! magazine and
listen to some great stories at the same time.
September 3rd - 5th


Barnes & Noble
7119 S 1300 E
Midvale, UT 84047

La Petite
325 W 1550 N
Layton, UT 84041

2262 E Murray Hlldy Rd
Holladay, UT 84117

Dream Dinners
1140 E Brickyard Rd #28
SLC, UT 84106

Pebbles in my Pocket
6185 S Highland Drive
SLC, UT 84121

The Winner School

6120 S 2075 E
SLC, UT 84121

Imagination Places
1155 E 3300 S
SLC, UT 84106

Pebbles in my Pocket
1132 S State St
Orem, UT 84097

The Waterford School

1480 E 9400 S
Sandy, UT 84093

La Petite
6955 S 2300 E
SLC, UT 84121

Pebbles in my Pocket
779 S Bluff St
St George, UT 84770

La Petite
2105 E Alta Canyon Dr
Sandy, UT 84093

7960 S 1300 E
Sandy, UT 84094

La Petite
11347 S 1000 E
Sandy, UT 84094

370 S West Temple
SLC, UT 84101

submit your work today! 127




Production Credits
Founder, Editor in Chief


Phillip J. Chipping

Amie Rose
Colin Kelly

Sophie Bassett

Lynden Troskie
Chris Hedgewick
Nicholaus Chipping
Jennie Dillier

Assistant Editor
Curt Bentley
Nathan S. Nelson

Art Director, Designer

Nick George

Becks Fagg
And, of course, a big
thanks goes out to all
our readers who have
supported knowonder!
magazine by sending
us your own work, or by
reading the magazine
with your children.

Contributing Editor
Shana Galbraith

Contributing Editor
Jessica Mathes

Printed in the US by The Imaging Bureau,

Stock photography & artwork from iStock Photo,
For a complete listing of image credits visit:

13 0

We wont devour your green stuff.

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