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Cebu Torta Cake


10 egg yolks
1 C coco juice
1 C sugar
1 star anise
2 C all-purpose flour
1 tbsp baking powder
tsp salt
C or 1 stick butter @ rm. Temp
C canola oil
1/8 C fresh milk
1 sm. Can (168 ml) sweetened condensed milk

Cooking Instructions:
1. Line molds with paper liners/ wax paper and grease it with butter
lightly and set aside. Separate eggs and whisk egg yolks until
smooth and set aside the egg whites.
2. Preheat oven @ 350F. Boil coco juice and sugar over low heat for
5 min and add in star anise at the last min to infuse in the syrup,
cool. In a bowl, sift over flour, baking powder and salt together
until well mixed and set aside.
3. In a mixing bowl, cream the butter until smooth and pale and
add in the yolk and mix for a minute. Add the oil, coco syrup and
condensed milk while continuously mixing.
4. Add flour mixture and whisk until incorporated but dont over
beat the batter. Pour batter into prepared molds.
5. Bake in preheated oven @350F for 18-25 min or until toothpick
inserted comes out clean
6. Let it cool then brush butter/margarine on top and sprinkle w/
caster or refined sugar on top.

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