Average Profits and Losses: LSPX International Quarter 3

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LSPx International

Quarter 3 <2040>
General Summary of Quarter 3
In this quarter, the efficiency of each had been stable which is around 70~80%. This
stability of offices efficiency helps us manage our subdivisions easier. So its good for our
hairdressing salon to producing profits. Every
Somehow, the offices efficiency has increase to around 80% which make other subdivision
such as hairdressing salon becomes more profitable and also helping research went faster then it
usually was. All of these, makes our company grows faster and help reducing time that needed to
done a research.
For the research, we have done totally 4 researches in light industry for clothing. The
technology that our company knows is level4. But other research that we have done cannot be
sold yet.
Anyhow, in overall process, the company still generated profits well according to the other
subdivisions profits. And we can also see that from the increasing of shares holder value.

Average Profits and Losses

Average Profits and Losses


Average Profits and Losses

Lilly Sarocha Phakhasetthakarn

9 December 2014

LSPx International
Quarter 3 <2040>
Office, Tartu
Clothing Factory, Tartu
Laboratory, Tartu
Weaving mill, Tartu
Hairdressing salon,
Office, Munich
Hairdressing salon,
Hairdressing salon,


Summary of Financial Profits and Losses

Overall, the company has generated benefits well according to the increasing of assets.
Mainly, hairdressing salon has generated everyday-profits. But the disadvantage is the
decreasing of order in clothing factory and weaving mill.
As we have expanded the size of company and higher its quality, its resulting in the
increasing of prime costs, which forces us to increase the selling price. The purchase of order
from others company has lowered too. All of these makes the weaving mill couldnt
produces profit as good as quater2.
The order for clothing factory has decreased too. As a result, the company was in red
for a while since lots of capital had been spent on the laboratory ton do higher technology

The office efficiency in Tartu was back at the same state (around 80%), these action had
influenced service-sector producing more money as more customers are consumed the

Although, we have tried to lower the price of prime cost in weaving mill factory but it
wouldnt change a thing. Its prime cost is still the same. These create a hard time for us
to sell the product at the price where it was higher than the market price. We have to
increase the selling price but it would result in the decline of order that the company
would get.

We have spent lots of money on research too as we tried to improve the quality of
products. The reason for doing research is we want to be an expert at light industry area.
But as we be more specified, the more money we need to spend and researches cannot
be sold out which we think that it might be wasted if we still spending money endlessly
on researches.

Clothing factory had lost the order too. This made the company getting less profits and
Lilly Sarocha Phakhasetthakarn
9 December 2014

LSPx International
Quarter 3 <2040>
spending lots of money on production site.

Share Values

5 March 40

21 May 40




As the can seen, the share values have grown very slow since there is less number of orders
coming to the company. Although the money of company has decreased but the money that
we have spent turns out into the form of assets so the share values didnt went down.

Expenses Structure

S alary

acility R

Energy expenses

M ana ge ment expense s

Ge ne ral p r
o duc tio n
expans es

Product purchase

Loss es

ra ns port cos t

Customs duty

storage expenses

From this pie chart, mostly money had been spent on salary or wages. And we can see that there is not
a lot of expenses in product purchase because we have closed two stores. So there is no product need
to be purchase except for raw material for our company.

Plan for future growth and profit

Try to maintain the
office efficiency

Expand more
hairdressing salon

Think carefully before

makinig any decision

Lilly Sarocha Phakhasetthakarn

9 December 2014

LSPx International
Quarter 3 <2040>

Lilly Sarocha Phakhasetthakarn

9 December 2014

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