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Lesson Plan for Saturday School (2/4/12)

Objective: IWBAT write part of my expository essay, then grade

it myself!

Document Camera / Projector

Power point
Four different color highlighters (per student)
o Yellow
o Blue
o Orange
o Pink
Copies of different essays (4, 3, 2, 1)

Key Points

o An exemplar essay has a hook (the quote), an overview
(the think about this statement), and a thesis
o The thesis has two supporting details
o These two supporting details become the topic sentences
of the two body paragraphs
o Body paragraphs have a topic sentence, a supporting
detail, a commentary, and a repeat and wrap it up
reminding the reader of how the paragraph relates back to
the thesis

o Identify the different parts, and match up the colors!
Blue: Thesis
Yellow: Two supporting details in thesis and matching
topic sentences
Orange: Hook, example/fact/detail
Pink: Overview, commentary, repeat and wrap it up

o We want to understand what separates the essays into
different groups so that we can write our own fantastic
expository essays!

INM (20 minutes)

Do Now
o Go over Do Now
Explain Key Points
Students read prompt
Students read exemplar (4) essay
Doc cam/Modeling
o Instructions: As I highlight, you highlightthe same colors
that I use, you will use. Please pay attention to the screen.
Follow along silently.
o Here is the color code:
Blue: Thesis
Yellow: Two supporting details in thesis and matching
topic sentences
Orange: Hook, example/fact/detail
Pink: Overview, commentary, repeat and wrap it up
o Think out loud: I am going to outline this essay in colors
so that when I write my essay and review it, I can match
the different colors up.
o Match up essay with different colors

Guided Practice: All Write Consensus (35 minutes)

On remaining essays (3, 2,1), students will work in pairs.
High-five your partner.
Student closest to the doorraise your hand. You will be Student A.
Student farthest from the doorraise your hand. You will be Student
In pairs, we will work on highlighting the rest of the essays.
Everybody will take turns speaking.
Student A will go first and read what they think is the thesis (step 1).
Then, Student B will go second and either agree because or
respectfully disagree because
Then, you will flip. Student B will identify step 2, and Student A will
agree because or respectfully disagree because
Please explain to your partner what you will be doing. Partner A will
explain the first step. Partner B will explain the second step. Partner A
will explain the third step, etc.

You are not allowed to highlight your page until you agree. When you
BOTH agree, say excellent working with you! then highlight the
correct sentence.
These are the steps you must take.
1. Identify thesis (if there is one)blue
2. Identify 2 supporting details in thesis (if there are)yellow
3. Match 2 supporting details with two supporting topic sentences
(if it matches, if they exist)yellow
4. Identify the hook, details/examples (if there are)orange
5. Identify the overview, commentary, repeat and wrap it up
Not all essays will have every component. If the essay DOESNT match
any of the criteria above, leave it blank and un-highlighted.
Independent Practice: Exit Slip (32 minutes)
For your exit slip, you will be working silently and independently.
Please work on the last essay prompt.
I strongly suggest that you PLAN your essay by writing a quick outline.
Then, I want you to write your thesis and ONE body paragraph.
When you are done, I want you to grade your own essay using a
If you finish early, write your SECOND body paragraph, then grade your
own essay, using a highlighter.
If you are done writing and grading your entire essay, you can show it
to Ms. Wai.
If you finish early, check your tracker and go to the Mastery Machine!
Closing: Timed Pair Share (3 minutes)
Okay scholars, it has been an excellent Saturday school!
Now, please high five your partner again.

Partner B, you will get to go first. For the next minute, I want you to
share with your partner everything you learned. When the timer goes
off, I want you to say, Thank you so much for helping me learn
today! then your partner will take his or her turn and share everything
that they learned.
Scholars, if your partner gets stuck, I want you to ask them leading
questions: Tell me more about or What specifically did you learn
about for example.

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