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Reading Response Log Name Carolina Duarte Pages 137 19275 _ Book Title Unbroken Page # - Quotes Related to Gladwell- Explanation > pg 184" It remains a mystery why these three young men, veterans of thye same training and the same crash, dfered so radically in their perceptions of their pight. Maybe therr cifference was biological, some men may be wired for optimisim, others for doubt. the culture of honor was how they stayed alive whether i be "biological or mental’ > pg 155: Louie and Phil's optimism, and Mac's hopelessness, were becoming self- fulfilling Gladwell's idea of legacy kind of interpreted by the'r situation because they were meant to de > pg 228: Finally. opportunity knocked. Camp officials asked for 2 volunteer to work ‘as barber for the guards, offering payment of one rice ball per job. Gladwell's idea of opportunity because Lovie took whatever steps necessary 0 servive > pg 235: The men were told they were going to a POW camp called Omori, just outside of Tokyo Glawell's idea of opportunity was presented to Louie and some other POW to get ‘out of the camp. Questions: > Why didn't Louie ever fight back against The Bird? Would it have been better if the had fought back? > What choices would you have made being in Louie's place? would you have stolen and done otherr things Louie had done? > Is what Louie did justfiable? Under his circumstances is it just to say that what he did was solely for survival? Points of interest- changing point, learning point or growing point > Changing-pg 180. a frieghter was comong to transport them to another atoll. The ame he gave sent a tremor through Louie: Kwajalein. it vas the piace known as ‘execution isiand, (this is where Laule shifted from one problem to an even more worse problem > Learning-pg 168: Mac had reclaimed himself after having devoured all the food Mac sniapped bk in a moment of near death to regain the trust of him cast-aways > Growing pg 188: He knew he might get killed for it, but under the unceasing degredation, something was happening to him. His wil to Ive, resilient through all the trials on the raft, was beginning to fray. Louie was giving up but its its the complete opposite of what would really happen

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