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Rebecca White

A2 media
Hello my name is Rebecca White and Im an A2 media student at Christ the king. In this
presentation I will be comparing two horror films and another of my choice to show and talk about the
different genre conventions used. My First horror film is Deliver us from evil (show picture of the
poster) the second horror film I will be using is Oculus (show picture of the poster) and finally my
comparison film I will be using is Kick ass (show picture of poster).
Deliver us from evil was released in 2014, July the 2nd and the director of this film is Scott
Derrikson. The main star in this film is the federal agent who is played by Eric Bana. Oculus was
released a couple of months earlier than Deliver us from evil. It was release on the 11th of April 2014.
The director of this film is Mike Flanagan and the two main stars are Karen Gillian and Brenton
Thwaites who play the brother and sister.
The main codes and conventions of the two horror film trailers are low lighting, dark music and
the specific camera angles. However the codes and conventions for kick ass if different as they are
different genres. Kick ass has more colour and more 180 degree camera shots than horror films as in
horror film the protagonist is shot at a low angle making them seem more vulnerable. (Show picture
from oculus)
The first shots I see in all of my trailers is the audience certification (show picture of it) this is
done because the film has to be classified to a rating so that when it is released into cinemas they
know who can watch it and who cant due to how graphic the scenes are. Moreover they have this
before the trailer so you know it has been rated and gone through the BBFC and that parents know
whether the child is too young to watch the trailer or not. The second scene shown in all the trailers is
the studio production company logo. (Show picture of it). This is here to promote the film more as you
know it is produced by a major well known studio company then it should be good.
Deliver us from evils genre is a hybrid of thriller and horror as it is based on a true story and has
some bloody graphic scenes so it still has the conventions of a horror film. The setting is a dark
isolated area, it is also raining at the beginning of the trailer to highlight the characters emotions. The
music represents that something bad will happen as it starts off quiet and then builds up to create
tension. In Deliver us from evil the main character Ralph has jean and a top on with some scars and
blood where he has been fighting. However his clothes are clean compare to the women who is
possessed. She is wearing a dirty dress to show she doesnt take care of herself and how she is
possessed and doesnt have control over herself. In the trailer there is a scene where her nails are all
bitten. (show picture). The typography in the trailer is faded out and dark which creates a dark setting
and tone to the trailer. In this horror film is has scenes of a happy family, this is done to show how it
can go from being happy families to suddenly being in danger. (show picture)
Oculus is a horror film so the genre conventions to Deliver us from evil is very similar as oculus
has a dark tone throughout, however there are scenes from the day which shows that the film isnt
completely scary. The brother and sister are wearing normal clothes similar to the main character
Ralph in Deliver us from evil. (show picture) Again like in Deliver us from evil there mum has a dirty
dress on that looks like a white night gown. In most horror and thriller films most of the women wear
white long night gowns that are dirty this is to represent that there purity is gone and they are taken
over by the devil and have no control over themselves. This is a stereotype that women are more
weak and vunberable to men. (show picture)The typography is a similar font as Deliver us from evil
as in Oculus it is thin black and faded out. This creates a dark tone throughout the trailer as well. You
can see that as both Deliver us from evil and Oculus are horrors they both follow the horror
conventions and have similar characteristics. (show picture)
Kick ass is an action film so it follows a different genre convention. In this trailer the mood is still
dark but only as it shows the super heroes consequences for their actions to. It also has a mysterious
side but is has comedy throughout the trailer and it shows a romance side to it too. It follows the
action conventions as it is filled with drama and fighting, (show clip), this is completely different to the
two horror films. The costumes are different as they wear normal clothes throughout the trailer except
the super heroes as they have their own costumes that they made (show picture). The typography is

Rebecca White
A2 media
completely different to the two horror trailers as in Kick ass the typography is big bold and colourful
which highlights the fun action packed theme of the film. (Show picture). As this is an action film, the
trailer includes some special effects when they are fighting as the blood is not real. The music is more
upbeat than horror trailer music.
In all three of the trailers I have picked, all the font and typography represents the title of the film.
As in Kick ass the title is big and bold and colourful which represents the title as it is a funny quirky
title and the film is fun. In the two horror trailers the font is thin and black and faded which represents
the title as it is scary and has mystery so the dark tone links with the title. In both horror trailers the
title is superimposed over a black screen (show picture) this creates tension and to leave the viewer
wanting more.
However in Kick ass the title is superimposed over kick ass costume (show picture) this is done to
make it more interesting and eye catching so you remember it. In each of the trailers the title is at the
end. This is to keep the viewer watching and to make the more intrigued about the film. Moreover you
also remember the films title as its at the end of the title so its stuck in your head longer.
The stars in each of these trailers are not mentioned but using the camera angles and camera
techniques, the main star can be highlighted. In Deliver us from evil the federal agent is in the first
scene and there is a close up of his face (show picture) moreover there is a voice over at the
beginning of the main character (Eric Bana), talking to the other main character. This is done to show
that they are still superior and important characters even when they are not on the screen.
In oculus the brother and sister have a twin close up which shows they are both important
characters in the film. Throughout the trailer the sister (Karen Gillian), has a scene on her own when
she looks into the mirror (show picture) this shows how superior she is to the other characters as she
is in nearly every scene during the trailer.
Kick ass uses voice overs, graphics and camera angles to show who the main character is. Aaron
Johnson who plays Dave (show picture) is shown in the first the scene at a mid-camera angle. This
is so that you can see who the main character is however he hasnt got a lot of power compared to
other characters, you can see this by his body language in the mid shot. The voice over is of him
speaking to the audience which shows his authority as hes talking to us and telling us a story.
The main significant moment in Deliver us from evil is when it tells you how the film is inspired by
true events and then it shows you the scene where we first meet the man thats possessed but at that
time we dont know that he is possessed (show picture). Moreover another important part in the trailer
is the scene where there looking at footage and he sees a man and hears noises when no one else
does as it starts to reveal that he has a special kind of power towards primary evil. (show clip) I think
they are chosen as it hooks the viewer in as it gives you teasers of the film and makes you think
about who that person is and why they are so important. In these two main significant moments to
two main characters are the federal agent and the man who is the demon as the federal agent Ralph
has a scene where it shows you more about him and how he can sense the bad around him.
Significant dialogue used in this trailer is when the federal agent Ralph shouts Who are you? to the
possessed man and he ignores him. This is significant as you start to question who he is, it also
creates mystery. The trailer goes in linear order with some exceptions. This is done as if it was in
linear order you would know what mostly happens therefore you wouldnt want to see the film
whereas if it is mixed up a bit and confusing and jumps scenes then you wont understand as much.
In Oculus, the main significant moment is when the sister goes up to the mirror and reveals it
and stares at it and says Hello old friend (show picture) this is significant as you know something
bad has already happen and something bad will happen again. Furthermore the mirror makes her see
things, and plays tricks on her so this is significant as its where is all starts. The only character in this
scene is the sister and she is the main character, I think this is done as she knows what the mirror is
capable of. The trailer goes in linear order of the film, this is done so you get a sense of the progress
of the characters and their story and journey from the start of the film to the end.
The most significant moment in Kick ass is when Dave first puts on the costume and gets into a
fight as he is trying to save someone from being killed. As he won the fight someone comes up to him
and asks who he is and he replies Kick Ass (show picture) and walks away then after the clip of him

Rebecca White
A2 media
fighting is on the internet. I think this in significant as this is how it all started and how he started to
help save people but at the same time he gets in trouble at the end as his dad dies. The main
character in this scene in Dave (Kick Ass). The significant dialogue in the scene is when he says Kick
Ass as it leaves mystery and you want to know why he chose that name (show picture). The trailer
doesnt go in linear order, this is done so you dont predict how the film will go as you only scenes
from the film in a messed up order in the trailer.
In Deliver us from evil the enigma is used to ensure that the audience dont figure out what
happens in the end as they leave a lot of unanswered questions in the trailer, one being that at the
beginning of the trailer you dont understand why he is running, (show clip/picture), this creates
enigma as you dont find this out through the trailer, so therefore it creates an unanswered question.
Moreover you have to watch the film to know who the man is and why they are trying to get him, even
though you could guess that he is being possessed. The main part of the plot that is left unanswered
is why it is happening to that man and his family. (show picture). From watching this film I know why it
happens to them so therefore i had to watch the film for the unanswered plot to make sense. In the
trailer you have guess what is infecting the whole country as during the trailer it mentions how it is
infecting everyone and how it spreads to many.
The enigma in Oculus is used as the unanswered question is what the mirror has done at the
beginning and why its done it. (show picture). In the trailer you dont get told this so you have to watch
the whole film to understand. Moreover you dont know why the brother is in a mental home, this is
makes you question why hes mental and what he has done to get there (show picture). The main
part of the narrative and plot that is unanswered is what their promise was and what theyre going to
kill this is the main element that you have to guess.
In kick ass trailer the unanswered question is why one of the superheroes is killing these people.
(show picture). During the trailer you dont get told this information as it is left a mystery. This is done
to make you go and watch the film so that you understand why he is doing it. Moreover in the trailer
you dont get told why he decides to become a superhero and what he is fighting for. This
unanswered question leads you to watch the film so that you understand why he does it. The main
part of the plot that is unanswered is why he is decides to fight against these people, this is the
element that you have to guess and make up for your own.
In all of these trailers, accolades and reviews are used to boost the image of the film and to
promote it more. All of the films have accolades and reviews near the end of the film (show picture).
There is no voice over just music while It is on your screen. This affect it has on me as an audience is
that it makes you think about how good the film must be and who the director is. Moreover the
accolades are from the directors as they are award winning directors who have directed each of these
films. The reviews of the film come from different newspapers such as the daily mail, the sun etc.
(show picture).
The editing for Deliver us from evil creates suspense as it is used to keep the audience drawn in.
The editing does this as there is a lot of black screen transitions. In this trailer the main camera
angles used are high angles to show the authority the supernatural have over them. (show picture)
Close up angles are used to show each characters emotions while they are going through this hard
time as at the beginning it shows a happy family whose emotions are smiling however towards the
end their emotions change as they are in danger. The main movement used is the dolly movement,
this is were the person walks towards the camera, this movement is used to show how that character
has authority as it is walking towards you, it also creates suspense as the person is walking towards
you in the dark. (show picture). The key characters are highlighted as they are being followed by the
camera. The angle of the camera also highlights the key character as they are more superior than
others so they used a high angle. (show picture). The suspense is mixed in with the credits on the
screen as they have a dull background and not very creative text with scary music over the top. (show
picture) The trailer mostly uses low key lighting as it is always dark, this is done to create suspense,
tension and to make the audience scared as if something bad will happen. Dull colours such as black
grey red and white are mainly used to create the horror/thriller genre.

Rebecca White
A2 media
In Oculus the editing is used to create suspense. The editing is done as it only uses short second
scary moments from the film to fill the trailer with suspense and horror. The camera angles used in
the trailer is mid shot which shows the situation that the daughter is in (show picture of dad strangling
her) but also both of their emotions. You can see that the dad has no real emotion on his face which
shows that he is not in control of his own body. Long shots are also used in the trailer (mum looking in
the mirror) as it shows how the mirror is possessing their mum and how she is reacting to it. It also
shows you her clothes which is a long dirty cream coloured dress which follows the codes and
conventions of the horror genre. High angles are used when the sister is looking down at her brother
when he was younger (show picture) this shows how she is more superior than him and how she is
has always looked after him since they were young. The trailer shows a lot of different camera
movements, this is done to show how you dont know whats around you. The key characters In this
film are highlighted by the lighting as they are in a darker room to show that they are a scared
character ( show picture of brother in dark room) and the sister is in a brighter room to show her
confidence (show picture). The suspense is mixed with the credits in a similar way as they are in
Deliver us from evil. (show picture).
Kick ass uses different editing to create action, this is done as they scenes that they have put
together to make the trailer are all fighting scenes with guns and knives which shows the action. The
camera angles used are mid shots which the fighting scene so you know its action and you can see
the situation and fight take part. (show picture). Closes up are used to see the emotions and the cuts
that the main character Dave got. (show picture). At the end a long shot is used to show the situation
and how much damage this fight and rival has caused. (show picture). The camera movements used
are mainly dolly track and all around because it shows the situation and shows you who has more
superior. The key character is highlighted by the camera angles as he has a lot of closes up to show
his emotions and how he is always un-noticed. Moreover In the trailer there is scenes of him on his
own in his room in his costumes this highlights the key character as he is the main focus and
attention in that scene (show picture). The action is mixed in differently with the credits as there are
bright bold colours and loud music. This makes you think that there is a good run ending. The main
colours are red green yellow blue and purple. This shows how it is a bold action rom-com film. (show
In deliver us from evil, The non-diegetic sound is used to create tension and to engage the
audience to carry on watching it. The non-diegetic sound is of horror music playing quietly in the
background and when something is going to happen the music changes to a dark louder tone to
make the audience jump of their seats. During the trailer a clock goes off this is very stereotypical as
in most horror films the clock goes off to scare the audience and to create tension. In the scene when
the little girl is in bed she can hear scratching noises this is done to create a mystery as of where it is
coming from. This follows the code and conventions of a horror film. The diegetic sound in the trailer
is used to show some of the storyline as at the beginning it shows when the daughter is saying good
night to her dad and talking to him about her football results showing a happy family. When the mum
says be safe tonight this when it all starts to go bad and you hear a voiceover of the man saying
your family is in danger. This portrays how things can go from good to bad. Sound bridges and
contrapuntal are used throughout the trailer, as it creates a more scary mystery theme to it.
Voiceovers are used in the trailer at the beginning when the man asks him about his family, as soon
as the word family is said and quick scene of the agents family is shown. This is done to create
suspense as you are left wondering what will happening to the family as it foreshadows something
bad. The voiceovers are done by the two main characters speaking, this has a certain impact as it
makes you have a stronger link towards the characters and you believe it more as it is coming from
them. During the trailer the word evil and family is repeated this is done to engage the audience to
make them ask questions such as why? or what will happen? (show picture of quote)This engages
the audience as you are on your edge of your seat trying to find out what will happen to his family and
what evil is possessing the man. In the script the words mummy are also repeated this is show the
little girls fear and to make you have emotions towards her and to feel sorry for what shes going
through. At the beginning of the trailer the man talks to the agent about evil and what types there are

Rebecca White
A2 media
this engages the audience as it gives them information into what the film will be about. The taglines
used during the trailer are ones to give you a sense of what the film will be about. The main taglines
that stood out to me where As evil affects the city and it will consume you. These taglines stood
out to me as it highlights that evil can be passed around like a disease and thats what it is being
compared to. In the film you see that this specific type of evil can be passed around easily like an
illness. The music in this trailer is slow and quiet at the beginning but when something bad is going to
happen it speeds up and goes faster and gets louder to make that part of the scene more scary and

In oculus trailer there is more diegetic sound that is important. I picked only a couple of
quotes from the trailer, to keep our promise and kill it promise me you will never forget
what actually happen he should be discharged these quotes to me where important
however all the diegetic sound in this trailer are important. The diegetic sound about the
brother and sister keeping their promise is a mystery as we dont know what they are trying
to kill. This engages the audience as we want to find out their promise so we keep watching
the trailer to find out. However I picked to that have more meaning which are Tim Tim snap
out of it during the scene it cuts and shows you the girl when shes older saying it to her
brother and then to when she was little, this shows how she is always looking after him and
being strong for him. The other quote is when the mirror is whispering to the dad to make him
saying Ive seen the devil, he is me this engages the audience as you know that the dad is
being possessed and has no control over his body or his mind and you later on find out
during the trailer that its the mirror who is possessing him. The music is a mix between
sciencefic and horror as its scary but links to the mood of her filming the whole thing for as
sciencefic reason. The music gets louder when the tagline appears, this is done to make you
pay more attention to the taglines as they link to what the story is about. The only voiceover
is when the brother (Tim) says we made up them sick stories to hide the fact that our father
was a sick man who killed our..mum the scene cuts to the sister when she was younger
saying mum at the end of the sentence. The voiceover shows the dad looking like a demon
to show how he was a sick man who killed their mum. This leaves an impact as you feel
sorry for what they had to go through. The non-diegetic sound was whispering in one scene
to show that they were not alone and that they were joined by another presence who had
control over their dad. The music during the trailer was at a steady pace and got louder when
the taglines came on.
Kick ass trailer, the voiceover at the beginning (show picture of him with the mask on) the
main character Dave talks about why no one has ever tried to become a superhero and why
its impossible not to try and how its not impossible to put a mask on and fight. While Dave
is saying this you see him wearing a superhero costume and putting a mask on trying to fight.
This engages the audience as you see him trying to do the impossible and become a
superhero without any powers. However during most of the trailer Dave talks about him and
superheroes over the scenes being played which show superheroes and him at school being
invisible. This engages the audience as most teenagers can link to feeling left out and can
feel sorry for him. The most important diegetic sound is when he introduces his name as
kick ass because this is where all starts is for him. The other main diegetic sound that is
important is when the news presenter says hes inspired a wave of superheroes this shows
how people follow crowds to feel like they fit in. The music played during the film is action
based, the song is a recognisable song so most people will feel like the song and will feel like
they will like the movie. When the other superhero big-daddy does his voice over he says
tool up hunny its time to get bad guys as he says this theres an image of his daughter
looking cute and then her fighting. It shows a contrast and how people can be someone else

Rebecca White
A2 media
when there not with you. The song at the end when they are all fighting is an upbeat song
and the lyrics are what you gonna do when they come for you this song links well with the
scene that is over the top and the storyline. The taglines in during the trailer are super and
can suck it this shows how even though you could be saving people your no different from
everyone else. The music throughout the trailer is very upbeat and fast.
So I conclude that horror films have the same codes and conventions that they follow as both of
my horror films have a similar theme which is the supernatural and the possessed. They also have
similar features in both their trailers such as the music and the scenes where they are in a dark
setting. Moreover to conclude that my comparison film Kick Ass also has no similar features as it has
a more upbeat feeling which bolder colours.

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