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Summary of updates done

Initial draft created

Last Updated by
Sanjay Dakpade

Date updated on

Revision Type

Key Checks

Order of checks

Placement Specific :
-First check Placement is VOD/Non VOD
[OB->Basic->Content Taretting or (+) in
name or VOD in name.]
--If VOD -> Perform VOD checks
----Non VOD -> Mark as NA-----

1.VOD placement name

2.VOD pacing field
3.VOD Override repeat mode

Placement Specific :
Check whether the Placement Contains
VCE in the name or it is VOD having OCR
in the name.
------If not mark as NA--------

Check Over Delivery.

Placement Specific :

1.Billboards & companions

Excluded from invoice.
2.Geo Targetting

Creative Specific :

1.HULU Duration
2.Content Type

Post activation

Creative Specific :

Metric Field

Creative Specific :

Asset check

Post launch daily

Post launch biweekly

VOD Duration

IO Specific

3ps impressions check

Placement Specific

1. Placement Level variance

10% 2. Billing vendor check
Campaign Dashboard

Creative Specific

Post launch Sponsorship Precheck

Post launch sponsorship

POP report

variance 8%
2. Blank or
Placeholder check for all
creatives names 3. Check if
all the creatives are present
in the creative report
creatives are getting views
for atleast one of the last
three days.



OrderB-> BASIC
1)Click on the placement
name->Canoe STB VOD box
should be checked.
2)Click on Delivery
->Pacing should be Smooth
3)Should be "Use Network

should be greater than 10%

1) Click on Gray button on
left side.
Billboards & companions
should be in RED.
Other should be in Black.
OB-> Targetting
2) If LFV -> All countries/ U.S
for All Imps Sponsership ->
U.S only
for DMA, ROS and targeted
placements ->
if nem contains states name
then same should be there.
P2+ -> Custom should be
If does not match above
conditions mark as NA.
OB-> Advanced
3) Exclusivity should not be
4) Industry should not be

1)=< 60s
2)HULU VAST :external/ hulu-vast
HULU :external hulu pre-processed

Should not be "not set"

Budget -> "Demographic

Impression Target"

3)Exclusivity None :Budget ->All Impression

4)Industry Blank :All Impression Sponsership &
LF PREROLL is present.

1)Placement name includes

the legend CWA or the

i)Invoice Design :
Bill of Whose :-internal no.

Bug Type

IF IO bill type is "1ps" it is

marked as NA, If IO bill type
contains "Donot Bill", we
simply approve this point and
if billing vendor is Nielsen
It is checked in Campaign OCR, then we simply donot
Not recording 3ps impressions
report it as bug. If the
placement is first party billed
then we donot report it as
bug where as if the
placement is 3rd party billed
then we report it as bug

Both Campaign
and freewheel

1. There is no exception for

placement level variance 2.
New exception has been
added that if the billing
vendor Nielsen OCR in either
freewheel or campaign
dashboard then we do not
report this as a bug and if the
placement is first party billed
or it is not 3rd party billed we
donot check the billing
vendor in the campaign
dashboard. We will have to
check the Bill of whose in

1. Haigh variance on one

platform 2. Billing vendor data
doesnot match if billing vendor
is blank on any one of the
freewheel and campaign
dashboard and billing vendor
data not found if billing vendor
data is blank on both the

Both Campaign
and freewheel

1. For inter platform variance,

there are two exceptions: a)
billing vendor is "Dart" b) IO
Bill Type is "1ps". We dont
report it as bug. 2. Exclude
1. More than 8% variance
Surveys, Test, Billboards, LIVE between platform & placement
Midroll and Companions from
dashboard this check. For check 3) and
2. Active placement has blank
4) There are 4 exceptions to or placeholder in name. For
the views check: a) Dark
Point 3 and 4, bug type "Active
Period b) Budget target
Creative not recording views
check c) Inactive/Active
for the last 3 or more days"
check d)Method Flighting
check and x. Test, surveys
and (DO NOT show in report)
placements are out of scope

Tips & Tricks

It is better and convinient to

start off with campaign
dashboard checks. And
Billboards, Companioins,
Leaderboard and Rectangles
are out of scope for all the

It is convinient to keep the

creative report ready first hand

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