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Autumn Stevens

2 February 2015

Germany: Markische Allegmeine

Initiative against wind turbines in the forest
A petition in Brandenburg, Germany is being circulated around the town to fight for distance
regulations of wind turbines in relation to residential areas. Residents claim the turbines are
disturbing. As of August, there are 20,000 signatures on the petition that has recently become
the second initiative.
I have not heard of this story in the U.S. seeing as how it is an initiative of the local residents of
Brandenburg that have begun circulating the petition around the nation.
There are 3,319 wind turbines
in Brandenburg, Germany placed by
the German Wind Energy Association.
This is the second petition for
the same cause--the first was in 2009.
Over 20,000 signatures have
supported the cause so far.
130 representatives of 79
citizen initiatives have brought the
issue to concern.

This article is a bit odd for my taste; I find the
complaints of the residents stupid. I
understand that the turbines are annoying, but
to go to this length to do something about it is
ridiculous. If the turbines were a safety issue,
this would be a whole nother matter. This is a
local newspaper from Germany and has
slightly impacted my view of the suburban
German folk...

Ireland: Limerick Leader

Restorative justice helping crime victims in Limerick
The Le Cheile program in Limerick, Ireland is dedicated to encouraging secure interaction
between child crime victims and their adolescent offenders. It is said that the face-to-face
meetings have sparked empathy, given the opportunity of second chances, and improved family
I have not heard of this story in the U.S. seeing as how the program has taken place in Limerick,
Ireland for five years. The article mostly mentions the Irish court system and citizens from the
area involved in the program. However, I could see the program methods mentioned being
adopted into the U.S.
The project has been running
in Limerick for five years
Deals with young offenders
Uses a range of restorative
justice models including face-to-face
meetings, and victim empathy

The program mentioned in the article sounds
very impacting and effective. I have some
envy of the Irish in this matter because of
their interesting approach they took to such a
touchysubject. There seem to be some holes
in the program that could lead to questionable
circumstances, but the effort of the Le Cheile
program is very inspiring and admirable.

Autumn Stevens
2 February 2015

Ecuador: Vistazo
Thousands run in Spain for education in Ecuador
Thousands of European individuals ran races held in Madrid, Seville, Mlaga, Cdiz, Len,
Valladolid and Santander to raise awareness of education around the world. One specific race in
Madrid raised $162,000 for the training of almost 800 people in Ecuador. The article says that
the aim is to raise awareness of the importance of all people to have an education and a decent
future (Vistazo).
I have not heard of this story in the U.S. seeing as how it takes place in Europe and benefits
individuals in Ecuador. I would LOVE to see a motive like this appear in the United States.
Race in Madrid raised
$162,000 for the training of almost
800 people in Ecuador
Races held in Madrid, Seville,
Mlaga, Cdiz, Len, Valladolid and
Organized by the NGO
Races for all ages (to benefit
and run) being held

A truly inspiring story. Both my faith in
humanity and my respect for the Spanish has
grown. The reassurance that not all in the
world is bad is comforting and inspiring. I
think that the lengths and support that this
movement has gained is wonderful!

Nova Scotia: The Digby County Courier

Track highway plows online
Nova Scotians now have the ability to track their local snow-plowers. This article mentions
resources to do so and explains the motives of the resources. Since plowing has become a
priority in the area, this helpful option has been greatly appreciated by the locals.
I have not heard of this story in the U.S. seeing as how it concerns the residents of Nova Scotia.
The weather of Nova Scotia was an influential factor in the initiative of this idea and thus
doesnt concern the U.S.
The goal is to provide another
road condition tool to help Nova
Scotians anticipate when it's safe to
travel. -Transportation and
Infrastructure Renewal Minister Geoff
MacLellan (Courier).
The plow tracker site is a live
snowplow activity map that uses
moving plow symbols to show where

I think this is a wonderful use of technology
considering the local climate concerns. The
Canadians really utilize their resources well..
Honestly, this article brings be closer to the
realization that the U.S. is not the fastest
technologically advancing country.

Autumn Stevens
2 February 2015
trucks are working on Nova Scotia
roads in real time (Courier).

Liberia: New Democrat Newspaper

Over 2,000 orphans identified
During the regular Ebola press briefing at the Ministry of Information, Andrew G. Tehmeh,
Deputy Minister for Administration, Ministry of Gender and Social Welfare, declared that the
government of Liberia has discovered the identities of over 2,000 orphans who lost their parents
from Ebola. The government is looking for homes for the children and funding from grants and
other supports.
I have not heard of this specific story in the U.S. seeing as how it concerns people of Liberia.
However, I have been exposed to the broader news of the Ebola outbreak in Africa.
Institutionalizing the process of
rehabilitation would be the last resort;
something he said is still far from the
initial plan (New Democrat).
2,081 orphans have been
found, even though the data is
changing rapidly.
The government will be giving
grants and other support options to the
families hosting the orphans.

Take place locally
Most concern local issue and
plan to initiate change
Involve peoples concerns and
opinions; not stories about animals or

My heart aches for the victims of this crisis-especially the children. I am happy that the
Liberian government is attempting to help
their people and address their local issues. I
do wish that the U.S. would devote some
effort in assisting the Liberians, too.

Approach to change issue
Feeling/opinion triggered
Motives/Reasoning based on
regional characteristics

Works Cited
Kamara, Varney M. "Over 2000 Orphans Identified." New Democrat Newspaper. Annex
Technologies, 6 Dec. 2014. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.
"Miles Corren En Espaa Por La Educacin En Ecuador." Miles Corren En Espaa Por La
Educacin En Ecuador. Vistazo, 1 Feb. 2015. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

Autumn Stevens
2 February 2015
"Mindestabstand Zu Wohnhusern Soll Wachsen Initiative Gegen Windrder Im Wald."
Mrkische Allgemeine Zeitung. N.p., 1 Feb. 2015. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.
Sheridan, Anne. "Restorative Justice Helping Crime Victims in Limerick."Limerick Leader.
Press Council of Ireland, 1 Feb. 2015. Web. 01 Feb. 2015.
"Track Highway Plows Online." Digby County Courier. TC Media, 2 Feb. 2015. Web. 02 Feb.

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