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TOREX’ ROTARY VALVES ZELLENRADSCHLEUSEN DISTRIBUTEURS ALVEOLAIRES ROTOVALVOLE SEP wawcrour ROTARY VALVES RV SERIES ZELLENRADSCHLEUSEN SERIE RV DISTRIBUTEURS ALVEOLAIRES SERIE RV ROTOVALVOLE SERIE RV FY Rotary Vawos havo boon dest O16 Zollonradsohiousen dor Sore Los dstrbutours alolaites AV, Le rofovalvte AV, conoepio secon ‘gned for univoreal use. They are AV eignen sich sum Austrag und sur congue peur doe applications divers. do un crftand ci massima Univers ‘doally sutod to corto! davery or © Dosievung verschiedenarigster 6, sontiddaux pourlo vanspon oes Ita applcatva, sano att afaimen- Gischarge of ponder or granular staubformigar Schuitiguter und pu ruenls dopus, sibs, temies, _tazione od allo scarce contralto ‘materials trom "sis, noppers, Granule, zum Eineau unter Sos, Ines dans transport pneuma- —prodotl in poWvere o grand’ da Dproumatic conveying syatoms, bag Trichtern, _Entstaubungstitarn, tque, tk Wes, cyciones. Silos, amogge, implant por raspor ‘tors and conttugal separators. Zyklonen oder in Vorbnidung mit D'uno conetructon febusie ot com- fo pnoumatco, in a marieno, cco- “Thoir stong_and compact design preumatischen Fordorsystemen._pacte is pomoton, gtdco & Tour ni ‘makes ita simple matter to access Neben den nanezu universolen conception originale, un accbs facile Dota costuzione robusta e com the intemal working paris Einsatzmaginketen bett cio kom aux patios macanus, ‘pata permatton, grazie alla ofa) Dileront types are avalablo accor. pakto und auBerst robuste | sont alspeniles en diferentes ale concezione cosiutva, un fac- ding to the required fow rates. ‘KonstruktionIeichton Zugang zu cfindséos. Je accesso ale parti meccaniche ‘alien meananisenon Komeonanton frvore. ‘Modelle mit entsprechend unter ‘Sono cisponbi in quatro tin tn ‘Schiodichen Durensatzotstungon _2on0 doa dversa cincrata Sd teferbar TITRES PER REVOLUTION LUTE PRO UMDREHUNG LUTRESTOUR GRO AVN) sg a) ZELLENRADSCHLEUSEN OHNE ANTRIEB DISTRIBUTEURS ALVEOLAIRES ARBRE NU VALVOLE AD ALBERO NUDO wee | a | alec | o eo|uis| « [iw 265 | 220 | 387 | 163 aen7| em | 10 |i0xaxa0| a7 20 | 200 | 205 | 200 375 | 360 | 250 | 263, 440 | 455 | 275 | 200 senr| em | 13 |s0xexs0| 52 sen7| em | 13 | 10xaxa0| 97 glalsls}m sen7| em | 15 |i0xex40| 155 Dimensions nm RSW Oa) ZELLENRASCHLEUSEN MIT ANTRIEB DISTRIBUTEURS ALVEOLAIRES AVEC MOTORISATION ele a eh cela Peeve a MOTEURELECTRIQUE) ROTOR“ ROTORE prey THRE Yo cm oe ty |S | onktiee | oe A, | cee See ee ae [| ae S| oo 25] 220] 67] 0 [38] 00|z7—] 05 | var | no] 30 | se 2os| z0| t27| 10 [oas|sao|zre| os | ‘sso | iss | oo | 58 s20| 200] 200) 19 {as |0|a00] 078 | varo | ts0 | oo | 79 S20|00|208| 13 [508 o40|s05| 05° | ‘ao0 | tes _| 2 | 73 75] 360} 23| 13 [02] ars|3r2] 1a | vero | 200] a0] S573|s60|239| 13 |400| 37 |sr2| ore | ‘ovo | 260 | 20 | 129 10] 465275 | 18 [460] 400|<20] 18 | vato | soo] 0 | 161 ‘2a| as |are| 13 [400/00 |az0| 13 | ‘avo | seo | 20 | tot yg ade aa Sag Ps TWN) role 0) Ledge VPA) Aha =) DISTRIBUTEURS ALVEOLAIRES A COUPLE ELEVE VALVOLE MOTORIZZATE CON PRECOPPIA O° ee ig 265 | | ver | 10 [ote | wee [a7 [oar | 400 | 100 | 10 | 7a ‘20 | 200205 | 13 [915] a26| 267] os7_| 1400 | 10 | 10 | a ‘75/360 |2a0| 19 [990 | oe” [as] as | 1400 | aco [10 | uo) a0 455 [275 | 15 [aro] aol a72| ars | vao0 | «00 | 10 | 195) PONG ceases eal ZELLENRADSCHLEUSEN MIT REGELANTRIEB PMA cy arse mG oe 7 OL Cte VALVOLE MOTORIZZATE CON MOTOVARIATORE ELECTS NOTOR Iucteunetcernaue| ROTOR FOTORE «| jy [morons eterraco TYPE a omn| enfant | | ao ‘265 | 200 | 167| 10 | 326|475| 310| 0.7 |i90-t000| 190.270 | 22-4 | 3 ‘20 | 200205 | 13 | 226| 475] a40| a7 [190000] 130-270 | 22-8 | 78 ‘375 | 360 | 285] 13 | 907 |662) 427) 0.75 [190-1000] 270-550 | 224 | 192 “440 | 455 | 275] 15 | 425 [662 467| 0.75 | 90-1000] 270-550 | 224 | 185 ‘we deere hon feo as wen sana ine“ Wao Boca a Sansa Sees Son) NY We Wella BOUCHES DE DECHARGE ET DE CHARGE BOCCHE DI CARICO E SCARICO TRE A a D E F 265 150 14 120 225 320 200 14 150 280 375 250 14 180 335 0 300 18 260 400 Dimensions in a Sra AUSLEGUNG Py Se PORTATA / VELOCITA ‘The following theoretical diagram provides some general guidelines ‘on the typo of valve to be used, Bear in'mind, however, that the box load wil vary according to the type of material discharged and the rotatonal speed Thee standard speeds are avail able: 10/20/30 rpm. In adkition, the range includes. a range variator from 4 1922 rpm, sizing Given the variety of types, specific diagrams are not available for fevary material, However, here are some essential data 10 make & ‘correct choice easier: fa) The box load for powders ot similar materials is more or less 180% ofthe theoretical value and ‘optimum levels can be obtained ‘th valve rotation at 20 rpm )Low valve rotation means. jow ‘wear level, hus, you are work: ing with abvasive materia, iis preferable to use large capacity valvas which run at low speed. 9)The construction material de- pends on the type of material to handle ‘There are three basic types: 1) Non-contaminating materials ‘body - grey cast iron; covers - cast iron; rotor - east iron or steel 2)Abrasive products: body - ‘chromium or nickel plated east iron; covers - chromium for nickel plated cast iron; rotor - steel or cast iron with Vulkolan scrapers, 8)Corrosive products: body chromium ‘or nickel plated cast iron; covers - chromium ‘or nickel plated cast iron; rotor = stainless steel Das nachlolgende Leistungedta ‘gramm z0lgt dle theoretische Durchsatzleistung der. Modell Bo! der Auswahi des goeigneten Modes Ist jedoch zu. beactten, eB der Metenailgrad von der Drohzahi und vom Materia solbst abhangig sind. Mit Festantieb Sind die Drehzahion 10, 20, und 30 min’ feferbar, it Regelantoeb lassen sion. Drohzanlen von 4 is 22 min’ ereolen. Vato. min ‘Ses pm. /Unekstungan prin, | Vise ating / Duehestctstng Debt Porat Le diageamme théorique donne es indications sur Ie type dap parell @ adopter. en tenant compte du cosficient de remplissage qui fest variable en fonction du produit transport et de la vitesse de rota- tion I existo ois vtesses de rota tion de base: 10/20/20 toursimion- te: de plus i est prévu une version dotse d'un vanatour de vitesse dans une plage de 4 8 22 toursimi- rut, Fling Duerestteung DODR Porata AUSLEGUNG. Da nicht fur jedes Schotigut Dia ‘gramme erstal werden Kinnon, hier einige Purkta, die bei der ‘Auslegung zu beachten sind: a) bol Puvarn petit dor Fllgrad a, 0% des theoreticchen Wert und ist be 20 ‘min-t optimal 1b) da der Abriob bei langsamer Deena! goringer ie, be aba sven Produkton grofvolumige, langsam deenende Schieusen, die Wanl des Wierkstotfes ist fbenfalls vom Produkt abhi gig, wobol_ man grod drei Kategorien unterscheidet 1)Medion ohne besondere Eigenschatten: Gahause aus GrauguB, Endschilde aus GrauguB, Rotor aus Graugud ‘oder aus Normalstanl. 2)Abrasive Medien: Gehéuse ‘aus verchromtem oder ver- nnickeltem GrauguB, Endschit- de aus verchromtem oder vernickeltem GrauguB, Rotor aus GrauguB oder aus Nor ‘maistahl mit SchleiBleisten ‘us Vulkolan. 3)Korrosive Medien: Genduse ‘aus vorchromtem oder ver- hickeltem Graugu8, End- Schilde aus. verchromtem ‘oder vernickeltem GrauguB, Rotor aus Edolstah. pésIT/ VITESSE a) Le costficient de rempissage dans la cas de pulvéruant est pparell 8 approximativement ‘80% de la valour théorique et fojoint les valours optimales ‘avec une vitesse de rotation du sistibuteur a 20 toursiminut. b) A vitesse de rotation réduite correspondent les basses valeurs dusure, done en pre: ‘sence de matériaux abrasts i convient dutliser un astbu: feur a grosse cylindeée tour nant a pel vitesse. Le matériau de construction vane en fonction du produit transports qui est divisé en trois catagories fondamen- tales: 1) Produits fonte grise 2) Produits abrasits: Corps: fonte grise chramée ou nic kelée; Couvercles: fonte fgrise chromée ou nickelée: Rotor: acier ou fonte grise ‘avec bavettes en Vulkolan, 8) Produits corrosits: Corps font grise chroméo ou nic- kelée; Couvercles: fonte {rise chromée ou nickelée: Rotor: acier inoxydable. 1 soguente diagramma teorico cconsente una inaicazione di mas- ‘Sima sul tipo af valvola da adot tare, ricordande comunque che i coetfcente di riempimento @ vari- bile in funzione del materiale Scarioato © dela volock a rota Zone. A disposizione dellinstata Tore vengono poste tre diverse velecité base: 102030 givminu {o; inolve & prevista una versione dotata dl variatore con campo da 4 22 giiminuto, PORTATA VELOCITA "Non essendo possible, data la vastissina tpologi, ricavare dla {grammi speciit di lavoro per ogni ‘materiale ricordiamo alcun! dt ‘essonzial por una corrtta scolta 2) il coeteiente i riempimento nel cas0 di polveri 0. similari é fapprossimativamente uguale alf80% de} valore tooricico @ ‘aggiunge valor! ottmall con ‘una velocté ot rotazione dolla valvola par a 20 ginminuto, DIA basse valoat di rotazione Comispondono bass! valor! ai ‘sure, uind in presenza di ma- terial abrasiv risuta convenien- te adotare valvole ch grossa lineata con limtate velo ©) I materiale o costruzione varia In tnatone dol materiale a ta- porto ed & possibie sudcivide- ‘ela casista in 3 categorie fon- damental: 1) Applicazioni varie di materiali ‘non contaminsbili: Corpo: Ghisagrigia - Coperchi: Ghisa grigia- Rotore: Acciaio © Ghisa grigia. 2)Prodotti abrasivi: Corpo: Ghisa grigie cromata 0 niche- lata - Coporchi: Ghisa grigia ‘eromata 0 nichelate- Rotore: ‘Acciaio © Ghisa grigia con ‘bavetto in Vulkolan. Prodotti corrosivi: Corpo: Ghisa grigia cromata 0 niche- lata - Coperchi: Ghisa grigia ‘eromata 0 nichelata - Rotore: ‘Acciato inox. Paros yang) 8 CODIFICATION CODICE DI SCELTA oa. BB m 6 & 4 ’ 1 1 | pote aac Dieu eae ook aa 2 | auesser. |e veeureen 2 estou 2p oo | Ettee pore testa Mester Sipe po BB | to | rotteeperre. 10 tvesUmarohung oltrostow ler por gro m |omessee io veteton oleonor Deimoe ay | tr te mitfoorWlsokwAnaet ——_| aroma aro Re |fhitstindseomtnaice | Cavite dean ‘er Nea ‘Sito moma new BY | hiteutni Sweet omen St [Sout grans cw She Gara earae wa | [oumuve ‘Ceara Sonar exer Wie | Spector Neos ere nocsnes Yo fire one ‘Danslame 2 one soe opie! 3B |Zeu Sonn Sane nnne + eaten Stowe an Grae ‘one ome 2 |Setliies sw Siow astiooen faoe Soo. 3 |Sttownthacnst cons seed | Stine se Grwpe nt | ec ocntanterion | gh cn sowetct Stsahare soa wth soasn | reonsro Oren & | « [Scene Bhcecastadsanet ——|inorsot ewe wacatotemden | AGK04 conse cht pecs Obey | teres Setar oe Whoa vet a Viet 8 | Wtortos Shoncoret oe vie” tert a io 8 |S | Season aoe Seb un Prt Ste most emenco 5 | rues Sciebaa ne Teo torteser fee tote a ot | fotctteeseatios Scieposiey ue uneta | bones en NOXIOG Scie naar © | imoses Sh Saison covtorate coustete 1 [par eres see aanascungen hts nts te tenets 6 Standard sas Stand Abiehgen fone anders | crores boy Cau vce co rom er conta 8 |stats ay Goths Yon ech cue | Sap nome Soo ite y | é [seams Gree vrei Spa Stones © | Sacee Son Gos Szioe sae 15 | craniord ve tr Zara bent ‘tor pls arin ror ol sane 8 | Rete oe cr Zaoned peli ‘ard pls ates ‘wore aioe © | teopr ras Zatoresfoles cect [four tears ‘Sor tere 5 | Netehpred eae wr Fate vem cornea ees 11 | |Srontersutivenerte | Zotredwrcnemt orakone fsorscxre F |Teloromenicltedrar | ZateresTehorPtmhce mt |r ret ‘Sire chee epee © Jonaes tor rrr re panne 14 | sot sor Std Zoe lore asine sore AI04 ° | Sees esha bet OSM ae} eile a faqs Nese a aor UL Oly ESEMPI Di APPLICAZIONI @ stopiscHaRce @ oust COLLECTOR oIsCHARGE ‘SuoAUsTRAG [ENTSTAUBUNGSFILTERAUSTRAG EXTRACTION DE SiLos, FILTRES DePOUSSIEREURS ESTRATTORI DA SIL FILTRI DEPOLVERATORI © ‘BGA FLING STATIONS © FLExIBLe SPIRAL coweEYORS "BIG BAG" BEFULLSTATIONEN FLEXIBLE SCHNECKEN CCHARGEURS DE BIG BAGS" Vis FLEXIELES ‘uBNIP B16-BAG" COCLEE FLESSIBL! @ SCREW ConvEyoRS SCHNECKEN FORDERER ‘TRANSPORTEURS A Vis TRASPORTATORI A COCLEA + a Q

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