Heredity Unit Overview

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Heredity Unit:

Standards: 5.3.6.D.2, 5.3.6.D.3

Thursday 2/5/15: Introduction
o Vocab Terms Worksheet
o Trait Person
o Intro Video
Friday 2/6/15: DNA/Inherited Traits
Objective: Students will demonstrate and explain how variations
in DNA lead to the inheritance of different traits by comparing
and contrasting their dog from the A Recipe for Traits activity to
their classmates dogs.
o A Recipe for Traits activity
Monday 2/9/15: Inherited vs. Learned Traits
Objective: Students will differentiate between inherited traits and
learned traits by completing an activity where they assign traits
to the correct category: inherited or learned. Students will
develop knowledge of inherited traits by completing a survey
about their own traits and their parents traits.
o Categorization activity
o Inherited Traits survey
o Tree of Genetics activity
o Homework: complete Inherited Traits survey with parents
Tuesday 2/10/15: DNA
Objective: Students will demonstrate DNA coding by converting
their name into its DNA alias.
o DNA Brainpop video
o DNA Alias activity
Wednesday 2/11/15: Generations of traits
Objective: Students will demonstrate and explain how traits are
passed down through generations by completing the
Generations of Traits activity and responding to questions.
o Generations of Traits activity
Thursday 2/12/15: Punnett Squares
Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of genetics
and Punnett squares by completing a Punnett square handout.
o Punnett Square Brainpop video
o Punnett Squares worksheet

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