Email English/Tense Review

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Emailing Phrases - Tenses and Verb Forms Review

Put the verbs into the correct form in the gaps which are given. Some might not need to be
changed to be correct. Also, complete the unfinished sentences in a meaningful way.
1. I _______________________________(write) to you about the meeting next week.
2. Please phone us if you ___________(get) lost.
3. Heres the information that you ______________(ask) for.
4. I ______________________(attach) a Word document.
5. Any assistance you could give me with this matter ___________(be) greatly appreciated.
6. I __________________________(complete) it next week, if that is okay with you.
7. Im looking forward to _____________________(hear) from you soon.
8. I regret _______________________(inform) you that
9. If you have any further questions, please ___________________ (not hesitate) to contact us at any
10. I __________________________(not have) time to reply in detail at the moment, but I thought that I
should let you know
11. Im afraid I _________________________(attend) a conference overseas on that day.
12. I ___________________(arrange) to visit one of your colleagues on next Wed 25th March.
13. It _______________(be) a pleasure to meet you yesterday.
14. I _________________________(be) very glad to fit you in any time after that.
15. I ________________________(do) it as soon as possible.
16. How about ___________________(come) for a drink with us on Tuesday?
17. Im writing ___________________ (inquire) about
18. Im sorry that it ________________(take) me so long to reply to your email.
19. I ___________________________(like) to ask for some information about ...
20. I ________________________(do) it immediately.
21. ______________(give) my regards to John.
22. Im sorry _________________________ (tell) you that
23. I _________________(visit) one of your colleagues last Wed 25th March.
24. Long time no see. How ___________________________(you be)?
25. ______________________(get) back to me by Tuesday. (polite request)
26. The documents that you ____________________ (send) ________________________ (not seem be)
27. I _______________________(just receive) your email.
28. This is just a quick note __________________(say)
29. Hi Joyce. How _____________________________ (it go)?
30. If you could get this finished by Friday, that _________________(be) a great help.
31. Sorry for the delay in ________________________(arrange) this.

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