Lesson Plan - Theme 9 Lesson Five Feb 6

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Ashley Miller

Sayen Elementary School


People in our Community- Lesson 5

1. Standards:
RF.K.2a Recognize and produce rhyming words.
W.K.3 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single
event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in
which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened.
W.K.6 With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools
to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
L.K.2a Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I.
L.K.2c Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds
L.K.2d Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter
2. Objectives:
SWBAT- Compare and contrast a basic community to the community they live in
SWBAT- Collaborate with other students to represent a part of their community through
props, images, etc.
SWBAT- Practice vocabulary words, d words, rhyming words, and repetition aloud to
become more familiar with them in reading and writing
SWBAT- Learn and choral read a poem that uses our kind phrases and words

3. Materials: Smartboard, community map, map stickers, a coin, wipe off boards, wipe off
markers, Book with repetitious language, I Always Help Others poem, Community
building/helper cards (to split up students into groups)

4. Procedures:
Introduction1. Boys and girls, lets revisit a picture that we have discussed a few times this week.
The title of this page is Around Town. We have spent some time discussing the
different people, places, and things that we see on this page- but today we are going
to get a little more specific. We are going to discuss how this community is the same
or different from the community that we live in.
2. (Drawing on the Smartboard) I am going to use a T-chart to help us organize our
information. One side will be labeled Similarities and the other will be labeled
Differences. Before we begin, turn to your neighbor and tell them just one thing
that this picture has that is similar to our town, Hamilton. Take one minute to do this.

Body3. (Refer to Smartboard pg. 83) Okay boys and girls, eyes on me. Lets share our
thoughts and observations. Raise your hand, quietly if you can tell me a similarity
between this picture and Hamilton. (Repeat this process until we have about five
responses). Now that we have a few similarities, lets see what differences we can
point out! Raise your hand if you would like to share a difference. (Repeat until we
have about five responses).
4. Weve come up with a great list of similarities and differences! Hamiliton and the
community in this picture share a lot of things!
5. For our next activity, we are going to build our own community! (Place map on the
Smartboard.) You will each get a chance to come up to the board to place an item of
your choice into our community. Our choices are different buildings, street signs,
vehicles, etc. We will go in number order, beginning with number one! Please be
sitting quietly and paying attention to your friends as they add to our map.
6. This activity really shows us how communities can all be very different, but also
share some similar traits. Is there anything that our community is missing? I love the
way we set up our map! It looks like such a great community!

7. For our next activity, we need to work in two bigger groups. Im going to be handing
each of you an index card with either a community helper, building, or symbol on it.
Each of these cards will fall into one of two categories. Take 2 minutes to find the
other students who fall into your category.
8. Great job boys and girls! Lets have all the people with something police related on
their card sit at the tables on this side of the room and everyone with the school
related things sit on this side of the room.
9. This game is very similar to charades, has anyone played this game before? Im
going to flip a coin to see which team will go first. The starting team will send up
their actor (which will be one of the helpers for the day) to act out a vocabulary word
(chore, listen, community) for the class without speaking! Both teams will try to
guess the word. The team who guesses correctly will send up their actor to act out a
new word! We will participate in this activity for about ten minutes.
10. So far today we were great community builders and actors! I am impressed with all
of your work. Lets return to our spots on the rug for our next activity. When you are
in your spot and ready, please sit quietly and wait for my directions.
11. Thank you for sitting so quietly class! Lets review our letter for the week! Can
someone remind me what letter we have been working with this week? Yes, thats
right! Weve been working with the letter Dd. What sound does Dd make? Thats
correct- Dd makes the duh sound. Good job!
12. I will write a few capital and lower case ds on the board for the students to reference.
13. What I need you to do now is turn to your partner that you work with on the rug. We
will be working in these pairs to create some Dd words. I will be handing each pair a
wipe off board and a marker to log their Dd words on. Make sure to take turns writing
on the board. In a few minutes, I will be asking some pairs to share one of their words
with the class. This is a great time to practice our kind words!
14. I love the way _________ and ___________ are working together. I can hear them
using our kind words that we discussed this week. Keep up the great work.
15. One two three, eyes on me! Boys and girls, lets share some of the words we
discussed and logged with our partners. Raise your hand if you have a d word to
share with us. (Log d words on the smart board).
16. We have talked about this word a lot recently (point to dog) (pg. 85). Who can
decode this word for me? Yes, that correct! We have also spent some time this week
discussing rhyming words. Lets practice naming some words that rhyme with the

word dog. Remember that rhyming words have the same ending sound. Who would
like to start? (Name as many rhyming words with the students as you can. Assist
students who are still confused by explaining why a word does/doesnt rhyme with
17. Class, today we are going to discuss a new term- repetition. Has anyone heard of this
word before? Repetition means to repeat something that has already been said. We
can often find repetition in nursery rhymes including Polly Put the Kettle On. Lets
look at this rhyme together.
https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4061/4413129916_394607d4fd.jpg - Link to image of
Polly Put the Kettle On to reference. Read aloud and point out the repetition.
18. Another example of repetition can be found in one of our previous big books,
_____________. Lets look back at the sentences in this story and choral read
19. (Refer to Smartboard) The poem on this page is titled I Always Help Others. Listen
carefully as I read aloud this poem and try to follow along as I track the words. What
do we notice about this poem? Thats right! It includes some repetition! What phrase
repeats in this poem? Yes, I always help others repeats and is also the title of this
poem. Listen closely as I read it aloud one more time. Read the repeating phrase with
me each time it comes up!

Closing1. Boys and girls, we did a great job today with all of our different activities. We are
such experts on communities! Remember to always be aware of what is happening in
our community and to be a kind community member!

5. Assessment:
For this lesson, I will be assessing the students on their team work. We will be
working in many different sized groups during this lesson (whole class, pairs,
small groups, and larger groups). I will be closely paying attention and listening

in to their patience, ability to use kind words, and cooperation when working with
their classmates. As always, I will be assessing them on participation and effort,
as well.
6. Management Issues, Transitions, and Differentiation:

To avoid any management issues during the lessons, I will use different strategies
to keep the students attention and keep their focus on the lesson. I plan to use
phrases such as one two three eyes on me, Miss Miller says hands on your
head, hands in your lap, Miss Miller says freeze, etc. I will also have all of my

materials prepped beforehand to make sure everything is good to go.

Differentiation: for students who may need special assistance, I will work closely
with them while monitoring their group work. If I see that students are struggling,
I may jump in and guide them down the right track. If they have trouble reading I
will help them decode words. If they have trouble with the writing, I will
encourage them to use their best kid writing.

7. Self-Reflection and Evaluation of Lesson:

8. Comments on Lesson by Cooperating Teacher:

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