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Year 1


Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Artifact I: 5-Year Professional Development Plan

Career: Obtain professional-level job in housing as a Resident Director.
Career: Join university-wide committee to become familiar with campus
climate and potential opportunities available at the institution.
Mentorship: Seek out a mentor at my new institution that will connect me
with other professionals with similar interests and/or identities.
Professional Development: Become more involved in a professional
organization by attending a NASPA Regional Conference for the first
time. Build networking, collaboration, and leadership skills.
Career: Reflect on my first year in my position and determine how I want to
move forward and what changes I want to make in my practice.
Professional Development: Seek out more opportunities (either in my department
or on campus) to work on social justice, multicultural competency, and equity
training for both professional staff and students.
Mentorship: Seek out opportunities to mentor students, specifically queer
students and students of color either through conduct sanctions or involvement
with student organizations.
Professional Development: Continue involvement in NASPA by becoming
actively involved in the Knowledge Communities.
Career: Seek out opportunities to chair committees that focus on student
leadership or social justice, either within my department or within the university.
Career: Reflect on my experiences with different functional areas, or areas
where my skills can be easily transferred, and determine if I wish to seek out
opportunities outside of housing.
Professional Development: Collaborate with a colleague, either at my institution
or someone I know at another institution, and submit 1-2 proposals for NASPA
Regional Conference.
Professional Development: Continue involvement in NASPA Knowledge
Communities; seek out opportunities for collaboration and mentorship.
Professional Development: Seek out training on at least one technology/design
program (ex. Photoshop, In Design, etc.)
Career: Seek out opportunities that allow for instruction and/or curriculum
development, possibly a First Year Seminar/Introduction to College.
Career: Begin soft-searching for career opportunities that specifically focus on
multicultural education and programming, student leadership development,
and/or educational opportunities abroad.
Professional Development: Submit proposal for NASPA National Conference.
Professional Development: Connect with community organizations and resources
(profit or non-profit) that specific in education and could lead to possible
collaboration and/or career development.
Career: Obtain new role that specializes in multicultural education, student
leadership development, and/or education abroad.
Professional Development: Continue connection with NASAP and start building
relationships with those involved in ACPA.
Professional Development: Continue building connections with community
organizations; seek out opportunities to become involved in a project focusing.
Academic Development: Begin discernment process on the possibility of
returning to the classroom. Consider pros and cons of entering a doctoral
program or going back to receive a second masters degree.

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