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Child Study Movement


John Dewey

This study influenced Because of the child study

John Dewey was a student of G.
and inspired the movement, Lowenfeld was able
Stanley Hall. From the research of
thinking of
to develop his theory of the
the child study movement he went progressive education
stages of art development.
on to lead the progressive style of in the 20th century.
pedagogy that focused on childcentered learning.

Hall Sent questionnaires

to the Teachers and
parents of children
entering primary school.
From his findings, Hall
developed his theory of
child hood development
that mirrored Darwin's
theory of evolution.

Viktor Lowenfeld

G. Stanley Hall

This study revealed that

the way children
The child study movement
perceive the world is
was started in 1883, by G.
different from adults.
Stanley Hall. he was
It shifted the the focus
inspired by darwin's
of psychology and
publications of The theory
education on to the
of evolution.

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