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1. Company Information
Certified true copy of Business Registration / Form 24, 49 and M&A
Company profile including licenses, contracts, job orders, awards, quotas etc.
2. Management Information
Certified true copy of directors/owners Ics
Directors/Owners profile
Management's profile/Organization chart
3. Financial Information
Audited accounts for the last 3 years
Management account for the current year
Cash flow projections for the next 3 years
4. Banking facilities information
latest statements for all banking facilities with other banks or financial institutions (at least 6 months)
a copy of the letter of offer from other banks or financial institutions
5. Security/Collateral Information (if available)
latest valuation report and/or Sales & Purchase Agreement
Land search - if applicable
6. Business Operation Information
List of major suppliers and credit limits
List of major clients or buyers and their sales methods
List of machinery and equipment owned
7. Sector specific information (please submit for your relevant sector only)
7a. Construction Sector
Contractors license PKK, CIDB registration etc.
List of completed projects/contracts - supported by Certificate of Practical Completion
List of on-going projects and contracts in hand
A copy of project progress report
A copy of the Letter of Award for new/proposed projects/contract financing for projects
Details of the new/proposed project to be undertaken
A copy of summary of Bill of Quantities (BQ)
Project's cash flow projection
List of suppliers of building materials, machinery etc.
List of workers - local and foreign
List of sub contractors
For sub contract work, kindly submit main contractors profile
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7b. Manufacturing Sector

Production cycle flow chart
Particulars of employees, production operators/ shift workers - local and foreign
Factory details - owned or leased, encumbrances, land size, floor space etc.
Production details - types of products, production capacity per month, utilization rate, market size, market share etc.
7c. Trading Sector
Details of product traded/distribution/supplied
Source of suppliers
Trading and financial methods
Current orders requiring financing - provide the purchase orders (PO), Invoices, Delivery Orders (DO), etc.
7d. Service Sector
Details of the service provided
Particulars of labour/service providers - Local and Foreign
Details of current service contracts and engagements - kindly enclose the contract agreement
8. Any other supporting information/ documentation

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