Classroom Management Plan Tito Campos JR

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Classroom Management Plan

Tito Campos Jr

Classroom Management Plan

Tito Campos Jr
Fall 2014

Classroom Management Plan

Tito Campos Jr

I believe that the best way that students learn is by playing. If you can
integrate playing into their learning, they learn more this way because they
have their body in motion, to them it's a game to what they will be doing
when they will be actually be learning a lesson. I have asked kids what's the
best part of the day, the answer is usually playing outside or with friends. It
does take time to figure out a lesson plan that will go in hand with what is
tied to the core curriculum, but when you find a lesson and something that is
amusing and playful to the students, then you get engagement from the
Another way I think students will work better as they play is also using
manipulative. Anything that has to do using an object and having the use
this object in their hands gives them the control to steer the lesson. I have
seen many students learn this way from a simple item as a whiteboard and a
marker and they can visually see what they need to see to understand what I
may be asking them.

Classroom Management Plan

Tito Campos Jr

Preventive techniques
With my classroom my students will learn the classroom is made for
them and the classroom is and will be a safe environment for the student to
be in. In the classroom students will get to know everybody and become
friends with everyone so that way no one is left out when it comes to playing
with a fellow peer or when it comes to doing homework or projects.
My goal for my students is to make them feel like family within our
school and in hopes the students don't become enemies or carry hate with
each other. As a family does when it comes to having some good and bad
days, the students will have those days and will solve their own problem with
each other rather than having them come distant with each other.
Class jobs in the classroom will be rotated monthly so that each
student gets a chance to do a different job each month. The reason I will
have class jobs in the classroom is so that the student will see that there is a
real world connections by having them work and earn class money for our
class store. Just like a real job a student can get fired by not doing their jobs
as they should be and will have to earn and show that they want their job

Classroom Management Plan

Tito Campos Jr

Each morning the class will start off with a morning message on our
board and will have a message and will vary what it will say; a greeting,
team building activity rules (part of building the classroom into a safe
environment and a fun cooperative way students get to know each other),
correcting my writing that I have written incorrectly and math problems I see
that students are struggling with will be on the message board.

Classroom Rules
As a classroom students will get to set the rules the entire class has to
follow and these will be rules the class will get to agree on. The rules will be
posted somewhere in the classroom where everyone will be able to see and
the rules I will have that are a must are:

Respect others
Follow Directions
Take care of our classroom and school
Keep hands and feet to yourself
Dont say something you wouldnt want someone to say to you

Students will sign this contract saying that they agree to the classroom
rules by putting a colored thumbprint on a sheet of paper with a tree on it
and will decorate the tree by making look like their thumbprints are leaves
and be displayed next to the rules.

Classroom Management Plan

Tito Campos Jr

Good behaviors caught in the classroom will be rewarded by a variety of

ways. Things I have picked up in my teaching and see it as a useful tool with
the students are:

Behavior Charts
Class Marbles
Class Dollar
Positive Phone Calls to parents

Behavior charts will work like a clip chart. They will all start in the
middle, which is where they should be, but if they want to do better they can
preform better and set example for the classroom to see and this can be
demonstrated by students being honest, being respectful to others, being a
friend to someone who needs someone to talk to, be caring and many
variety of ways that can be seen as positive. Just like it can go up, the chart
can go down and it can move down by students misbehaving in class,
disrupting class, isnt being respectful to others, stealing and anything that
you would think is not a positive role model.
Class marbles will be a class effort and everyone will work together to
earn this reward. As a class they must demonstrate they everyone is
following directions, everyone is doing what they should be doing like
homework, staying on task and no one disrupting the classroom. Each time
they work as a class they earn marbles and the students have to work up to
a goal of an amount of marbles they will need to reach and once it is reach
they will vote which of the mystery cards they pick and each card will be

Classroom Management Plan

Tito Campos Jr

different and can range from extra time at recess, movie time, computer
time, etc.
Class dollars is the money the students will be earning in the
classroom. They can earn a variety of Dollars ranging from $1-$10 and will
use this money in the class store. The item in the store will be a variety of
toys, puzzles, anything I see that the students need for in class use, outside
time or something they can take home. There will be major item that will
range to actual expensive prizes like DVDs, Blu Rays, Pokmon Cards, gift
cards, but will be limited. The class store will be open every Monday and will
be run by a student so they can learn how to subtract money.
On special occasions with our behavior chart, when students reach to
the top on the positive side of the chart, the student will receive award card
letting them know that they did outstanding and will also have me call their
parent or guardian letting them know that their student has excellent and is
an outstanding student.
Classroom Arrangement
Tables are a must in the classroom and I will not have individual seats
for each students. Students need to work with other students because this is
how students learn best and depend on one another to excel in their learning
and just because its in their nature to socialize with other peers. Students
will be in the center of the classroom, my desk will be at the side of the
classroom, variety of books for the students on shelves, computers at the

Classroom Management Plan

Tito Campos Jr

back of the classroom, carpet area where we will have class meeting or a
place I will have my students transitions to.
Class Jobs
The classroom will have a variety of job for the students to complete to
teach them about responsibility. During these jobs students will receive class
dollars so that they can use in the class store. The students will get paid at
the end of the week for doing their job, but also if students dont do their job
they will get fired from their job and wont get paid. The jobs that I will have
for the students are:
Line Leader
Substitute (fills in for missing student)
Cubby Helper (puts in homework in students cubbies)
Center Helper (rotates centers)
Lunch Table Washers
Door Holders
(Any other jobs that come by will get accommodated for into the class jobs)

Supportive Techniques
Students will be encouraged to participate with the class learning.
They will know that when questions are asked that either right or wrong
answers will be accepted and that their response will be credited. The
classroom will be a safe place for them to make them feel like they can be

Classroom Management Plan

Tito Campos Jr

themselves without hiding who they really are and can be expressive in the
Keeping pace around as the teacher in the classroom is important so
there is a change for the student at what direction to look and dont keep
looking at the same spot in the front of the classroom. If I have to stop
student from talking with another classmate, I will walk in the area the
students are in and simply stand in front of them until they stop talking and
get back to the task at hand. If students interrupt the classroom or disrupt
me during my lesson I will stand somewhere were they can all see me and
cross my arms and stay there in silent and give the teacher stare to the
student who is disrupting the class or me.
Keeping time in the class is important and important to keep on task
and follow the schedule. The class schedule will be written at the front of the
classroom and will indicate what subjects will be taught at each time in the
day. A timer on my iPad will also work as a reminder for me that I need to
move along with the next topic of teaching in the class.
Keeping on task is important to me because I have to keep with the
schedule, I cant fall behind or at some point it will throw off my schedule as
the school year goes.

Intervention Techniques

Classroom Management Plan

Tito Campos Jr

As part of the preventive technique, I want my students to treat each

other with respect and as if everyone one of us were family, but if a student
decides not to go that route and needs that intervention part they will have
one on one time with me and discuss with me what the issue is and how it
can be resolved. I can easily fix any situation or problem the student has
done, but I would rather have the student problem solve the situation
themselves so that later on they dont depend help on the adult and can
work it out themselves. I will ask questions as to what the problem was, how
can you make things right, why did you do that, whats a better way to
handle it and anything to get the student to do any self talk.
If it gets out of hand their will be a teachers choice where the student
will miss out from any activates and think about what they have done. If it
gets to the point where the student doesnt comply, phone call(s) to the
parent or guardian will be made and will be addressed to what the student
has been doing. A student log of bad behavior will be kept for records as
well with a call log that has been made to the parent/ guardian.
In worst case scenario, the student will be sent down the principal if
the student is out of control or has done something serious like stealing,
physically hurt someone, anything crime related, but I view sending the
student to the principle office as a last resort, because I would like to handle
and deal with the situation myself before sending the student to the

Classroom Management Plan

Tito Campos Jr

I have worked with a student that has required a contract, it is hard a

time because the student still continued with his inappropriate behavior, but
with students we shouldnt give up on them and hope that they can see we
are feeling to help them out to improve themselves and stop the behavior.
The road to success is the contract used where students have to score a
certain score throughout the day. If the student meets or exceeds beyond the
required score the student receives a prize for the work her put on working
on their goal, if the student gets below the benchmark the note goes home
with the parent and looks at the score with the student.
One of the most important thing I believe is getting procedures done
because this is what the students will be doing throughout the year and you
need to role model everything to the teeth and as detailed as possible when
explaining to them what they will be doing.
Homework will be given each day at the end of the day or days that
homework is assigned. I will let students know when homework is due and
that some of the homework can be done with parents/ guardians if they are
having trouble. They will place homework in a folder at the end of class and
will bring it back the next day with their homework completed. The folder
will also take anything that needs to go home and stays home. There will be
two sides on the folder and will be marked for what item goes in each pocket.


Classroom Management Plan

Tito Campos Jr

Students will be allowed to the bathroom and I will have two passes in
the classroom. One pass will be for boys and the other for the girls; only one
gender at a time may go to the bathroom. They are not aloud to go during
my lessons, but when it comes to centers and small groups, they can go
without asking me.
Assigned Seats
Students will have their seats assigned before the first day and will sit
there. I will rearrange seating charts once a month so they sit somewhere
new. The way I will announce it will be while I take role and once I say your
name and they tell me they are here they will sit down on their spot and on
the other months they will do the same thing without complaining or
questioning (Charles, 2014).
Line up
The student who will be in front will be the line leader and at the end of
the line will be the caboose. The students will wait in line quietly and leave
the classroom quietly. They will be told running is not aloud, talking loud and
wondering in the hallways isnt allowed. Everyone stays together so we can
get quickly to our destination (Charles, 2014).
Students will get in line and have lunch bags if they brought food from
home and if students already paid for school lunch will wait in line. I will lead
the class to the lunchroom and the first day we will practice punching in the


Classroom Management Plan

Tito Campos Jr

school pin for those that paid for school lunch. They will talk with low voices,
will clean their area, put any trash in the garbage bin after they are done
eating and line up back to go back into the classroom.
Substitute teacher
On days that I am gone I will have sub plans ready to go and leave
detailed plans on what the substitute will do. The students will be told to
show the substitute respect and follow directions given to them, be helpful if
possible and telling him/ her where things are, follow the same rules as if the
substitute was me (Charles, 2014).
End of the day
Students will get their folders ready and place their homework inside
the folder to take home, anything else that needs to go home will be placed
on the side of the folder that is labeled take home. Once the student has
shown me they put where the items belong in their folder, they will be told to
get their backpacks, clean their desk, line up and follow the same procedure
when lining up, leave only when dismissed and tell their family members
about their day (Charles, 2014).
There are many procedures to list on here, but if something does come
up the students will have a demonstration on how it should look and what is
expected of the students and when it comes to procedures, especially in the
younger grades, it will need to be repeated and repeated the first week of
Communications with Parents/ Guardians

Classroom Management Plan

Tito Campos Jr

The first week of school will be the week I will ask parents to send me
any way I can communicate with them, either it be by phone calls, emails,
news letters, text anything and any way I can get a hold of them, I want to
know. If any communications is made with parents I will keep a log on ways I
have tried communicating with that parent/ guardian. The parents will also
have that access as well to communicate with me if they have questions or
concerns about their child.

Works Cited
Charles, C. (2014). Building Classroom Discipline.


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