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Fried Oyster Pancake

- It is pancake like and the oysters are
concentrated in the center.
- usually served with light soya sauce
with Sarawaks most famous
seasoning pepper to dip in.

Sarawal Laksa
- vermicelli in a thick soup made of
spices, lots of seafood, chicken and
sliced omelette

Sarawak Kolok Mee


Tomato KuehTeow
- made out of rice noodles served with
vegetables, chicken and seafood
together with a generous amount of
tomato based sauce
- saucy served with an array of
vegetables and meat
- A bit sweet

- delicacy made from flour, baked in
an oven
- eaten either with or without meat
and a special gravy
- it can be either in a crisp or soft

- unique to Sarawak and the Melanau
people who live on the coast.
- the limes used here are tiny
calamansi limes, which are lightly
sweeter than regular lime
- served with roasted sago pearls
sago starch that has been mixed with
coconut milk, rolled into balls and

Sago worm
- delicacy among the indigenous Melanau
people of Sarawak.
- The worms thrive on the fell trunks of the
Sago palm.
- The worms are eaten live, or just fried.
- To eat live ones, hold one by its head, pop
its wriggling body, tail first, into ones
mouth, then bit at the tip of its head, jerk
off its head, and throw away. Chew away!
- Its innards is creamy and tastes like rich
creamy toffee; no eerie taste or smell as
one would have imagined but full of protein.

3 layer iced milk tea

- Its three layers are often made up of
tea, evaporated milk and Gula
Melaka (Palm sugar) syrup.

Sarawak Kek Lapis

- can be baked in an oven or
- The batter is made of butter or
vegetable oil, milk and eggs, and
requires a strong arm or electric
mixer to be properly prepared.
- The baked cake has a high, firm
texture and the layers are fastened
together with jam or a similarly
sticky sweet ingredients.


Kaul festival
- Melanau annual "cleansing" when
traditionally, uninvited spirits and
other bad influences were escorted
out of the village by a flotilla of
- ceremonial offerings of food,
cigarettes and betel nut were set on
the Seraheng (decorated pole) at the
river mouth.
- is held to mark the beginning of the
fishing season in April

Pesta Benak ( Tidal Bore Carnival)

- celebrated in February
- during this festival, cultural shows,
- the events are exhibition, food fair,
karaoke competition, culture and art
- hitching a ride with the longboats and
watching the boatman braving the
- food fairs are organised

Baleh River Raft Safari

- exhilarating river safari battle that
begins with a night-long of celebration,
showcasing the Iban hospitality before
the race is launched the next day.
- An overnight stay in a local
longhouse offers participants a once-ina-lifetime understanding of the way of
life of the communities that call the
wild river their life-source and untamed
tropical rainforests their household.

- The rafting for the Mens Bamboo Raft Open

Category will start from Rumah Minggat,
Sungai Oyan, Mujong and stop for a night at
Rumah Naong, Batu Bansu, Baleh on the first
- The participants will continue their rafting
from Rumah Naong, Batu Bansu, Baleh and
end at Kapit Wharf, Kapit on the second day.
- On the same day, all other rafts in the Mens
Bamboo Raft Closed, Mens Freestyle Raft,
Women and Tourists Categories will begin
their journey from Rumah Naong, Batu
Bansu, Baleh and end at Kapit Wharf, Kapit.

Miri Jazz Festival

- two nights of four performances each
by regionally and internationally
recognised jazz musicians.
- with the vision of being the leading
music festival in the region while
promoting tourism to Miri and
Sarawaks northern regions.

Rainforest Worls Music festival

- annual three-day music festival
celebrating the diversity ofworld music ,
held in Kuching, Sarawak
- daytime music workshops, cultural
displays, craft displays, food stalls, and
main-stage evening concerts
- one of the largest musical events in
Malaysia with a total weekend audience
approaching 30,000.
- features a wide range of performances
from traditional music, to world fusion and
contemporary world music

Borneo Cultural festival

- a week-long celebration of food, music
and dances celebrating the diverse cultural
background of Sibu community such as
Iban/Bidayuh/Orang Ulu, Malay/Melanau
and Chinese.
- biggest tourism event
- Fringe events include trade shows, fun
fair and stage shows.
- annual event organized by Sibu Municipal
- free for the public

Gawai Festival
- falls on the 1st and 2nd of June each
- celebrated by theIbansandBidayuhs
- both a religious and social occasion as
this festival marks the end of the
harvesting season
- it is a festival filled with much singing
and dancing as they start a new farming
- It is one of the major festivals

- A month prior toHari Gawai,most of the

locals would prepare the often
ravedtuakor rice wine.
- made of glutinous rice collected from the
recent harvest mixed with home-made
yeast and is left for fermentation
- Langkau- another stronger alcohol made
by locals
- fermented tuak goes through a process
of heating and condensation before it is
being collected in a container.


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