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COURSE TITLE: Politics and Governance with Philippine Constitution




COURSE CREDIT: three units


COURSE DESCRIPTION: Study the rudiments of politics and governance as they

evolve in the tradition of modern civilization and as they shape up in the realities of
globalization.The course includes an introduction of the various forms of government.
A run down discussion of the 1987 philippine construction presented with much
appreciation to subtance, revelance, and importance.




OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM: The program takes as its sole and general
interest the analysis and understanding of politics especially the politics of the state.It
is a comprehensive field that includes courses in political theory and methodology,
public law, political dynamics, comparative gocernment and politics, public
administration, and international relations as specialized subjects. It deals with the
basic knowledge and understanding of the state, its principles and ideals, which
underlie its organization and activities, and also the association of human beings into
a body polity. It also covers the different theories, practices, processes and system of
nation-states as they strive to serve each others interest through the dynamics of
Foreign Service and nation-state relations.
The program will equip students with global orientation in analyzing and
understanding new world politics and order developing among them a high degree of
cultural understanding and sensitivity that would facilitate various types of
exchanges, agreements and ventures between government agencies, cultural
institutions and private enterprises.


A. General Objectives
By taking the course, the students are expected to develop critical and analytical
thinking that results to deep and high interest in the promotion of responsible
citizenship, develop a good sense of effective participation in politics and
governance, and promote positive attitude towards quality and responsive service in
B. Specific Objectives
By finishing this course, the students are expected to:

1. Understand the basic concepts, principles, approaches, and practices of

politics as an art and as a science.
2. Appreciate the function and role of politics and governance to development
3. Develop working knowledge on the origin, development and organization of
4. Learn and internalize individual and collective rights, freedoms, and
responsibilities of citizens under the supreme law of the land.
5. Acquire general information on government systems and policies,
government structures and programs, and political and constitutional
principles that guide the application of politics and governance.

A. Politics (7.5 hours)
1. Understanding Politics
a. Politics defined
b. Approaches to the study of politics
c. 10 images of politics
d. Essentials of politics
e. Men and politics
f. Power
g. Rule
h. Authority and influence in politics
i. Source of power
j. The isms of politics
k. The laws and logics of power
l. Is politics all dirty?
2. Politics and Globalization
a. Globalizations defined
b. The Cold War World
c. The Globalization system
d. The balances of globalization
3. Politics as Art and Science
a. Politics as an art defined
b. Politics as a science defined
c. Variables of politics
d. Political Science defined
e. What good is Political Science
f. Requisites for scientific study of Political Science
g. Uses of Political Science
h. Relationship of Political Science to other disciplines
i. The fields of Political Science
j. Concept of nation and state
k. Hard State vs. Soft State
l. Nation vs. State
B. Governance (4.5 hours)
1. Understanding Governance
a. Governance defined
b. Social Environment of Governance
c. Best Practices in governance

d. Mind-setting governance
e. Social Forces of governance
f. Relationships in governance
g. Prescriptions for good governance
h. 10 notes on good governance implementation
i. Good governance defined
2. E-Governance for Development
a. E-Governance defined
b. Importance of E-Governance
c. SMART2 of E-Governance
d. E-Goverment vs. E-Governance
e. Scope of E-Governance
f. E-Governance vs. I-Governance
C. State
1. State
a. Nation and State
b. Elements of the State
c. Acts of Government
d. Act of State Doctrine
e. Direct state action
f. State continuity doctrine
g. Right of the State
h. State as the Parent of the Country
2. Phillipines as a State
a. Citizens under the 1987 Constitutuion
b. Territory of the Phillipines
c. Sovereignty
d. Legal and Political Sovereignty
e. Territorial sphere of Sovereignty
f. Areas Covered by Military Base Agreement
g. Embassy Premises
h. Auto-Limitation of Sovereignty and suspension of the exercise
i. Right of Sovereignty and its effects, Republican Goverment
j. Governments under different regimes
k. Difference between Edsa Revolution I and Edsa revolution2.
l. Forms of Goverments under the Philippine constitution
m. Direct democracy and republicanism
n. Three major branches of Government
3. Manifestation of Republicanism
D. Constitution (3.0 hours)
1. Definition
2. Supremacy of the Constitution
3. Effects of Declaration of Unconstitionality
4. Essential Parts of Constitution
5. Kinds of Constitution
6. Characteristic of Good Constitution
7. Self-Executing and Non-Self-Executing
8. Constitutional Amendment and Revision

E. Powers of State and Government (6.0 hours)

1. Inherent Powers of the State
2. Major Powers of Government
3. Other Powers of the Three Branches of Government
4. Doctrines
a. Separation of Powers
b. System of Checks and Balance
c. Doctrine of Non-Delegation of Power

State policies and principles (4.5 hours)

Bill of Rights (10.5 hours)
Public Accountability (4.5 hours)
State Immunity (6.0 hours)



First Grading
Second Grading
Final Grading

(Class Standing x 2) + Mid-Term Examination

(Class Standing x 2) + Final Examination
First Grading + Second Grading

Where: Class standing is the average of recitation, long test, homework, term
paper, case solution and other outputs.


The methodology and strategies in the teaching and learning of the course must
lead to the developement and promotion of core competencies reflected in excellent
KSVA or knowledge, skills, values and attitudes of students. Thus, the following are
suggested important course work and activities:
1. Lecture cum Interactive Discussions
2. Focused Group Discussion Method
3. Book Review, Think Papers and Reaction Papers
4. Research-based Instruction Method
5. Question and Answer Method or Socratic Method
6. Case Study Method
7. Oral and Written Course Examinations
8. Individual/Group Research Assignments
9. Attendance to Relevant Forums and Conferences
10. Structured Classroom Reporting/Classroom Debate



Dannug, Roman R. And Campanilla, Marlo B. Politics, Governance and Government

with Philippine Constitution, c. 2003
Ayson, Florentino G. Fundamentals of Political Science, NBS, 1993.
Agpalo, Remigio E. The Study of Philippine Political System and Political Science,
Donato, Juanito E. Introduction to Political Science, 1999.
Bouviers Law Dictionary, Harvard Law School, 1982.
Bullock, Allan, et. al., The Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought, Fontana Books,
London, 1997

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